It's ok

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"Do you hate me hyuga?" His steps didn't scare her, it made her giggles "No, uchiha i really like you"
He woke up ,why did he dreamt of that memory,  he wasn't sleep, sleeping take hours and he only took minutes that wasn't a nap either. He called it an escape. Sasuke got up and walked out it was getting dark outside and he still had to visit the Hyūga. He didn't bother to change he just walked inside ignoring all the bowing servants who passed by him "uchiha-san" he checked her from head to toes she didn't look like hinata at all she had long hair yes but he could see that she was older. It was weird walking through the Hyūga compound he didn't know if naruto felt like this when he came here but he felt like being watched sasuke would look behind him to make sure no one was there, these cold, white eyes didn't help him. He almost bumped on the old lady when she stopped bowing to The older man (Hiashi Hyūga) the leader of the hyuga clan was standing not too far from them, Both of the hyuga approached him "uchiha sasuke come in" and then he lead the way to a huge room which overlooked the garden outside he took his seat and it felt awkward he couldn't leave he was staring at the man (why would he ask for my presence?) he was still confused he remembered this was the same man who was glaring at him at the gathering of konoha's council after the war but now the look on the old man changed it wasn't soft either they were empty but something on it changed, and he wondered if hinata really belonged to them. (She is different) he wasn't uncomfortable when she stared at him and her eyes at least looked... alive. Maybe that was the right word to the difference between her eyes and all the Hyūga's eyes. He watched as the old man stood (what's it now?) then he heard it behind the door "ehehe I'm sorry hinata-chan i came late i got lost" (hinata?) she was there, behind that door. "It's ok kakashi-sama" He wasn't ready, maybe no one knew it but her presence messed him up, sasuke stood tall and he didn't care if both of the hyuga were blanking at him (what do i do?) he thought she would be late, he watched the door opened and he was still glaring at the door, waiting for her lavender aroma to fill the room but it didn't..instead kakashi did he entered rubbing his head with his smile "sorry I'm late, oh sasuke you're here" he waved at his student who didn't returned it. Sasuke sighed his relief he stopped himself from tapping his chest to calm the noise inside, when he opened his eyes he looked at the blank stares he got and he finally felt the tension, kakashi was still holding his hand up waiting for his reply and the pair of Byakugan users were watching him. He hated those eyes but not hers, hers were different so he cleared his throat "i asked hinata-chan to prepare the tea have tried it sasuke it's the best" kakashi said after he took a seat next to the clan's leader he was grateful for his sensei's efforts to distract their attention from him so he didn't know what to do besides sitting back down, the door opened again and this time it was hinata, she was followed by a servant who held the tea. But that didn't matter to him, hinata was there wearing a white kimono and she couldn't be more beautiful, he finally knew the meaning of (breathtaking) it was true he found his breath stuck in his lungs unable to release it out or take more in he just found it hard. He was grateful again for kakashi when he squeezed his thigh "I'm glad you came sasuke-kun" and he just nodded holding his mouth from speaking his inner thoughts(I'm glad i saw you) he sipped from the tea she offered after he returned back to life
He was dragged out of the restaurant by her again he couldn't help but to remember Naruto's comment about them "you looked like her pet" and he looked back at him "says you, you chase after sakura like a puppy" after he said that the tension became heavy, Naruto was engaged to hinata at that time "it's ok, Shikamaru-kun" it wasn't but he already said it, it seemed that was the only word she could say to him and he felt ashamed every time she said it. "What's wrong?" Ino was staring at him with huge eyes "you ok?" He nodded his head, without pulling his arm from her grasp, he never did. "Ugh, I forgot" she rolled his eyes "what?" She threw her hair behind her shoulders "hinata asked me for flowers but I forgot so i have to go now" finally she let go of his arm "bye shika, got to go" he watched her running to the direction of her flowers shop and turned to where Naruto was.
