Chapter 21: The Announcement

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Tap tap tap

Kyoya was tapping her feet in waiting manner . She came early to school today , because she want to see Ryuga before class . She was leaning on the wall , arms crossed and was looking at ceiling . She was waiting more than ten minutes . The Bell will ring any minute now. She sighed. It was getting late .

"Geez, does he alway come this late or perhaps he don't come at all...maybe-"


She snapped out her thoughts and looked at where the sound came from . It was Ryuga!!, finally he came . Kyoya felt relief to see him here .

"Alright girl , go tell him , he won't bite cuz it's yours and you had the right to take it back "

She paced towards him , standing right behind him . Instead of saying something , she stopped and looked at him , his black shirt was wrinkling with his movements and she knows that he is wearing a white pants but didn't look down to see it , cuz if somebody saw her like this, they will think that she is checking his bums and will title her as a 'dirty bums checker' . Well no thanks, she's taken and she won't cheat on Nile. Memories of yesterday came back to her , she turned pink , the Hercules like body was still fresh in her memories and heck! , how can she forget , she saw it with her naked eyes . She heard the 'slam' of the locker .

Ryuga slammed the locker shut and turned around and almost hit the person , who was almost standing on his toes . But not some person , it was his Pixie.

"Almost walked over you , you little mouse!"

He held his bag-band that was sliding down from his shoulder . He looked at her , left hand in his pocket . She was really looking cute and innocent with her big blue eyes and slightly parted lips. Ryuga really wants to just grab her chin and smacked their lips together but he have to be patient and wait for the right moment .

"La-last night, when you dropped me home , m-my -"

"Toy?" He finished for her , smirking.

She quickly shook her head , she was turning pink , no doubt shy about the fact that she still buys 'toys' , which was amusing to Ryuga .

"No!, it's a stuff eh ah...puppy !!, yeah puppy" she explained .

"I threw it in my fireplace !"

Kyoya's eyes widened .

"What!!!" She exclaimed.

"It's in my car " he said nonchalantly and walked away , his back facing her .

"But I-" she was cut in mid .

"Get it after the school " he said.

Kyoya finally sighed in relief , her toy-stuff puppy is okay , it's not turned into ashes . She hard the bell shrieked and ran to her class.

It was a break time . The group made their way to the empty table and sat together. Trays filled with food . Nile and Kyoya were talking to their friends about yesterday's event . They asked how the date go and they reply it was very good . And God! , Mei Mei asked about the kiss in front of the group . Making Kyoya blushed harder . They all laughed .

Mei Mei was babbling about the up coming winter ball that was announced today . She wanted to go to mall Again !!.

Kyoya almost spit out her juice . She just shopped , like a Month ago . Mei Mei said that they didn't buy ball dresses , so that's why. Kyoya almost groaned in irritation.

"Buy something beautiful" Nile whispered in her ear . She looked back at him shyly and nodded. Well now she have to buy it , for Nile .

"So when will we do shopping! ?" Asked Laila .

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