Another lose 2

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Hinata was facing a wall full of flowers, most of them were white. But she wasn't taking care of them singing her mother song. She crying in the ground like a child. Another lose in her life, another one left her and she felt cold knowing that she wouldn't see her father again, she wouldn't smell his tea when she step inside their home, hinata was standing back in his last moment in this life without saying anything she was standing back afraid that her thought would be true, telling herself that he just needed a doctor and he would heal fast and come back home and be her father again, now she was regretting not visiting him a lot, and she cried and cried until her throat hurt but that didn't stop her from crying hard, she needed someone anyone to hold her shatters and made them whole again, she needed to go back in time where she stood behind hanabi watching her father closing his eyes forever, he looked peaceful like a soldier who came back from a war and went home to rest. Every muscle in his face loosened. But she wanted him back to be her father in this cruel world hinata looked at his picture refreshing all  these beautiful memories she had with him and she cried every time a memory came new to her head so she turned not wanting to face anyone she walked out of their compound to wherever her feet take her.


Sasuke couldn't believe this, he was sent to have lunch instead of naruto or that what he thought, they were seated together with people from another villages came too they were discussing the future of all the villages and the development they could do he looked to his left sai was writing whatever they said , ino was called suddenly to go back and he wished that he was the one who was called , he looked behind gaara and saw Rin the girl who had been bothering him this whole times even last night in the dinner


Gaara had invited them for a dinner and they were all seated around this huge table "take this you will like it" he ignored her but she poured the liquid in his glass and he just glared at her he didn't want to ruin this for naruto or else he would walk back to the village alone, wasn't enough for her that she came in his room to inform him about the dinner she had to knock and say it from behind the door and leave but she had the nerve to walk inside his room and tell him and there she was again in his left whispering to him the names of everyone here and what he should do and what not at least she was useful this time and he wondered if she could be more useful "when are we going to leave?" he asked out loud that all the people in the table turned to him he fixed his gaze into this rin until he heard a laugh from an old lady across the table "why the rush? Do you have something to do?" another person stuck his nose his business "maybe he was tired after all" he wondered how did his question turned to be their biggest joy then a third one spoke and the forth one followed "maybe there is someone waiting for him" "ohh, a woman?" he decided to shut them all "ah, I have someone there waiting for me" silence fell on all of them and sasuke could see the disappointment on the girl on his left, what did she hope for? He was giving her only glares and treated her like she was nothing and yet she still had hope? Sasuke got up from his seat "now if you will excuse me" he turned and left to his room.


"hinata=sama isn't here, hokage-sama"

That what ko said when he asked him about her, he looked back at hanabi she was standing there in the front of them all with mask she wore to hid her emotions, and he knew that she was screaming inside that she her tears never stopped inside but she chose to act like a clan leader so her fellow wouldn't feel weak he walked out heading to the hokage's building to inform all the village of their great lose but in his way he looked to the building where his best friend lived and he wondered (how was doing in there?) did he played the role well of being the hokage's replacement? Naruto was about to turn but something caught his eyes and he narrowed them to see clearly, there in the third floor was sasuke's hawk, he was confused why the hawk was there instead of the hokage's building  "che, baka" he walked to the hawk in the third floor and held it taking the message from it>

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