Chapter 20: A Tad Bit Strange

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(Y/n) P.O.V

After getting the group we all went back to the mystery shack but Bill was no where to be seen I know he was okay though. I took this as an opportunity to meet up with Pacifica "Hey I think um I'm gonna go look for Bill" I said walking to the door "I will be back later tonight if I find him" I was walking out before anyone had a chance to protest. I quickly texted Pacifica and told her I was on my way to her house when I got there the gate was already open and her and the girls where waiting for me. We said our greetings and walked into the woods which was weird and unlike them Pacifica smiled as we came to a clearing "Where is he?" Pacifica questioned looking around "Sorry I'm late" I high pitched familiar voice said walking into view what I didn't expect was that it can from Gideon. "Oh hello" he said smiling at all of us until he seen me "What is she doing here?" He asked eyeing me suspiciously "She's with me she's part of the group" Pacifica turned around and flipped her hair at him grabbing my arm bring me towards him. "Pacifica?" I looked at her with worry in my eyes "If he touches you he's dead so your fine" she spoke calmly "Gideon do the thing to summon him" Pacifica seemed unfazed by the book Gideon pulled out he opened up the book that held a picture of my favorite demon. Gideon took a red marker and crossed out Bills one eye he then sat eight candles around it "Squareangulum, entangulum. meteforis dominus ventium. meteforis venetisarium!" He yelled everything froze and turned black'n white a light shot up through the picture burning it the light lasted only a second then disappeared. "Well, Well, Well if it isn't Gideon Gleeful" I a distorted monotone voice said before he looked around at everyone here then his eye landed on me "MY DEAR!" He yelled rushing to my side hugging me. He snapped his fingers and in an instant a man that had purple hair and eye appeared. He had an eyepatch his hair fluffed in his face a bit, he had on a nice white shirt and a purple sleeveless tailcoat. His bowler hat floating just above his head and umbrella floating beside him. I hugged back happily "Your really here" I thought "I really am he spoke muffled in my hair "Wait you know him (Y/n)" Gideon questioned I gave smile and nodded "He's been in my dreams" Pacifica and Gideon looked at each other "Let's make a deal" Pacifica outstretched her hand "You live in the mortal world with us but you have to" she paused for a moment think and Gideon grabbed Tad and whispered in his ear. Smiling Tad shook hands with Pacifica and Gideon, Pacifica agreed without even knowing what she agreed to suddenly everything was unfrozen and was in color. Sure enough Tad Stood beside me giving a happy and polite smile "(Y/n)! Now we can dance in reality like in your dream!!" Tad shouted excitedly grabbing my hand but he seemed lost and not himself "M-maybe later" I stuttered looking down "If this is all you needed I have to go get my stuff from the Pines house and get home" the silence of no one speaking was eerie I stared walking away no one talking at all this was bad very bad! I started running until I made it back to the Pines residence I walked inside and looked for Dipper and Mabel I found them playing mini golf in there room "(Y/n)!" Mabel cheered "Hey" my voice was quiet as I packed my stuff quickly "Are you okay?" Dipper placed a hand on my shoulder he sounded very concerned "Yea I'm fine but I gotta go" I ran out of the room not giving them time to say a thing. When I got to Bill and I's house I walked inside and looked for him it was really quiet I made my way to his room when I opened the door Bill was standing up packing things in a bag he looked at me he was almost shaking. "Bill what's wro-" I got cut off by him hugging me and placing a soft kiss on my lips "(Y/n) will you be my girlfriend?" He said after pulling away a blush appearing on his face even thought his serious expression didn't change "Yes" I said connecting our lips once again. This time the kiss was rough but passionate soon it deepened but he pulled away he smiled putting his for head on mine. "I'll be gone for a while but I'll comeback soon I have to find someone I will be in you dreams each and every night until I come home" his voice was soft and broken he looked scared and sad "Please be safe" I barely whispered "I will... you be safe to I love you" he hugged me tight and I hugged back. Tears streamed down my face as I looked at My demon all dressed up as always his hat floating above his head I took in all his features as if it where the last time I would see him. Once again he connected our lips this time the kiss was quick and soft "I will see you tonight" he said snapping his fingers vanishing I sat on his bed and hugged a pillow after a while of crying I got off the bed and wiped my eyes. I went to the bathroom to wash my face I looked at myself in the reflection but something was off my righ eye was yellow like Bill and had a small back triangle around the iris. After I washed my face I went to bills room and rummaged though his drawers looking for an eyepatch after not finding one I sighed giving up going back to my room on my night stand was a eyepatch with a letter underneath.

"Hi my love,
Sorry about the eye I needed to do it to keep you safe I promise I will explain everything when I get back... also if I were you I would wear the eyepatch now that you seen it and know that it's there everyone can see it!
Love yours truly, The Amazing Dream Demon Dorito Bill Cipher! "

I smiled at the letter as a sat it down I picked the eye patch up and put it on covering my eye I looked different but felt the same what could go wrong?
Hello my wonderful readers I hope you are enjoying the story so far and hope you will continue to enjoy it to the every end! That's all I wanted to say so byeeeeee!

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