Chapter 5: Coma

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No ones P.O.V

She laid on the ground near a statue in the woods. She wasn't waking up "Hello" called a familiar but confused voice. No answer was what it got in return "Hello!" It called again. They picked the girl up walking with her having a very annoyed expression. "You can be such a nuisance sometimes (Y/n)" It said jokingly as she started to stir in there arms. "(Y/n) wake up and look at me" Said the person. Slowly she opened her eyes and she was staring up into their bright blue eyes. "Ma-Mat? .... MAT!!!" (Y/n) said as she hugged him "hello there (Y/n)" he said hugging her back. "Bu-but how!" She yelled only for him to chuckle "Ask your yellow friend" he said as he put her down.

(Y/n) P.O.V

It's Mat! I can't believe it's really him it's really my big brother!!!! He said to ask my yellow friend... is he talking about Bill? "Bill?" I ask looking at my brother still in disbelief "Yea him" he said pointing to a tree. I slowly stood up and walked towards the tree "Do you like your surprise (N/n)?" Bill asked you could hear the smile in his voice "Yes I do I really do Bill!!!" I said as I ran and hugged him. He was hesitant at first but then hugged back "I have another surprise for you" he said smiling and signaling for my brother to follow. We were walking to our destination my hand was in Bill's hand they were soft and warm. My other hand was in my brothers it was calming and carrying like it had always been. Slowly the  woods changed to a city... my old city that I lived in before Gravity Falls. My house looked the same as the day my Dad and Brother where supposed to come home after being drafted out into war. Slowly I turned my head to look at my brother he looked back at me with a smile on his face as he squished my had reassuringly. Bill opened the door and walked in followed by my brother and me. "Surprise!!!" I heard a male voice say. I looked up and met eyes with my dad. This... this has to be a dream but it feels so real... maybe I should enjoy it while I can. "D-dad!" I said running and hugging him tears streaming down my face.

Bill's P.O.V

She was so happy to see them her eye sparkled when she first seen her brother but after seeing her dad they lit up! "I missed you" she sobbed into his shoulder it's sad that this is only a dream. "I missed you to pumpkin" he said back in a gentle tone "well (Y/n) I should be going so you can spend time with your family" I smiled and said about to walk out "Wait Bill stay spend time with us and get to know my family" (Y/n) said with pleading eyes that I couldn't say not to. I looked at her family they all warmly smiled at me "Okay sure I'll stay (N/n)" I told her walking over and taking a seat beside her dad.

(Le time skip cuz I have extremely bad writers block)

After spending a day with (Y/n) and her family I found out a lot about her like stuff she likes and dislikes. The sun was now setting and just me and (Y/n) where walking around in a park with a lake that's near the woods. Somehow the statue was in the woods I seen it when I sent her brother to get her but it was crumbling in reality. What's that thing mortals get in when the hit there head really hard... a Comma? No no it's a... a Coma! Yea that's it... I wonder if she knows she's in a coma.

(Flash back)

She was running through the woods after the fight with Dipper. Her vision was blurred and she started having an asthma attack. She didn't see the root and tripped over it I didn't realize how close she was to my statue. She fell and hit her head in my statue her head was bleeding but not bad. She passed out due to her asthma attack.


What feels like hours here have actually been a few days a week at the most. After she touched my statue it started to crumble meaning I was free. I didn't want to leave her though. "Hey (N/n)" I said as I walked towards the lake she hummed in response walking with her eyes closed. "Watch out" I yell as I through water on her "Bill!" She yelled running at me and tackling me causing us to fall into the lake and getting soaked. "Hmp that wasn't very nice (Y/n)" I said pouting "Aw you'll be fine" she said smirking. I snapped my fingers and we where both dried off but I seen something on (Y/n) hand it was liquid. "(N/n) let me see your hand" I said reaching for it "No" She said pulling her hand back. I got annoyed rather fast and snapped my fingers so we where in a small café and I had a first ad kit. "Now (Y/n) give me your hand" I said giving a victory smile she sighed while giving me her hand. "Why don't you just snap your fingers Mr. Dorito and have it healed" she said what is it with her and these Dorito things "I want this to heal the right way Miss Dorito lover" I said back to her. "Whatever" She said pouting I just rolled my eyes. I slowly put alcohol on a cloth and dabbed it on the cut "Owwwwww be gentle!" She yelled as I put it right on the deep part of the cut. "I am being gentle!" I said getting agitated she huffed then sat there silently as I finished wrapping it. "Okay I'm done" I said holding her hand she muttered a small "thanks" and pulled her hand away. "Hey (N/n) I'm sorry I didn't mean for you to get hurt" I said walking in front of her and kneeling down "Its not your fault" she said avoiding my eye contact. She's so pretty and I want to move her soft (H/c) hair so I can see her beautiful (E/c) eyes.... she's just so... perfect. I softly put my hand under her chin and made her look at me she had tears in her eyes. "Why are you crying? Are you okay did I hurt you when a put the bandages?" I asked wiping the tears away panicking a little. "It's all fake isn't it Bill?" She asked looking me in the eye "What's fake?" I asked even though I know what she's talking about "This world, my family it has to be no one can bring my dead brother and father back" she said on the verge of tears. "I-it is but at least you get to seen them right?" I asked "No i-it hurts to see them because I know when I wake up they will be gone" she hugged me sobbing into my shoulder "shh it's okay" I said snapping my fingers. We where is a small cabin in Gravity Falls woods. "Get some rest (N/n)" I said laying her on the bed about to walk out the room "Wait.... Bill please stay" She said in a soft whisper holding my hand looking down. I gave a soft smile before getting in the bed beside her "Okay I'll stay if you want me to" I said as she cuddled closer to me.

