Chapter 4: Broken Hearts and Shattered trust

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(Y/n) P.O.V

After class I walked with Cloe she was showing me around all the places at the school. After my tour of the school lunch came rather quickly. I walked to the lunch room to see everyone with there friends.... just great. I got my lunch and was about to sit at a lonely table until I hear my name called by Mabel "Hey (Y/n), do you want to have lunch with us?" She said sitting with her brother and two other girls. One of the girls had black hair round glasses and a green long sleeved shirt with purplish pants and black slip on shoes while the other had brown hair that was pulled up in a ponytail with a pink shirt with purple pants and pink shoes. I looked back at Mabel smiling "Sure" I sat down beside Dipper.... I could have sworn he tensed up. "Yo Dip it's just me chill" I teased him earning a small blush hehe that's cute.... wait what? "I-I am c-chill" he stutter out "I-I am c-chill" Mabel mocked laughing "Shut up Mabel" he glared at her only for her to laugh more. Lunch soon finished and we started walking Mabel and her friends I soon learned named Candy and Grenda all had class together. "Soooo Dip Stick... what class you got?" I asked breaking the silence "I have English" he said smiling "Oh cool me to" I smiled at him "R-really?" He said awww the adorable stuttering to- wait stopppp brain why do you keep doing that... "not my fault" I thought "what?" I asked back in my head "Hey it's the writer not me" I said in my head "Writer??" I asked out loud getting a look from Dipper I smiled awkwardly.

Dipper's P.O.V

"Writer??" I heard her say I looked at her weird she just laughed god she's cute I give up on hiding how I feel I can trust her... I think. "Hey (Y/n)" I seen a girl walk up in between me and (Y/n) "Oh hi Cloe" she greeted now seeming annoyed by the girls presences I just gave a small smile as waved. The girl looked love struck after I did that... "oh god please not another Gideon" I whispered loud enough for (Y/n) to hear she giggled. (Y/n) waved goodbye to the girl as we got to class while leaving she was watching me "god she's kinda annoying" I heard (Y/n) breath a sigh of relief now that she's gone "Yea she's kinda creepy" I said as we walked in class sitting next to each other

(After School)

Me and (Y/n) walked out of school together laughing at what happened in class. Mabel walked up to us smiling like an idiot "oh god what does she know" I thought. "Heyyyyy" She said "Hiya Mabel" (Y/n) greeted "Hello" I said eyeing her "I have great news" Mabel announced "What is it Mabel" I asked a little excited "THERES GONNA BE A DAAAANCE NEXT FRIDAY" she screamed holding out the A in dance.

(Y/n) P.O.V

"THERES GONNA BE A DAAAANCE NEXT FRIDAY"Mabel screamed holding out the A in dance "Oh god" I thought remembering the last time I went to a dance. Let's just say.... it was an experience that I never wanna live again. "Do you have to go to it?" I asked giving Mabel a look "Well you don't have to but... (Y/n) you gotta comeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeee" she begged and how can you say no to Mabel. I sighed saying "Alright what time is it Friday?" She grinned "8:00 PM but you will come to our house to get ready!" She said then running after her friends... this is gonna be a long week.

(At home)

"Mom! I'm home" I call into the house it was oddly quiet. I walked in and looked around and couldn't find her anywhere I then seen a letter that read

"I went for a job interview there is money in your room you can go out to eat. I Love you hun!
- mom"

After reading the letter I shrugged walking to my room to find the money while looking I seen a familiar (F/c) stone on my desk. I smiled as I got the money and walked out of my house. I walked to the diner I went to when I met the Pine twins it was called "Greasy's Diner" I didn't notice that before. The waitress named Lazy Susan took my order "I will take Pancakes and some Tea please" I said smiling at her "Anything else" she replied looking at me intensely "No that's all" I said looking down "Okay" She said walking away. After getting and eating my food I decided to go walk around the woods to see if I can find that thing a seen that night.

Bill's P.O.V

She's looking for me well.... what she seen but it's still me! I can feel my heart fluttering... why? She's just a stupid human flesh bag... right?

