Talk with the police

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Ivan's POV

I woke up to the worst pain I've felt ever. My broken wrist was pounding like a heartbeat. I put on my glasses then I went to grab my Advil and other medicines but they slipped out of my hand and I hit it on the table.


?: *knocks* Is everything okay Mr. Martinez?

I: Yeah, I just dro-

I looked up and saw a police officer. I admit, I was a bit scared. My last encounter with the police didn't go so well.

I: I-I just d-dropped my p-pills

Cop: Oh well here you go *hands him his pills*

I: T-thanks

Cop: No need to be scared Ivan. I know about your past in Spain. You're not going to prison

I: O-ok

Cop: My name is Officer Tim and I'm gonna be asking you a few questions and you have to answer them truthfully. Is that ok with you?

I: Yeah

Tim: What happened at your house before you got kidnapped?

I: Um, well it was 2 in the morning. Me and my sister Sunny were the only ones home. I heard a loud bang at the door so I went to go see what it was. I saw someone at the door so I went back up the stairs and took Sunny in the closet. My brother Ruben told me to get the gun under his pillow just in case so I went to go get it. When I was getting it I heard Sunny scream so I dashed to the room. He had a g-gun to Sunny's head and th-threatened to k-kill her unless I put my gun down. So I put it down and he knocked her out. I tried to get to her but before I could someone knocked me out from behind

Tim: *writes all that down* Ok, what do you remember when you woke up

I: Well, I was blindfoand my hands were tied to a pole. I was in a really cold room. Chance came in and he took my phone from me and he hit me with a really big whip.

Tim: Anything else?

R: Sorry to interrupt but can we come in? We're his brother and sister

Tim: Come on in. Go ahead Ivan

I: I fell asleep and when I woke up Chance called my brother and told me not to mention where we were but I did. It made him angry so he grabbed a knife and stabbed me. I kicked him so he called 5 guys to hold me down.

Tim: Do you know the names of these guys?

I: Only two. Kade and Tristan

Tim: Ok, what happened after he stabbed you?

I: He grabbed a gun and *tears up*

Tim: Ivan, come on. I'm here to help you

S: Ivan, its gonna be ok. Alright? Me and Ruben are here and we're not leaving

I: O-ok. He-he gave me two choices. Kade tried to s-stop him but he threatened to kill them too.

Tim: What two choices did he give you?

I: It was either h-have s-sex with him or- *voice breaks* I wasn't ready to die

Ruben and Sunny sat in shock but soon got up to hug me. They hugged me tight but not too tight

Tim: I'm sorry that happened to you. If you're comfortable with it I'd like to know what happened after that

I: Ok. After he r-raped me I fell asleep again. When I woke up I wasn't tied or anything so I got up and started looking around. I heard a door open and saw Tristan. He said he was gonna help keep get out but then Chance came and he pretended he was beating me up. After Tristan left Chance came back and beat me up some more

Tim: That's it?

I: Yes sir

Tim: Ok well Chance will be going to jail for a while

I: Ok

R: Thank you Tim

Tim: No problem. You take care of your brother now and uh, tell your parents they've raised a brave and strong young man. He put his sister before himself

R: Yes sir. I'll be sure to tell them

Tim left and we talked. Soon the doctors said I could go home. I wasn't very happy about it but I knew I had to embrace it.

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