"I can't go tell her i have a lot to do" he dragged his heavy steps to the hyuga mansion looking down, so he was going to hear it again he imagined her smile for him again "it's ok Shikamaru-kun, thank you for telling me" he sighed and looked up trying to focus on the way but this young lady in front of him didn't allow him to, her horrible voice scared even the passing by and he couldn't help but to frown, "i wish I could tell you how I dreamed of you~ and I wish i had the courage to hold you~" she really needed to stop "but that wouldn't wake me beside you~ because you're not mine and i will never be yours~" and then he had to interfere to stop the people's suffering "who wrote that song?" She looked back with wide eyes then a smirk "are you following me?" He shook his head with a smirk too "yeah, I'm a fan" and then he walked past her "Oh, so you really weren't following me" was she talking seriously? "Why would i?" She caught up with him and held his arm "I know you followed me a lot of times before" she was teasing and he couldn't denied it, because she was right he had to make sure she was safe, "it's not dark yet" he heard her giggles "so you're not denying it" he smirked "che, that would a drag"
He was looking at two directions only, the cup between his fingers ,or her direction and he was grateful for every time her father or anyone else spoke to who took her full attention from him so he was safe she wouldn't notice his stares. He appreciated the smiles in her face whenever she handed them their cups after she filled them, every time she would laugh at a joke kakashi said, focus on her father speech and when the door opened he watched her raise from her seat ready to stand but it was only Shikamaru, he saw the disappointment all over her face but she covered it immediately with a smile muttering to the male who just came "it's ok" was it? He will have to talk to his idiot friend,because those eyes shouldn't look that way, nor did she have to fake a smile. She deserved a real one ,and only hi.. sasuke looked at something else in the far corner to distract himself from thinking more, he just forgot all the promise he made to never think of her again and again he announced his defeat for the 10th time, he focused his gaze at the vase which was half hidden behind the nara ,and he finally noticed the nara who was staring back at him.
"Why are you here?" It came suddenly even to the future hokage "eh!! Sakura-chan!" She walked further inside the room "who else? Tell me why are you here?" He was making her more angry by that confusion on his face "the hell naruto even sasuke attended the dinner, even the hokage himself did, why didn't you?" He knew what she meant the first time but he was trying to avoid it even though his failure was clear from the beginning he still tried because he was Naruto Uzumaki And because she was Sakura Haruno she insisted "I'm escaping hehe" he rubbed the back of his head sheepishly "why?" He crossed his arms pouting because he knew what was coming "I may or may not fought with hina—" and then there it came the punch he was expecting "how can you even yell at her when she was the only person who noticed you when no one did" and she stormed out leaving the poor guy rubbing his cheek "that's why I'm escaping"
When they were seated at the dinner table, Sasuke glared at the person beside him, he couldn't find any other place? "Disappointed?" Sasuke only glared harder ,he had hoped that the person who was sitting in the other side of the table would sit beside him ,but he forgot he was Sasuke Uchiha the person who had the worst luck ever. "What brought you here nara?" Shikamaru sipped before answering " I could ask you the same thing uchiha, don't you think you should be prepared?" For what? Did he forgot something.. his heart almost fell at his own thought, did he meant their wedding ..her wedding? and he looked up and for a second his eyes caught hers, and it was like everything around them vanished the place, the sounds, even the people. These few seconds felt like hours and he was scared when she smiled (did she hear it too?) the noise inside him couldn't be denied and he was ready to admit his failure because this thing inside of him, was beating hard inside of him it felt as if it was going to come out from his chest jumping to hers and he wondered if his own heart was beating to keep him alive or was it beating for her. Sasuke almost active his sharingan at the annoying person beside him "What?!" He watched the nara following his eyes which landed on the hyuga who was busy with her chopsticks "i was talking about the mission" that added to sasuke's confusion "what missi— oh" he remembered it "it's a very dangerous mission even for you sasuke" (is she coming too?) was what was bothering him he didn't want her to, he hated the idea of that mission there was a lot of Hyugas why her? What if he lost her?..sasuke raised his eyes to her again she was busy serving their food, what if he can't stand at her door anymore? Or worse what if he had to visit her.. only in the cemetery.. his heart fell deep, so deep that the noises he was afraid she would hear were no longer loud they had faded, he almost stood when she did and he watched her leaving the room..slowly, he didn't want her to step out of the door he was scared that she wouldn't come back so he snatched his hand from Shikamaru's and left.