Mabel's P.O.V

"Dipper! What are we looking for I wanna go back to the Shack to work on my dress for the dance!" I shouted. We have been running around the woods looking for god knows what! "Mabel we have to find Bill before someone else does" he said I just rolled my eyes "Can't this wait till after the dance it already waited a few years" I said running in front of him "No" he blankly said. I heard what sounded like walking but it wasn't Dipper. "D-dipper I think someone else is out here" I said running to him "Mabel no one is out here.... but just in case let's go back to the Shack" he said looking around. I was looking down following Dipper when I hear Dipper groan. I look up to see him and another person on the ground (Y/n) what was she doing out here. "Oh my god (Y/n) are you okay??" I said running to help her up "yea I'm find" she said looking dazed. I offered a hand to help Dipper up he shook his head getting up on his own. "(Y/n) what are you doing out here alone it's dangerous" Dipper said with a worried expression. "God there so cute together" I thought. "Um nothing I just wanted to come for a walk" she said smiling sheepishly "Well we are going back to the Mystery Shack want to come?" I offered just getting a look from Dipper "Ya sure but one question first..." she said holding a book close to her. The book kinda looked like the Journal.... but it was solid back with a (F/c) heart on the front. It looked hand made it was cute. "What's a Mystery Shack?" (Y/n) asked. I looked at Dipper with him returning my stare before we grabbed (Y/n) arms in pulled her in the direction of the Shack. When we got there her face got a hint of excitement and confusion "This is the Shack??" She said run towards it Dipper snickered at her enthusiasm over the old Shack "Yea it is" I said running over to her with a Dipper trailing behind us. "Wow... I think I have been here before" she said before she realized covering her mouth. Me and Dipper exchanged a look then looked at (Y/n). A argument started but then (Y/n) said something we didn't expect. Tears in her eyes Dipper started to apologizing but she cut him off "I-I gotta go" She said running away. "Dipper...." I said not looking at him I couldn't. I walked in the Shack to my shared room with Dipper.

(Y/n) P.O.V

I ran, ran in any direction but near them. He had the nerve to do that to me.

(At the Shack a few minutes before)

"Wow... I think I have been here before" I said thinking back to a trip I took here with my family one summer. "Wait I thought you said you've never been to Gravity Falls" Dipper said giving me a disappointed look "I haven't... Well I mean I-i have b-but it was only a-a t-trip with my... um never mind... there not important" I stuttered Dipper give me a death glare mixed with sadness and an extreme amount of hate. "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST TELL US! WE ARE YOUR FRIENDS (Y/N) YOU SHOULD TRUST US!" Dipper yelled at me it broke my heart tears started running down my face. He didn't know my past he knew nothing about me except what I told him. "BECAUSE DIPPER IT HURTS TO TALK ABOUT!" I yelled back "YEA OR MAYBE YOU WORK WILL BILL! YOU SEEMED TO KNOW WHO HE WAS AT THE DINNER!" Dipper said triggering something it hurt so much... but what. Mabel was just standing there looking at us you could see in her eyes this isn't the Dipper she knows. "THEY DIED" I yell having enough of this argument "There gone... and now it's just me and my mom" my voice was just barely heard. "(Y/n)..." Dipper said putting out his hand I just backed up "I'm s-" I cut him off "I-I gotta go" I said running off.


I was still running my heart racing it was getting hard to breath. Oh go no please not right now I kept running but I tripped. I collapsed and everything went black.
Bill: *Appears out of nowhere* Well Hello human flesh bags we meet again.
Me: Bill! Why did you make me break the 4th wall! It wasn't cool now Dipper thinks the reader is crazy.
Bill: Well... that's not my problem it's yours.
Me: God Bill your such and annoy Brat!
Bill: Aw is someone tired and need a nap.
Me: *Pouts* yes
Bill: *Rolls eyes and snaps his fingers* Good night Flesh bags!
Me: Goodnight Bill *hugs a Bill and Will plushy*

Hello my lovely Readers! Sorry I left y'all on a Cliffhanger lol .I'm not sure what I'm doing with life anymore hence the little thing I put right up there ^ anyways new chapter on Tuesday. Don't forget to comment and vote! That's all for now. Byeeee!!!
- N.C

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