Special Chapter ❤ (LAST CHAPTER)

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Bill's P.O.V
*One Year After The Ending*

I walked all around the house making sure all of the decorations where put up before (Y/n) came home. I snapped my fingers only to remember my powers were gone. I quickly thrown roses to the floor and set up candles on the floor leading to the kitchen. I waited at the door for my girlfriend to get home from the mall with Mabel when the door opened I seen a beautiful girl walk in. Her hair was down and slightly in her face. She had on a black skin tight dress that she was still able to move around in. It had a split up the side with red designs in it and a red choker. "H-hey!" She said waving a bit with her face turning bright red I smiled and bowed. I put out my hand and she took it I led her to the kitchen that was set up with her favorite food. There was a candle sitting in the middle of the table. Her smile was so wide as she view the seen before her after the table was an empty space so we could dance. She hugged me and barrier her face into my chest "I love it bill it looks amazing!" She cheered from her spot in my chest. When she finally let go I pulled out the chair for she to sit and she gladly did so. We talked and ate having such a nice time. Staring longing at my girlfriend a fond smile made it's way to my face "What's the smile for?" She chuckled "I have a question" I said standing up "Hm. Okay what is it?" In a swift movement I knelt down and pulled out a ring "Will you (F/n) (L/n) marry me?" Dumbfounded she cracked a half smile before yelling "Yes!!" I let out the breath I was holding slipping the ring on her finger.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V
*Day Of The Wedding*

"(Y/n) hold still before I accidentally stab you in the eye!" Mabel yelled stressed as she attempted to finish my mascara "Im sorry Mabel it's just I'm so nervous, what if he changes his mind?!" I said shutting my eyes "Do you not remember he fought his own demon cousin just to keep you safe... Also something you didn't know about he came to me and Dipper crying and begging us to help him so you didn't get hurt" Mabel said applying the liquid to my eyes, when she was done I opened my eyes and looked at her "Really?" I asked "Yes... By the way did you always have that light triangle in your eye?" her voice having a hint of confusion. "Huh?" I said looking in the mirror seeing my fading black triangle "Oh I've had it for some time now" I chuckled.

After make up Mabel had Candy and Grenda help me to put my dress on "You look beautiful (Y/n), Bill is very lucky" Candy said smiling "Thank you Candy" I said giving her a genuine smile. I knock was heard on the door "Are you guys ready? We need to get to the shack the bride can't be late" Dippers voice called from the other side of the door "Yea were coming" I said walking to the door opening it "Wow" Dipper said "You look stunning" Dippers dumbstruck voice echoed "Thank you Dipper"

*Time Skip To The Wedding, Brought To You By Dippers Broken Pens*

"Thank you for walking me down the Aisle Stan" I said as we took our place right outside the door "Don't worry about it kid, you're practically family" he said. When the music started playing the doors where pulled opened giving me a perfect view of Bill.

When we made it to the alter I hugged stan tight. "Everyone my sit" Ford said "Alright I don't actually know how to do this so I'll just improvise, the couple has written there own vows so Bill you can go ahead and start reading yours" smiling Ford nodded at Bill.

Before starting Bill cleared his throat "I Bill Cipher have made some mindless decision in the past, but the decision I made to love you has been my smartest decision of all. Before we met I never thought of anyone other than myself but you made me realize there is more to life than just power, and for that my love I am eternally grateful" I felt a few tears drip from my eyes as I heard him finish. "Alright now (Y/n)" Ford said turning to my direction, I took a deep breath. "The first time I met you I was convinced I was talking to a dorito, but the more I got to know you the more I fell in love, being completely honest I lost my trust because of things I had heard but I didn't want to give up on you or us so I stuck in up the best I could and now I'm so happy that in front of them I get to say I want to spend the rest of my life with you."  I said clutching his hands tighter. "Alright, Bill please repeated after me 'I, Bill Cipher, take you (Y/n) (L/n), to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part'" Ford said having Bill repeate him, then he turned to me "I (Y/n) (L/n) take you Bill Cipher, to be my husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." I said whipping the back of my eyes with my hands "You my now exchange the rings" as we stood there it was as is life went on in slow motion. "I know pronounce you Mr. and Mrs. Cipher, you may now kiss the Bride." I felt our lips connection in a passionate kiss and it felt like a firework exploded inside me.

~Third Person P.O.V~

Most people say you fall in love tree times in your life, but what if you get lucky and find the right person the first time. Love work in mysterious way no who's love it is.

~(Y/n) P.O.V~
*A Month After The Wedding*

"Do you guys really wanna move? Are you sure you don't want to say in Gravity Falls?" Mabel asked handing me one of the smaller boxes so I could load it in the truck "Yes Mabel, we won't stay gone to long we'll come back to visit" I said stepping down hugging her "Owww this pain is not hilarious!" I heard Bill yell from inside the house. I felt a fond smile come to my face as I shook my head "...As I'm sure you heard Bill still has a lot to learn about being human and I think leaving here would be good for him" I said letting go of Mabel "Yea I think so to" she chuckled.

"Alright Kiddos that was the last of your boxes, I suppose now it's about time for your adventure to start" Stan said "If you ever need anything you can always count on the Pines family" Ford said placing a hand on my shoulder "Yea you've always got us" Dipper said hugging me tight causing Mabel to join in. When they let go I took a picture with them quickly "Alright my love are you ready to start our adventure?" He asked holding his hand out "Yea... I'm ready" I said taking his hand walking to our car. "Stan taught me to drive so if anything happens I blame him" Bill joked as we put our seat belts.

~Third Person P.O.V

"Hey (Y/n), Before I met you, I was so lost and incomplete and now I feel like I'm completed and loved, so thank you (Y/n) Cipher for being my lost love" Bill said turning to his wife planting a kiss on her lips.


My lost love (Bill Cipher x Reader) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now