As an escape

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He was waiting for her to reject him hopefully nicely. Even though he expected that she would after all he couldn't help the pain inside him why though? What did he expect? She was from the very beginning chasing after Naruto not him and soon she would be his wife after few months. He should have prepared himself when he had time, he should have stayed away from the beginning but he couldn't, he didn't want to stay away and he knew the consequences so why he was feeling like this? He wasn't ready? "I can't avoid you or keep myself away from you" everything he had in his mind disappeared what was she saying now? He wished that his sharingan could read her mind to see what she had inside that head of hers, she was dragging him from a loop to another leaving him without answers but not this time "hyuga, what are you saying?" He really wanted to know what she was talking about ,she laughed quietly when she remembered her sister's words long time ago "look if you have someone dear to you someone who is a special person to you just tell them how much they meant to you, tell them you love them and that they are a huge part of your life" that was her words when she decided finally to confess her love to Naruto, but why she remembered that now? She looked at the person in front of her, she didn't know how or when he got close to her, he wasn't a friend like kiba or shino but she do like him. What was he to her? It was strange to her, he wasn't like any other  she didn't want to share what she felt for him with anyone else it was like this feeling suits him and only him. He confused her a lot he was so close to her and yet he was the furthest. She remembered when he was avoiding her in these gatherings they both shared but in the end he would come and walk her home, she wanted to understand this connection she had with him she didn't want to stay away from him she wanted to learn more and more, but she got no answers ,and the night before he gave her a hint and she couldn't sleep the night without figuring it out and she ended up with two answers one of them is what she made sure it was the right one so here she was apologizing again to the uchiha in front of her "I always felt and knew what i felt, loved someone and knew who i loved, knew this is something I feared but ended up jumping on it, I knew what others think of me and the people whose surrounding me felt pity, jealous, love, support i knew what everyone felt for me" and she stared deep in his onyx eyes "But not with you" she said it with whisper "you always confused me leaving me with my doubts" he could see Every emotions she had through her eyes with every word she said "and you know did the same thing last night, you said your words and left me again with doubts and I couldn't sleep" he felt heat raised to his chest how could she say it out loud like that?didn't she know how weak he was "and i was so scared of what I thought-" he couldn't take it anymore so he cut her speech again "get to the point" didn't she know how much her words were heavy on him ,she laughed to cover her embarrassment "forgive my babble sasuke-kun, my only excuse is that I'm very honest when it comes to you and transparent to the extent that i feel when I talk to you as if i were talking to myself, i feel comfortable to talk only around you, do you the meaning of being my only escape?" Did she knew how weak he was against her ,maybe because how deep she had been inside his poor heart that she could effect him by only words, Her words was his greatest issue in life, she could put him in war and peace in few words. He shouldn't be proud of himself.
"Gaara, Kankurou And Temari Are coming but idk when" Shikamaru didn't open his eyes he only sighed this was his only peaceful time he got and now it was ruined by Naruto he was trying to let this unknown feeling that suddenly came up to sink deep in their hidden place. "Oi, I'm talking to you" he opened his eye and stared at the tall male beside him "So?" Naruto scratch the back of his head thinking about one reason for telling Shikamaru the news and he found nothing "so i was just telling you if you forgot to get ready or something " Shikamaru closed his eye again back to his peaceful moment "No you were only bored" he could hear the noise Naruto made as he laid beside him he always make a noise in whatever he is doing "I didn't thought I would be laying down under the sun like you" Shikamaru thought about Naruto's words before he said his " we all need an escape from everything "
His features as he looked deep to her were like a wall she wanted to look through it, to what behind it she wished her eyes could see through people... and she didn't want to look away. It was like every time she was with him she have this small excitement inside her sparkling the empty place and Sasuke Uchiha was the reason for these sparkles, suddenly she felt saddened as she remembered his words, then she took a deep breath making her decision "I'm sorry sasuke-kun that I couldn't see it, i was selfish for thinking only about myself without thinking about you too But.." sasuke was losing his patient by now he was confused by her what she wanted to say he didn't understand anything.. but part of him was relieved she wasn't rejecting him he didn't want know why he was happy but he was.. and he had to remind himself that this person in front of him who he had been head over feet for wouldn't belong to him ,his life wasn't that perfect to have her in it, that would be a miracle so why was he still trying?
"I want to be someone close to you, someone who you like being with... someone like sakura-chan" she whispered the last part looking down and he noticed the pink shade on her cheeks and that was a pleasing  to him, she stood suddenly walking to the lake without facing him "I have always found the comfort in talking to you, I wasn't afraid to speak or afraid to be judged by you but i didn't know that i went too far I'm sorry sasuke-kun" her short hair was flying with the air even though she was standing she was still too small ,he finally understood her she thought she was a burden to him ,he was still the same admirable Sasuke Uchiha from the academy she was looking at him as if he was out of her reach as if he was .... too good for her. He wondered what would be her reaction if she knew that she already had him.. That he was fully her. Couldn't she see it in his secret stares, in his offers for her, in his life. She was his only escape from his nightmares, the glares of the villagers ,from his own world. But why would he drag her to his mess. "But I really don't want to avoid you" she didn't hear his steps behind her as he walked to her "Hyuga" his deep voice sent shivers all over her body ,she turned to meet his eyes and she just realized how tall he was her head was only reaching his shoulders "I've been broken many times would you still find me  one of the closest?" He was trying to push her away to let her live her dreams "It's ok there is a broken part in everything that what make the light find its way inside and you will find yours soon" (I already did, but I can't have it) his light was shining right in front of his eyes but he couldn't own it "you're making it as if i were confessing to you" she was covering her smile with her palm to cover her cheeks too "I'm just saying that i want to be someone close to you " then she raised her hands as a defensive way "Of course not like sakura-chan less than that and more than being only a friend a little more" what did she want he couldn't understand but if she was thinking that he and sakura had a thing then she was wrong he took a steps as he chuckled "talking about her that reminded me of something follow me hyuga"
He could see the sun hiding to let the dark spreading all over the purple sky and he hated that moment because he had a duty he needed to attend to it was the only time he missed the blonde Uzumaki. Shikamaru stepped out of the building and took a deep breath but before he released it he saw another blonde waving at him "helloo~ shikaaa" she was the only one who called him that, he felt a little embarrassed at the beginning but she wouldn't stop anyway so "what are you doing here?" And as always she locked their arms and started walking "I'm going to met the sand Shinobi with you can't you see?" She held the bag which had a colorful flowers inside it and he finally noticed she was dressing nicely, white shirt with light purple skirt that reached her knees and her hair "it grew" she had the longest hair between them all she let it fell until it reached her thighs and he could figure the faint of makeup she had on he was the only male who had  seen her like that once "sai-kun too is coming you know" his eyes found hers again "why?" She looked confused for a minute "Because he is joining the mission as well" he remembered that ino would be joining too but she would be in the next group not with the first as sai "then why are you coming with me now?" She got closer to his ear whispering her reason with the intention to tease her teammate "Because I wouldn't let you meet her alone you need me shika" and she giggled letting go of his arm and walking ahead leaving him behind struggling with so many thought "Temari would be there too you know" he looked at the female ahead of him ,if he was someone else he would misunderstand her but he knew that she didn't want him to struggle alone she was there as his escape from his past feelings  that if he would

Note: There is a hint in the whole story about the ending of it, Can you know what it was? And thank you for reading and your sweet comments it really made me happy.

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