Chapter 8

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"Do you like it?" his tone seductive. "Do you want me to keep going...or to stop?" his thumb caressed slowly my stomach, and his lips were leaving small kisses on every inch of my skin. He unzipped my jeans and than stopped. Why did he stop? Noooooo,Adam don't stop! I opened my eyes and looked into his brown ones, his pupils were dilated making him even sexier. Gosh this guy will be the death of me.

"Wh..Why did you stop?" my voice was shaky almost like a whisper from all my emotions. A small smirk appeared on his perfect pink lips.

"I asked you a question and you didn't answer it" he placed his warm hand on my arm sending electric shocks through my entire body. What was the question again? I was concentrated on his hot kisses on me not on his questions! "Do you want me to keep going?" he lowered his body covering the moon light coming through my window.

"Y..yes.."I replied with a heavy breathing.Why the hell am I so nervous? Why isn't he nervous? He gave me a seductive look and pressed his lips to mine. At first it was more of a soft kiss and after couple of seconds it became stronger. I parted my lips and felt his warm tongue gently caressing mine. It felt like I died and went to paradise. His touch was leaving hot traces on my skin making my body shiver and begging for him. He slowly took my shirt off leaving me only in my black lacy bra.

"You're so beautiful" he kissed my lips, then my neck lowering his kisses to my breasts and stomach,the feeling that he gave me was so good that it made me arch involuntary my back letting a soft moan to escape my lips. Oh Gosh...I let another loud moan.

BANG!!!!! A loud noise woke me up from my dream. I gasped in need for some air. I stood up from my bed without turning the lights on and rushed to my window. I felt a little better from the fresh air that filled my lungs. Another loud sound came from outside. Stupid fireworks. Who makes fireworks at 2 a.m?! And who the hell has wet dreams with their hot classmates at 2 a.m in the morning? I rubbed my eyes in frustration and walked back to my bed, at least it was a very cool and hot dream.It sounded like a pun.Jesus, Lia, just go back to sleep. I fell asleep pretty fast and slept like a baby until morning.

<Oh, oh, oh Sweet child o' mine>

Ugh... I hated every single song that was set for my alarm clock. I just felt so irritated in the morning due to the fact that I was not a morning person but neither a night owl.I preferred going to bed at 10 p.m and waking up at 9 a.m. I made my every day morning routine: I made my bed, took a warm and relaxing shower,brushed my teeth, combed my hair, got dressed and went towards kitchen to eat my breakfast. My mom believes that breakfast is the most important meal of the day,so I decided not to skip it. My dad was seated on his chair holding his ipad. Jess was preparing the food and the little version of her, Emily, was playing with her toys on the couch.

"Good morning" I said looking at my dad who was apparently very busy doing something on his ipad.

"Don't pay attention to him, he's always like this. Especially on busy weeks. You can talk to him and he will not hear you." Jess smiled and placed a plate with pancakes and a glass of orange juice in front of me.Was my dad always like that? Busy...indifferent? I guess his job made him like that. After couple of minutes he placed his ipad on table and gave me a smile.

"Good morning,Lia" Jess gave me an amused look that said 'I-told-you-that-your-dad-is-weird-kind of look. "How did you sleep?"without mentioning that I had wet dreams about my new classmate..

"Good" I cleared my voice and sipped some of my orange juice. It was a short conversation...very short cause after that he turned to Jess and they started talking about his plans for the rest of this week. We finished our breakfast and dad drove me to school. As always I came too early. I guess it was better to come too early than to late. As I walked through the hall I saw that the library's door was open. The room was very big with a lot of books covering every inch of the shelf. The librarian was sitting with a small romance novel in her hands, it was Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. My mom used to talk about this book, it's her favorite but I've never read it before maybe because she spoiled everything.

"Hi, excuse me!" why in every library there's got to be an old librarian? "Hello!" I waved with my hand in front of her.

"I heard you,no need to be that loud,just let me finish this chapter" I guess she wasn't that deaf as I thought she was. "Ok, what do you need,young lady?"

"I'm sorry, I need Rome and Juliet " she watched me with a serious face.

"Do you even know who wrote it?" mmm,duh!

"Sure,it was written by William Shakespeare" her face creeped me out.

"3rd row to the left, you'll find there all of Shakespeare's books" she was so rude to me,she took her book and began reading again.I hate librarians,they're always so mean to everyone. I went to the left and looked for the left row when I saw a very familiar face.

"Hi, I thought that I was too early to school but thank God I'm not the only one"a chuckle escaped my lips. Adam turned his head to me with an amused look.

"Good morning to you,too" his smile gave me a flash back to my sexy dream with him. Gosh his lips looked so soft and kissable. Amelia Mcknight !! Since when do you have such thoughts? I cleared my thoughts and decided to start a conversation.

" You're looking for Romeo and Juliet?" I motioned towards the bookshelves.

"Yep, I guess you're doing the same thing,since we had the same homework assignment for our English class" I giggled at his words. Wtf, Lia! That looked so weird.Stay calm. "Finally" Adam took two green books from the shelf with gold letters on them which said 'Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare'

"Wow so fancy!" He gave me one of the books that he was holding. When I took it from his hand our thumbs touched for a second but it was enough for my body to get exited but Adam seemed pretty calm. Stupid hormones! We went to the librarian again to register our books, surprisingly she was very kind towards Adam and every time she looked at me she gave me a cold shoulder. Bitch! I took my backpack and we both headed towards our math class.

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Thank you for reading this chapter. I tried to make it as interesting as possible for you. While I was writing the dreaming scene I was listening to "The Score-Stay". You can listen to it, too, for a better reading experience!! <3

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