Chapter 25: Deal Makers

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Tad's P.O.V

I looked at the camp of the boy and his father. They where talking about a woman "I miss her Dad" the boys voice was hoarse as he talked "I know Matt, I miss her too" Matt clenched his fists at his sides "WHY DID YOU HAVE TO WORK WITH FORD!" He screamed. A sigh left his dad's mouth "I didn't know this would happen, None of us did!" The man sat down coughing up blood. He was getting worse, being stuck in the remains of Bill's demintion with little food, no water, and dysfunctional air. A place like this could kill any mortal man.


I walked along the edge of the forest wishing I had some bread. While walking I passed (Y/N) house it seemed hushed and empty. I snapped my fingers appearing inside. I witnessed my beloved key sitting alone, a picture book with her. A woman and young girl in most of the pictures. Some had the man, boy and woman but the little girl was no where. "Don't you think it's strange?" I called out, her head jerked our eyes meeting. "What are you doing here? Didn't I tell you to leave me alone?" Venom laced in her voice. I raised and eyebrow grinning "Your real parents didn't want you, but Bill did" I tilted my head slightly "Why do you think he stuck around? Do you really think he loves you? Your just a pawn to him! He's a demon with now limited power" My humdrum voice dropped an octive lower "Your real parents new something was different that's why they gave you up, but you returned to the place they tried to save you from" The fake story leaving my mouth like a beautiful song. "Your a key and nothing more to Bill, but (N/n) dear, I can make you great! I can make you a queen of my perfect world!" I outstretched my arm "Won't you join me? I can give you memories Bill never could, I can protect you against all his doings"

Bill's P.O.V

"He's crazy, worse than me! I hate to admit it but he's even stronger! He won't stop until he destroys me and takes over the world. Dipper, Mabel, I know none of you trust me but please make a deal with me... I have to be strong enough to fight him TO SAVE (Y/N)!" I ended up yelling slamming my fists on the ground. The twins stood in Shock looking at me, who would have thought the worlds most powerful demon would be kneeling down to twins who almost destroyed him begging for help. Mabel sat down next to me "I'll do it, not for you but for (Y/n)" Mabel's voice was calm but cheerful. "Mabel before you make any deal with him let me get this straight-" he pinched the bridge of his nose and looked at me "- Tad is crazier and stronger than you, and befor he came to earth you made a deal giving (N/n) to him if you got to destroy his dimension, but! You left to go find your own so you could get more memories to find out if (Y/n) really is the 'key' and seen that his dimension is still 'perfect' by his terms, and after finding out you seen his planet he rewind time and tried to make everyone forget what happened? So technically he can't have (N/n) but he's trying to make it seem like he can. Am I missing anything?" Dipper asked eyeing me. After hearing it all back by a mortal it really did sound crazy and impossible but I shook my head "Bill has lost it, but what if he's right Something is off about Tad." Dippers thoughts where frantic "Dipper please I know you, You understand that something is very strange about Tad, If he gets (Y/n) to pull him through the gravity falls weirdness border then all the weird things in gravity falls can get out and Tad can take over the world" I've never thought I would care about a mortal or there world but here I am. "What's the deal Cipher? I'll make the deal Mabel isn't" I sighed and shook my head "Protect (N/n) and keep her from helping Tad in anyway she can while I try to destroy him" I put my hand out for him to shake "And what do I get in return?" He put his hand out but not shaking my hand "You get your world being the same, and your family... look I can't have that the closest thing I have anymore is this place and (Y/n)" A smile spread acrossed Dippers face after I said those words. Our hands connected and the deal was made. I felt a surge of energy and power course thought my entire body. "Bill!" A familiar voice call out a seen (Y/n) standing right in front of me "Deals off" was all she said. I watched as she walked away back towards the most normal house here in town that belonged to no other than Tad Strange. He has already convinced her to join his side it won't be much longer until they try to leave. I suppose this means let the fight begin. The strongest will be the one to prevail.

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