Chapter 14: Sleep Over

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Dipper's P.O.V

I was sitting in the living room with Grunkul Stan and Grunkul Ford. I heard knock from the Mystery Shack door. "I'll get it" I said walking in the direction of the Shack door. I opened it to be greeted with stunning (E/c) eyes and a familiar yellow eye. "He really had to come" I thought sighting I moved out of they way and that's when I seen it. They walked in side hand in hand and at that moment I felt as if my heart shattered. I could hear a faint sound but I couldn't make it out. It was a voice a girls voice "D__p_e_"  I heard the voice said "DPE???" What does that mean I thought as the voice got louder and clearer. "Di_pe_" what am I hearing "Dipper!" I heard getting shook out of my thoughts. "What?" I said looking into the eyes of (Y/n) "You zoned out and where just staring at (N/n), I know she's cute but you don't have to stare" Bill said snickering a blush appeared on my face as I quickly looked away "Mabel and the girls are in there room Bill you know where it is you can take her" I walked out and back to the living room. I heard Bill and (N/n) talking and laughing as they walked up the stairs "I can't believe that monster is in my house he should be dead" Grunkul Ford grumbled walking to the basement "agreed" I sighed sitting beside Grunkul Stan. "Having girl trouble again kid? Why do you always pick the taken ones?" Grunkul Stan asked "SHE'S NOT TAKEN" I yelled "Not that I know of at lest" I mumble the last part but he still heard me "If I were you kid I'd go up there and keep an eye on Bill" Grunkul Stan said putting his attention back on the television. I stood up and walked to the stairs I looked down as I started walking up the stairs. "Here goes nothing" I thought looking at the closed door with laughing coming from behind it.

(Y/n) P.O.V

We where all sitting in a circle laughing at Mabel reenacting Dipper doing something called the "Lamby lamby dance" she even showed us the outfit he wore. I was laughing so hard I started crying even Bill was laughing. I heard the sound of the door opening I looked and seen Dipper walking in "What are y'all laughing at?"he asked and all of us went silent before Bill started snickering and everyone else started laughing. "C-can y-you show t-them the L-lamby Lamby D-Dance" Mabel tried to say while dying laughing. Dipper's face turned bright red from embarrassment and anger "Not funny Mabel!" He huffed sitting down between me and Bill. "Okay okay" Mabel said hushing her laughs. "Who wants to play 7 minutes in heaven?" Mabel asked. Everyone's faces all turned crimson and in shock. "I-I don't think that's a g-good idea" Dipper stuttered glancing at me and Bill. "Sure it is Pine Tree" Bill said "THE ONLY TWO PEOPLE NOT ALLOWED IN THE CLOSET TOGETHER IS ME AND DIPPER!!!!" Mabel yelled "well of course not Mabel" I laughed "okay so here's the thing I kinda had Grunkul Ford to flip the closet door handle and now it locks from the outside" Mabel said proudly "You already had this planned didn't you" I said looking at her with an annoyed look "Yep now phones in the middle" she said taking everyone's phone "okay now everyone write and name of someone that's in the room and don't let anyone see the two people with the most names will be put in the closet first unless it's me and dipper" she said I wrote the name of Dipper on my paper and handed it to Mabel. "Oh god I thought as she started to read names "Bill got 2 Candy got 1 Dipper got 2 and (Y/n) got 1" Mabel said smirking I started dying laughing "Oh my god my ship!" Grenda yelled making me laugh more. Bill glared at Grenda then me for laughing but that made me laugh more and then he glared at Dipper even more than me. Slowly the two got pushed in the closet "7 Minutes starts now!" I yelled outside the door.
Hiyaaaa sooo I hoped you liked this chapter and are excited for the next chapter! If you liked it don't forget to vote and comment!

I have some exciting new I wrote a new story but I need to know do y'all want that out next week instead of another chapter or do y'all want that published on weeks I don't publish "My lost love"? It is a Dipper X Sick Fem! Reader let me know in the comments!

    - N.C

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