Chapter 9 - Admission

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Mina was still holding the gun in her hand. Chaeyoung was kneeling still recovering from her brief spat with Tzuyu. Tzuyu was silent, maybe a little surprised at the way Chaeyoung has answered her. Mina doesn't know what to do. Tzuyu has just attempted murder. But that doesn't mean she has to kill her.

"Alright." Chaeyoung got Mina's attention, head bowed. "Shoot me."

"What?" Mina was puzzled.

"I'll just come clean I guess. I thought I could hide it well. I thought I had escaped that past. But seeing someone... die for my crime... I can't live with that anymore." Chaeyoung replied.

"What- what are you saying.. That... ThatThat you're the murderer?" Mina was in disbelief.

"I mean. I don't know for sure. Like we have said, we don't even know what or who the man behind all this considers as a murderer. But I have killed before." Chaeyoung began. "It wasn't in defense either." She sat down, and hugged her knees.

"I had a girlfriend before. Her name was Jeon Somi. We lived together, we were happy. I was a newbie artist, simple painting commissions here and there. It was enough to pay the bills. She was an aspiring actress, like you, Tzuyu. She certainly wasn't perfect. But I loved her to the core despite the flaws. And I knew she loved me just as much if not more. She's a pretty caring girl. She even modeled for my paintings because I couldn't afford to hire models yet. As you can tell by now, I had a happy simple life until that one night 4 years ago.

We were walking home from the movies. We were laughing and talking. Until something hit the back of my head. Everything just went black. When I woke up, I did so to Somi's struggling and screaming. I found myself tied up to a pillar while she was on the floor struggling against her assailant trying to rip her clothes off. That night will be embedded in my memory for the rest of my life. The fucker had the audacity to look me in the eye while he raped the love of my life in front of me. The monster dared to laugh as I struggled against the bonds that had me tied. By the time I managed to break free from my ties he had already taken the shot. I managed to land a punch on his face before he ran away. But I was too late. He was gone. While Somi lay there naked and bloody in front of me. Blood oozing from her forehead where the man shot her.

After a few months of shutting myself off from everyone and mourning Somi, I eventually got off my ass and did something. I learned basic hand-to-hand combat. I learned weapon-handling from simple knives to pistols. I learned how to make untraceable calls. For months I hacked into online police records, just to find any trace of that monster. I even delved into the dark web, thinking that maybe he was a hired gun. And I was right. After calling many so called hitmen, I finally found a voice I recognized. It was him. To draw him out, I hired him to kill me. And to make sure she goes up close and personal, I told him to tell "Chaeyoung" that "Katarina sends her regards" before she kills "her". He fell for it hook, line and sinker.

After a few days, he finally found me. But I was already waiting for him. When he tried sneaking up on me, I immediately shot his fucking kneecaps and stabbed the base of his spine so he can't run away. That night, you could say I had become the monster I was hunting. I made him confess under recorder the abominations he has committed, especially the death of Somi. And of course like any other person under pain, he did. And I could tell you the things he did. But I fear it would take a whole day to list half of what he confessed. After that I stabbed the non-lethal parts of him, to let him slowly bleed out as I spliced out my voice out of the recordings I made. After that I made an anonymous tip to the police of a possible murder and left the area, leaving only his dead body, and the recording of his confession.

I didn't feel anything. No guilt, no satisfaction. No morbid happiness nor fascination. I was just numb. I was a monster. But I had nothing in mind that night. I tried to squeeze the information of who hired him, but apparently he valued the client's confidentiality over his life. But I did accomplish something, make him suffer and have my revenge. That's it. After that I got into painting again. Turning my nightmares into artworks. Turning my dreams to beautiful abstracts. I got a break and become a somewhat recognizable name in the arts. To the public, I was a mysterious white canvas, no one knowing what I will be next. But I know. Oh I know. In the back of my mind, my canvas is bloodstained."

Chaeyoung refused to look at anyone. The tears that poured when she started her confession has dried up on her cheeks. Her knees were weak. She's exhausted. But she had the courage to look up at Mina.

"If you're thinking, I befriended or got close to you so I could hide my past. Don't. After that night I have always lived a genuine life. Even when others trod on my feet, I refused to fight back. And in you I saw something, a life worth living. A person worth dating. A person worth dying for. Perhaps someone I could live the rest of my life with. In my short time here with you, I have learned to open up my heart again. But perhaps my past crime wasn't as escapable as I thought. The fact that I am inside this hellish box proves that." Chaeyoung explained. "So shoot me. I'm a murderer. With my death you guys could finally get out of here. Free to live the life that you want."

Mina tried raising the gun. And Chaeyoung closed her eyes.

"No. Shoot me instead." Everyone looked at where the voice came from. Tzuyu. "If she's a monster then what more am I? I didn't smear my hand with blood, but I might as well have."

"What are you talking about?" Chaeyoung asked, puzzled.

"I knew Somi. We were in the same league. But we were two different people. She was kind, I was rude. She was friends with everyone, I was not. She treated the staff like friends, I treated everyone like servants. I was naive, and a fool. A vindictive fool. I saw Somi as a threat. A competition. And so I had the notion that there wouldn't be a competition if only one person exists." Tzuyu admitted

"You called the hit on her." Chaeyoung realised.

"Yes I did. You see, I didn't know she had a girlfriend or boyfriend. I didn't know the hitman I hired was one of the most despicable out of all of them. All he told me was that Somi was dead, nothing more. And there was that." Tzuyu added. "When one day Somi didn't show up, I pretended to be as shocked as the staff. They didn't even know what happened. And I didn't know about the rape." Tzuyu finished.

Chaeyoung stared hard at Tzuyu. Absorbing the confession she had just made. She expected the pain, the anger. She even tried to summon it from the depths of her mind. But it never came. She was numb. She knew she's about to die. Her mind knows it. And she doesn't want to go raging against it, but peacefully accepting it. A closure to her tragedy. She just looked at Tzuyu.

"You know I told myself that if I ever find the bitch who sent the hitman after Somi, I'd beat them bloody and strangle the life out of them. But looking at you know. I don't feel angry. I just feel pity. For someone to spend money, get someone killed, just for their career. That's... Pathetic. And I pity you." she uttered.

Mina was still shaking. The gun in her hands were shaking. She is still in disbelief at the turn of events. She saw Chaeyoung as someone she could love as well. But would she kill her for her survival or would she risk their lives on the hope that they can get free without killing someone? Even though that someone is a murderer. She clicked the safety off and raised the gun. She pointed at Chaeyoung, and the latter closed her eyes. She changed the direction and pointed at Tzuyu, who almost gasped, but accepted her fate as well. Mina took a deep sigh. And clicked the safety on again.

"If any of you have the stomach to kill, take the gun" Mina offered the gun to the others, but no one moved. She shook her head and took the gun to the pedestal. She took the scissors from the first aid kit and tossed it to Jeongyeon. "Use that instead of the knife. I thought lockpicks need one straight rod and a hooked one? That scissor fits I think." She ordered. "Let's fucking get out of this place. I'm tired." she sighed.

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