Well he already regretted it, he shouldn't left the room because now he was lost and he couldn't ask anyone for directions so he just walked through the hallways and stopped i at a small garden in the middle of the mansion full of a lot of white flowers and few other colors, they looked beautiful under the light of the moon sasuke's eyes looked up to the moon and remembered the reason he left the room.. he was afraid, afraid of her leaving soon without being able to tell her anything, without knowing how much she meant for him, he was afraid that he would miss the day he would tell her how much he loved her smile, her face, the way she dressed, her small figure, the way she walk and the way she talk, that he would miss to tell her that he loved her nervousness and laughed she shared with him maybe her height too, he was afraid that he would miss to say I love you to her. "This was my mother's garden" and as a miracle she was standing right beside him with a smile and he fought himself from holding her in his arm "Father and hanabi-chan go to the hyuga cemetery to visit her but I don't" he wondered if she hated her mother but it was impossible "I talked to her here, because I believe if she would rest somewhere it would be here" he looked at her and she smiled back at him before looking again at the garden"Mother" she spoke louder this time "I hope you're doing well, do you see who I brought?" Was she talking about him he knew the answer when she stepped closer to him "it's sasuke-kun , sasuke uchiha" he didn't believe in these things but somehow he felt nervous as if her mother was standing there for real "i told you about him before, do like him?" The confusion disappeared and instead he felt curious what did she said he wished her mother was really there so he could see what kind of expression she had maybe he would take a hint "what did you say about me?" He couldn't keep it inside him but her smile to him made him forget about his curiosity "it's a secret" well that wasn't helping they both stared at the flowers in front of them each of them lost in their own thoughts under the moonlight in this dark empty garden "why were you avoiding me?" It came suddenly and he wasn't ready for it so he kept his lips pressed watching her laugh "you don't have to take it seriously, i was only afraid if I did something" he was about to jump at her denying it "I have been thinking about this for days now and I couldn't find the reason so i asked" she looked at her palms "it felt lonely without you" she muttered hoping he wouldn't caught that but he did "i came to your house but you didn't answer and i had to use my Byakugan" she smiled again to him "I'm sorry i did that" she stepped closer to him "when i came inside the room i was really happy to know that you were there but it looked like you wanted to be anywhere but there, even when i looked at you ,you poured your anger at Shikamaru-kun" she rested her palms on his shoulders to gain his attention "so whatever i did I apologized, so don't avoid me again i hated it" she was about to turn and leave but again he couldn't keep his mouth shut "hyuga " he didn't want her to leave feeling like that "you didn't do anything" she turned to face his back "it's me, I'm the problem here" he remembered when she was about to go inside the room " you might not know" how missed up he was "but i had to pick my breath twenty-three times before entering a place i know you're in it" he wanted to stop himself but he couldn't "and i had to fix my appearance every minutes to make sure I looked suitable to be looked at by you" he was wondering which expression she had on her face but he couldn't turn "and I would make you see that I didn't care while i was watching every move you take" he was wondered if her mother could understand him "hyuga" he didn't received any answer "even though you're few feet far from me i couldn't help but to feel how far you're" he was gathering the courage to turn but failed "the worst is that I didn't mean the spaces I meant myself" and he finally turned as the air blew his hair he heard her gasp before she excused herself.
"Hyūga" their eyes were on her "truth or dare?" He watched her nervousness and it amused him he didn't care to hide it as he smirked she looked up at him..that smirk offended her, challenging her to pick dare even though she wanted truth so hard but she had made up her mind and frown "dare"

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