Path 1 - Swim Through The Hole [1st out 3 Endings]

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"You can swim right?" Jeongyeon suddenly asked Nayeon who was waiting for her to say anything.
"Yeah... why though?" Nayeon asked.
"That water has to come from somewhere." she answered.
"I can swim... but I don't think I can swim against the current." Nayeon shivered.
"That's why we wait for the water in this room to be almost full, the current from the pipes will eventually stop." Jeongyeon smiled.
"That... kinda... makes sense?" Nayeon knitted her eyebrows.
"We can make it out, Nabongs"
"I thought you wanted to see this through?"
"We can't see this through if we drown."
"Then why didn't we join the others down there?"
"Because I didn't know you would join me on my stupid idea!"
"Oh so it's my fault?"
"That's what you were imp-" Nayeon was interrupted by a something covering her mouth... Someone's lip. Jeongyeon was about to pull back when Nayeon held her on the back of the head and kissed back intensely.

When they pulled back, the water was almost to their chest level.
"We can argue about stupidity later. We have to get out of here." Jeongyeon held Nayeon's cheek.
"I'd rather talk about something else... but yeah!"


Jeongyeon floated on the almost fully flooded room. Their heads were almost to the ceiling.
"You go first. I'll follow after 5" she told Nayeon.
"Don't leave me Yoo." Nayeon replied.
"Not on my life." Jeongyeon smiled back. "on 3, 1... 2... 3!"

Nayeon took a long deep breath and dove down and went through the hole.

1 Nayeon counted in her mind.





She looked backwards and saw Jeongyeon entering the pipe. So she swam through the seemingly horizontal path. After a few seconds, Nayeon hit her head on something. She almost laughed before she realised she needed her breath. She looked up and saw light above. Goddamn my girlfriend was right. she thought as she began her ascent. She looked down and saw her girlfriend beginning her swim upwards as well. Wait... My girlfriend? I mean... we kissed but come on Nayeon. It's not the time. She scolded herself. Survive now, flirt later. She remembered Mina's words... a few days ago? She has lost concept of time being stuck in this hell. And now I'm about to leave it. I hope Jihyo and the others manage as well.

She felt like she was near but her muscles are also aching. It feels like I've been swimming for hours. Her breath was running out as well. She looked down at Jeongyeon worriedly, and she saw the younger put her thumbs up. The fuck does that mean? Wait Nayeon focus! But she's feeling the strain of her muscles and her breath running out. Closer Nayeon, closer! You can make it girl. You... can... her vision blurred, her arms felt heavier than anything in her life. Come... on... Nabongs! She felt her control slipping, she felt so... heavy... like she was falling. The last thing she felt was a hand on her waist before her world went black.

The next time Nayeon woke up, she was coughing water with someone stroking her back.
"Easy Nabongs. You're okay." Jeongyeon whispered to her.
"Jeong! I thought I was dead." Nayeon almost sobbed in Jeongyeon's arms.
"Shhh! You're okay! I'm here." Jeongyeon hugged her.
Nayeon looked around. "Where are we?"
"I don't know. Some kind of water storage. Can you stand?"
"Okay let's get out of here." Jeongyeon stood and assisted her.
Jeongyeon pulled out the gun from her waist and shot the door lock twice. She slowly opened the door. And behind it... the outside world awaited. Jeongyeon sighed in relief and ran outside lying down in the green grass. Nayeon smiled at the younger girl. I can't really blame her. She followed Jeongyeon outside. The girl was laughing-crying and Nayeon has never seen nor heard something so beautiful and melodic.
"WE'RE FREE NABONGS WE'RE FREE!" Jeongyeon screamed while lying down. Nayeon just smiled at the cop and approached her. Jeongyeon took that moment to stand up.
"We're free." Jeongyeon kept repeating. "We're free. We're..." Nayeon was taken aback by the sudden pause that she stopped as well.
"" Jeongyeon whispered softly staring at... something. Nayeon wanted to know what caused the girl to stop and started shaking, but she dreaded what she would find once she turned. Nayeon gulped and slowly turned back towards where Jeongyeon was staring...

Nayeon's legs felt weak.


The text was written in what could only be blood, and next to it, were corpses hung on trees.

DAHYUN's chest has a stab wound on her chest.
MINA's throat seemed to have been slit, like Chaeyoung's
JIHYO's eyes seemed to have been stabbed.
and SANA... seemed to have been strangled by the rope that held her.

"NOOOO!" She heard Jeongyeon shout behind her. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO SURVIVE THAT! YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE ON THE SAFE PATH! YOU WERE MANY!" she lamented. Nayeon hugged the younger.
"We can't have known what happened, Jeong. You wanted to find out the 'why's. We can't have known" Nayeon tried to reason even though she was that close to breaking down as well.
"WE'RE FREE NAYEON." Jeongyeon cried this time.

"We're free.

but I didn't expect it to be this costly."


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