Chapter 12 - Recovering

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A broken piece on the pedestal.

"There. That was the speaker unit." Jeongyeon spoke before putting the gun back on safety. And almost removed the knife on her shoulder. Only to be slapped away by the doctor.

"Don't fucking remove it. You're going to bleed to death." Mina reprimanded. She stood up placed the unconscious Dahyun in a far away side of the room. She came back to Jeongyeon with the first aid kit. And started unbuttoning Jeongyeon's shirt. The cop stopped her.

"What are you doing?" Jeongyeon asked

"Are you telling me you've never been wounded in action before? We have to clean your wound. And your long sleeved shirt ain't gonna help us achieve that." Mina raised her eyebrows. "Don't be a prude I know it's probably for Nayeon's eyes only. This is purely doctor-patient matter."

"You're not even a medical doctor." Jeong replied. Mina knocked her head. "OW!"

"Just because I' m a psych doesn't mean I don't know basic first aid." she returned in exasperation. She started unbuttoning Jeong's shirt again, this time with no protest. Only an uncharacteristically blushing cop. Mina held the knife.

"This is gonna hurt by the way." And Mina quickly pulled the knife out



That was the image Nayeon woke up to. She was kicked in the head by Dahyun earlier leading her to black out. She saw the doctor cleaning Jeongyeon's wounds. Honestly she felt a little jealous. But she doesn't know first aid so she just walked towards them cradling her head.

"Hey you okay?" Jeongyeon asked. Nayeon nodded. She pointed to Jeong's face.

"You have a wound there."

"What?" the cop's eyes widened. She felt for the wound and sure enough she felt a wound running vertically from her cheek up to her brows. "Shit. Must be from the knife. I didn't even feel it and it's shallow."

"It's the adrenaline, Lieutenant. You didn't feel it because you were in the moment of danger so to speak. Only now that you're relaxed and someone pointed out that you notice and probably feel the sting too. Plus the pain from the bigger wound on your shoulder drowned the pain too." Mina explained as she finished bandaging Jeongyeon's shoulder.

"That makes sense. Sssshuh. Yeah I feel it now." Jeongyeon clenched her teeth. Mina moved on to clean that wound next.

After cleaning the wound and cleaning Nayeon's scratches, Mina moved on to wake up Jihyo and Sana next. Nayeon watched as the other two woke up. Jihyo with a busted lip, and Sana with a black eye.

"Dahyun hits hard." Jeongyeon stated. Nayeon scoffed.

"No shit, I'm still feeling everything up to now."

"Same" Jihyo massaged her jaw.

"Mmmm what happened?" Sana asked groggily.

"Well based on that black eye, Dahyun probably knocked you out with a hard punch" Mina replied.

"Dahyun... *gasp* where's she?" Sana panicked. Mina put a hand on her shoulder and pointed to where the pale girl was at. Sana frowned.

"No she's not dead." Mina answered the unasked question. "I hit her head with the pistol. If she wakes up still brainwashed, or her foggy mind cleared, I don't know for sure."

"I still can't believe it."

"Me too."


"Mi-tan" Sana uttered softly. Mina's eyes widened. "I'm scared."


"I remember you, yeah. I... my mind was just in denial. But the similarities are too close for you not to be my Mi-tan"

"Not anymore, Sana."

"I know. I'm sorry."

"It's in the past. And now's not the time for this."


Every conversation was interrupted as they heard a groan. Dahyun was waking up. Everyone observed as the pale girl gathered her wits.

Dahyun's body ached. Ugh I feel like I was run over by a train. As her surroundings cleared, she looked around and saw she was in a corner. Her eyes found the others... Oh. Her mind spoke, no words were needed for her to understand. The fact that she was on the other side of the room was enough. Not to mention, Jeongyeon's visible bandaged arm and everyone sporting a bruise or wound, especially... Sana. Her blackeye was fresh on her face.

Every detail of the tableau she's seeing was a twist in the gut. I... I've been used again. That goddamn phrase. She will never forget it. It was part of her. She turned away and faced the wall. Why me? I don't even remember shit. She really doesn't. Tears flowed freely from her eyes as she imagined what horrible stuff she must've done in her brainwashed state. Her body shook as images of what could the monster outside this box made her do. How does he even know? Is he part of the Black Lotus? Why can't they just leave me alone? She trembled... and stopped.

"Don't." She warned. She feels someone approaching her. "I'm a monster."

"You're not. You are a victim" Sana's sweet voice penetrated her hearing.

"How can you say that while sporting a black eye from me?" She replied. "I should be put down like the rabid animal that I am."

"Don't say that. If anyone here is a monster, it's the person behind all this. The one holding us to play this twisted game." Sana countered. "When we get out of here, we will bring him to justice. And you, maybe Dr. Myoui can clear your brainwashing after we get through this ordeal." Sana was hugging her now, and Dahyun felt powerless in her arms.

"You can't get out of here unless I'm dead." Dahyun cried in Sana's arms

"Yes we can"

"I'm a monster. I should be killed."


"I'm a monster" Dahyun continued her mantra. "I should be put down."

"You're not. You must be treated." Sana became her rational voice.

"I'm a monster." Dahyun continued repeatedly until her crying subsided, and breathing starting to even out.

"I love you, Dahyunnie. I'm not the most capable but I will save you from the true monster. Even if I die." Sana whispered to the sleeping girl, and wiped the tears from her peaceful face.

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