Chapter 20 : Date.....With a Surprise!!!!

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"Stupid stupid stupid...."

I can't believe I'm late , oh god help me , I didn't even find my outfit for the date and I'm really late . GOD!!... . What I should do !!!. Even mom is not here to help , if she was here she would fifty percent readying me and fifty percent bouncing , should I be thank full or not ?. I quickly ran to the bathroom to take a quick shower . Washing my whole body , cleaning my nail and teeth . I dried my self with towel while looking at mirror , making strange faces so I would know how I look when I met him . Wrapping my towel around myself and nodded to myself in the mirror , I quickly sprang to my room.


Oh My God . Seriously !, I can't believe I was blind while having eyes , I just ran into the closed door . I slowly turned the nob , while my other hand was on my nose . Frog!!! It hurts , I crossed my room to my dresser . Taking the hair blower out of dresser , but first I quickly texted Mei Mei for help . I placed the phone on the dresser and start the blower . A few minutes later I received a text from Mei Mei .

"Send me the pics of dresses!!"

I quickly ran to my closet and throw all the dresses on the bed that I bought at the mall , taking pictures of each one and send it to 'Mrs kung fu' .

"Non of them look good 4 the date, what about your 'prince charming'  dress!! ;) "

My 'prince charming dress ' , what she's talk- oh that 'prince charming dress' . Funny I didn't even think about it, oh my nerdness I'm such a horrible person , doesn't even remember the dress that he gifted it for me .

Ahh now I know why he gifted it for me , that clever fox !!! , he wants me to wear it for our date . Shaking my head while smiling. Few of my locks fall on my face , moving them behind my ear with my fingers . I paced towards my closet and took it out of my upper shelf . I ran my fingers on the smooth plastic which was holding my dress . Smiling to my self , will he like me in this dress.

Stupid of course he will , that's  why he gifted it for you but still what if I don't looked good in it then what.


I jumped out of my skin and quickly turned around to see Kakeru standing there , mouth hanging , eyes blown out of his socket .

There was a pin drop silence and then....



We both screamed our lungs out .

"GEETT OUUUTTT! !!!!"  I shrieked .

I threw the plastic beg on him which was I holding dearly for a past few minutes . I hit him straight on face .

He quickly ran out while he screaming.


I was soooo furious right now , how many times I told him to Knock!!!.

I quickly dried my self , I closed the door and start changing my dress . I then stand in front of my dresser mirror . I put some light lipstick and I little blusher and eyeliner , Mei Mei said these three are important and so on . Seriously does this girl spends her whole time on makeup?.

I combed my hair .

Beep beep

I ran to the window and saw the familiar mini jeep . I smiled , I took a last look at my self in the mirror. Good.

I paced down the stairs . Kakeru was sitting in a living room , looking bored as boar , lol .

"I'm going okay bye "

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