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Jeongyeon was on her way back home from the police station, it was about 10 in the evening. Today was wondrous. She was now a lieutenant. Cleaning up the streets of Seoul with her squad had been hard work but it had paid off. Crime still exists of course, despite what many may think, crime will never go away, every human are capable of good but also of evil. But right now their victory over the triad gang that terrorised the city for 3 years is the highlight. With her and her team, the gang leaders were either killed in combat or taken to custody, to be sentenced. The rest of the gang were scattered. But the rest of the police force are doing a good job of cleaning them up.

Jeongyeon felt proud of herself. She looked back at the hard work she has been through her entire career as a cop, the climb through the ranks. It was bitter work, but she managed to achieve it, clean and by the book. Just like how she likes things. Now she proceeded to look forward, of where her career would take her. Will the work and responsibilities be harder now that she's lieutenant? Or would it be easier. Either way, she knew she would tackle it the way she has always done. She has always been a woman of action, refusing to lead her men to danger unless she goes herself. She was so into her thoughts, she almost didn't notice the old woman crossing the road in the darkness. Jeongyeon swerved to the right and then slammed on the brakes.

Jeongyeon breathed in relief and got out on the car to check on the old lady.

"Madame I'm sorry I almost hit you." Jeongyeon said as she shined the flashlight on her.

"It's okay" the frail old voice sounded in the night.

"Are you okay Ma'am? Do you need assistance?" Jeongyeon queried as she got close to help her.

"Oh youth these days so respectful. I am okay." She replied as she quickly withdrew something from her pocket.

Jeongyeon felt rather than saw the syringe stabbing her neck and whatever was inside was injected into her.

"I've never been better, Lieutenant Yoo." the voice came from the old woman. Except it wasn't the voice of an old woman, it was a man.

Jeongyeon removed the syringe and tried to get back to her car. Wanting to go as far as possible from her assailant. She felt her strength waning, she felt sluggish and lightheaded. 

No. Not like this. Jeongyeon pleaded in her mind. 

She kept going and her perseverance paid off as she managed to seat herself inside her car and locked the door. But her luck eventually ran out as she reached for the keys, her body finally gave way and passed out. The last thing she heard were the horn of the car as her head dipped to the steering wheel. 

And faint... 


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