Dipper's P.O.V

(In reality cuz ya know she's in a coma he's not so ya lol)

Is been a week since the fight with (Y/n) she hasn't been to school or contacted me or Mabel. For what I understand she hasn't even been home it's been worrying me. "It's all my fault if I wouldn't have yelled at her or accused her she would be here" I said as I walked around the woods. I looked around "Oh great and now I'm lost!" I yelled kicking a rock that had some RED substance on it. I looked into the direction I kicked the rock and seen a body lay on the ground. "No no no" I said as I ran to the body to see it was no other than (Y/n). I grabbed my phone and called Mabel.

*Phone call*

Mabel: Wow Dip sick calm down then speak. Okay now tell me.
Dipper: Mabel we don't have time! I need you to call 911 right now I just found (Y/n) she's in the woods!

*End of phone call*

I carefully picked her up and started walking in the direction I thought the Shack was. It took me about 30 minutes but I can finally see the Shack a little bit. This is all my fault she has blood running down her face, cuts and bruises on her arms and legs, her breath is some what shallow. "Mabel!" I yelled as I got close to the Shack to see and ambulances, fire trucks,and polices. "DIPPER!!!" Mabel said as she ran to me along with 2 cops. The slowly took her out of my arms and put her in the ambulance and left. "Dipper one of the Officers want to talk to you" Mabel informed me "Okay" was all I said as I walked over to where there where. That started asking me questions like "when was the last time I seen her, how did I know her, how close was I to her" etc.

(Time skip cuz I'm tired)

I was waiting outside (Y/n)'s room With Mabel, Gruncle Stan, and Gruncle Ford. Finally the doctor came out she looked at us and said "Miss (L/n) is in a coma and this is no telling when she will wake up... it honestly could be a few weeks" "C-can she hear us if w-we talk to her?" I asked hoping she could "Yes she can hear you so if you would like to go in and speak to her you can" she said as she walked off. "Mabel do you wanna come with me" I asked looking at my twin "Nope I think you need to go talk to her on your own" Mabel said stomping off followed my both of my Gruncles. I slowly walked in the room and sat beside the bed and grabbed her hand. "Um H-hey (Y/n) I'm not really sure if you can hear me but um... I'm really sorry! If it wasn't for me you wouldn't be here right now! I'm sorry about the fight, I'm sorry for yelling, I'm sorry for accusing you of working with bill!" I said as I started crying "It's all my fault p-please b-be okay"I sobbed out "Please wake up please!" I yelled as Mabel ran in the room trying to pull me out of the room. "Dipper c'mon let's go home we can come see her again tomorrow" she said as she pulled me out of the room.

(Y/n) P.O.V

I woke up to the sound of talking but what had my attention even more was me cuddled up to Bill. It was safe and warm I never wanted to leave... well that's what I thought before I heard sobbing. "It's all my fault p-please b-be okay" Dipper where is he? I heard the sound of a door open and I heard Mabel's voice "Dipper c'mon let's go home we can come see her again tomorrow" wait who are they visiting? "B-Bill" I shook him lightly "Billll" I shook him a little harder "whattttt" he whined pulling the blanket over our heads and cuddling me closer. I sighed and gave up trying to wake him up and just petted his head.

Ahhhh I'm back this is a little late but hear it is! I hope you like this it's over 2,000 words Hell ya! Don't forget to vote and comment. I have Writers block right now so if you have any suggestions for the next chapter fill free to tell me! Welp that's all my readersssss!!!!!!!!!! Byeeeeeee
     - N.C

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