Meeting him

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My name is Rosetta, but my "friends" call me Rose. Everybody hates me at my school. I don't really like people except this one guy who doesn't even know who I am. Oh and btw his name is Dalton Louis Rapattoni I know I sound stalkirish. Oh and another btw I am 17 and live in LA. He is in a band called fly away hero I guess I haven't heard of them so ya. So today at school I got my phone taken away omg worst day of my life. After school I went to go get my phone and there was two of the same one and both off so I just grabbed one hopeing it was my phone. As I was walking I got a call from my number. When I answered it was a guy and he said "hey I think you have my phone". I said "no really I thought I had a banana " . He said "your funny". I just rolled my eyes "so where should we meet at the park or something" he said. " Sure whatever" but it my mind I was like wholly crap I just talk to Dalton Louis rapattoni! "Ok ok Rose calm down don't freak out" I said to myself "breath in breath out" I thought. So the next day I am are at the park waiting for my phone and I see the dreamy blue eyed blondie that I loved since kindergarten waving his hands. so I walked over there so did he. after an awkward silence he said "hey like her is your phone and my name is Dalton". "My name is Rosetta but you can call me rose". " Well then rose want to go out like tomarrow or something" he said all nervously it was actually kind hot. "Sure" I said and we exchanged numbers and went on our ways.

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