Chapter 22 : Secret Santa !!

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Kyoya's Pov.

I stumbled through the crowd , pushing students out of my way carefully , cause you know if I pushed hardly ..haha..I think I'll be buried on the floor and made carpet for everyone to walk on .  Anyway I hope that group didn't get far away cause this crowd of students is suffocating me .


Seriously!! ,  today does everybody have to do a get-together out of all those days . And guess what my foot got squished under someone's weight, I hissed and jerked my foot away , only resulting in me slipping in the middle of the chaos . I yelped , not prepare for the contact ....

Wait a sec....

Why I'm in the air !?, why I didn't hit the ground !? And Why there is something around my torso . I swing my head to see a non another then Mr ' I'm-awesome' .

Ryuga pulled me up and then let go .

"Clumsy "

"Hey !!,  says the guy who don't have to push through the crowed to go where he wants to !" I complained  fixing my glasses , thank god they didn't slip away . I crossed my arms , ignoring the pink tint on my face . We were standing chest to chest because of the chaos in the background .

"Really ?, ....enlighten me little green hood " nonchalance evident in his voice . I huffed , ignoring his nickname for me.

"Well because he is a big peace of Meat!!" I snarked . He raised his eyebrow , he was quite for a seconds .

"You mean that bull , that all ways follows  the 'prince of Egypt' like a loyal puppy ?" He asked ....With distaste? .

Is this guy for real !? , I groaned , leaning my head back and then.....

I smacked my head against his solid chest and guess what ?....
It was really bad idea , my head was already in pain from the day and now this .

As soon as I knew what I was doing , I quickly lean my head back , I awkwardly fidget with the ham of my skirt , biting my lower lip . I looked at the  crowed , still they were buzzing like a bugs . I stiffed when I felt a large hand on my back . I shot my head to the left to see , seeing no one was from there and I turned to right , founding the owner of the hand . I looked at Ryuga confusingly .

"Um what are you doing?" I asked , fidgeting with band of my bag .

"Do you want to get out ?" He asked , not even glancing at me . I looked back at the mass . Sure I want to get out , as soon as possible , no need to worry about Kakeru , he can get out easily while kicking everything that comes in his way.

I nodded .

He pushed himself forward with me in the mass of students , his hand was somehow was like a fire that was burning me , because it's strange to have a person's hand that is  placed on your back , which doesn't belong to your boyfriend. And thank god no one was noticing me and a hand on my back which the
Majority of the school's girls would die to have it on their backs . A smile formed on my lips as I saw the exit and pushed through . I breath in relief finally I'm out . I turned to Ryuga , giving him a smile .

"Thanks for the help buddy! "

He just tsked at me .

I bounced on my heel and walked away . I was looking for the group which I didn't find the whole day . It's really bizarre , that a group who brought havoc , pulling pranks , eat like dorks and getting in trouble every time was nowhere to be seen . I huffed in frustration , I done all I can to find those twisted fre- .


As my frustration paid off , I looked at the group of chaos . Yup that's what everyone calls them , a group of chaos , you touch you burn . Lucky for me to know, I'll try to keep my distance if needed. As I pace towards the group , I saw that one of them is missing , wallah , it was the red head . I sighed . Okay how should I say 'hi' , it's not like I can't say hi , I can but at the same time I can't!. How can you say hi to a person whom got his butt kicked by my brother . I don't want to provoke them , and don't want to become their next target for their prank . I took a deep breath. As I was getting closer the louder the black head's  voices becoming. I winced , wow he surely is loud .

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