Chapter 7: Time Passes

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Warming this chapter will have a lot of time skips (Cuz the chapter name ya know)

Bill's P.O.V

I heard the door to (Y/n) room open. I was sitting in a chair waiting for her to wake up. "Hello Pine Tree" I smiled sadistically at him. "Bill h-HOW!!!!" Pine Tree screamed "Pine Tree hush (Y/n) is sleeping have some respect" I scolded "Also we are in a hospital" I finished saying "I will not ask again how are you here Bill" wow he grew up a lot. "I've been in (N/n) dream since she moved here" I smiled thinking about the times we have had. It was then that I noticed I was in the sweater she got me and I had all our bags of stuff. "Okay and what does that have to do with you being here and not dead!" He yelled yet again geez he must have lost his respect. "I'm getting to that Dipper chill out and shut up before you wake up (Y/n)!" I yelled getting really annoyed that I started turning red. "I'll be back" I said harshly as I walked out the room. I sighed as I sat against the walk calming down. "Gruncle Stan! Gruncle Ford! Hurry I wanna see (Y/n)!!!!" Mabel or Shooting Star yelled at Sixer and Stan. I got up and walked back in the room to see Dipper holding (Y/n) hand and crying softly. It made my blood boil why is he touching what's Mine! I then snapped my fingers and vanished into the woods.

(Y/n) P.O.V

I opened my eyes slowly everything felt real? I was lying on a white bed with white sheets I had one pillow and the bed was not comfortable at all.... I knew what this place was all to well a hospital. I heard soft crying and the sound of a door open I turn my head slightly to see Dipper?!?

(Time skip to After the recovery process cuz idk what to write for that)

It's been a while since I woke up from my coma and I haven't seen Bill since. Dipper has been helping me... and apologizing but I forgive him. "D-Dipp-Dipper" I struggled to say "Yes (N/n)" I thought for a moment before struggling to speak "Nev-never m-m-mind" he sighed walking out side. "Bill!!!!!!" I heard him scream I could walk normally now it was just hard to speak. I walked outside to see my fly Dorito friend "B-Bil-Bill" I said smiling "Ah just the person I wanted to see!" He said snapping his fingers and flouting in the air "How are ya" he asked suddenly "I'm good" I said without stuttering "Wait I can speak! Bill did you-" he cut me off by hugging me. "I'm glad your better" he said "I'm glad your here with me... WAIT YOUR HERE WITH ME!!! HOW????" I asked frantically. Bill chuckled "Well after the argument with Pine Tree over there-" I giggled at the name "you fell and when you did you touched my statue which released me" he said. "Dipper I heard yelling is everything thing alright out... her-" Ford said walking outside and face to face with Bill.

Dipper's P.O.V

"Dipper I heard yelling is everything thing alright out... her-" Gruncle Ford said walking outside and face to face with Bill. "Oh no this can't be good" I thought "Old Sixer how are you!" Bill said smiling at him. "Bill! Wait you have a human form?" Gruncle Ford said with a mixture of hate, interest, and fear. "Yea I do. Anyways I just came here to pickup my (N/n)" Bill said glaring at me "No" Gruncle for said standing in between them "Ford it's okay. Bill's a sweet heart" (Y/n) said giving her beautiful signature smile. "No! Bill will destroy the universe!" Gruncle Ford yelled "He is not that Bill!" She yelled back pushing past him. "(Y/n) please...-" I'm not sure what to say "Just please be safe and carful. The Bill I know could never be trusted and I'm scared that's the one I know" I said staring at her just taking in all her beauty. "I will" was all she said as she walked off with Bill.

(Time skip brought to you by the monster in the 2nd dimension)

Y/n P.O.V

Me and Bill walked close to my house and that's when I remembered. "BILL!!!!" I said running it the direction of my house"Omg My mom I haven't spoken to her" I thought "Have you tried checking your phone she might have texted or called?"Bill said "did he just read my mind... no he can't... Can he?" I thought "I can read minds" he said smiling walking behind me.

(Time skip)

No ones P.O.V

They ran to her house and her eyes went wide when she seen the sight in front of her. Her hole body went limp and she feel on her knees. Bill stood there shocked at the seen that was before him. It was getting dark outside there was smoke all in the air. Bill looked at the girl with (H/c) (H/l) hair there was a red tint to her skin. With the slight light they had he could see the tears running down her face as she looked at the fire. Her last little bit of hope and family gone she had no one left. Bill ran and hugged (Y/n) and she cried softly into his shirt.

(1 Year time skip)

Y/n) P.O.V

It's been one year since the accident with the house. After that happened I left school and got a job I haven't talked to the Pines since that day. They probably forgot about me but I don't need them it's fine. I share the house with Bill he's kinda immature but it's fine. I've just recently decided to go back to school even tho half the year is over. "Bill" I called walking to his door knocking "hm?" Was all I got in response "I told him to get up an hour ago" I thought "I did I hear" him mutter oh yea angry Bill is what happens when you wake him up "I have school today so I won't be home till later" I told him through the door "Kay!" Was all he said probably going back to sleep.

(Time skip to school)

I walked into the familiar place taking in all the sights. Friends hanging out, couples walking together, siblings sitting together. It was nice to be back with a somewhat new start. I kept walking looking around not paying for attention to where I was going until I bumped into someone.

Yo humans it's N.C here hope you liked this! Comment if you have any ideas for the next chapter. Comment what you thinks gonna happen. Don't forget to vote! Oh yea almost for got let's get this to at lest 5 votes before the next chapter! That's all until the next chapter. Byeeeee!!!!!
- N.C

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