Chapter 21: Somethings Off

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Tad's P.O.V

"All I have to do is kill Bill and then I can take over this miserable dimension and make it normal and everyone will love bread!!!" I yelled walking around the woods "And that silly mortal (Y/n) thinks I'm actually her protect when all I really want is her to be the key I must keep the key safe so I guess I am her protector for now" I thought. I stumbled across a small place called "The Mystery hack" oh it says shack the S must've fallen. I walked inside and seen to very familiar set of twins Mabel and Dipper Pines "Welcome to the... mystery shack...." Dipper said "Thank you" I said like a normal person "Hey um y-you wouldn't happen to be related to a g-guy named Bill-" I cut him off "Cipher? Yes actually I am my name is Tad Strange! But before you jump to conclusions I'm nothing like my cousin" my voice sounds more normal and trusting a small smile made it's way to my lips. The boy looked frightened but also calm it was a strange feeling coming from him like we wanted to run and hide but also investigate he opened an all to familiar journal but it was blue with a pine tree. "Can I ask you some questions about yourself?" He said "Oh my sure go ahead ask anything you want" this act was always so fun to do.

(Y/n) P.O.V

I finally left the house my new eyepatch secure on my eye. I decided to go to the Mystery Shack to see the twins and get advice from Mabel on what to do. I walked inside to see Dipper being a nerd questioning Tad "Hey Dipstick where's your sister?" I asked walking around ignoring the stares I got. "What happened to your eye? Did Bill hurt you? You went to find him are you okay?" The questions fell from his mouth like second nature. "No he didn't hurt me Dipper I'm fine... so where's your sister?" I asked again "I can't believe your going to come in here and not even say hi to me dear" Tad said walking closer to me. "Hi Tad. Now Dipper where's Mabel? I need to talk to her" irritation apparent in my voice. Tad froze where he was after hearing me voice "She's up stairs you should know this (Y/n)" he looked confused "Well how should I know if she was out with Candy and Grenda?" I mumble walking up the stairs. "Mabel can we talk?" I asked looking down "Yea what's up (N/n)" you could see her sitting up on the bed patting the spot she was just laying on. "Are you okay? what's with the eyepatch?" She asked hugging Waddles the pig I made grabby hands at Waddles and Mabel happily handed him over. "I'm fine, but bill made a mark on my eye it doesn't hurt it just doesn't look right" my hand hovered over the eye with the eyepatch. I wanted to scream "Why did he leave? Did I do something wrong? Is he even really coming back?" All these questions where filling my head "He'll be back don't worry" I heard Tad say from outside the door. Panic and fear started to fill my head "I'm gonna go Mabel... Bye thanks for everything" I said standing up walking to the door. "No problem bye (Y/n)!" I peaked my head into the shack area "Tad can we talk?" I said but I was met with silence no one was there. I walked outside to see dipper sitting in a chair he seemed like he was asleep but something was off. "Dipper?" I said but I got no answer I walked to the chair and shook him but I still got nothing. I looked up and seen Tad a crazy smile on his face as he looked at me and worded "Key" right after those words a pain shot through my body. I was in pain as Tad got closer "Well my Dear you look like your in pain..." his smile faded as he said this "we can't have that" as soon as the pain started it ended the last thing I remember was Tad holding out a hand to me on which I took.

Bill's P.O.V

As I went from dimension to dimension looking for my own the one I lived in with my family. The closer I came to finding it the weaker I became and it wasn't from the guilt. I though about what Tad said "Your becoming more human" the thought made me sick I can be becoming human it's impossible. I fell on the ground as I came through a portal not knowing where I was I looked around before everything turned black. I opened my eyes slightly to find myself laying in bed next to (Y/n) I smiled and cuddled closer feeling he brush her fingers through my hair. "Babe?" I mumbled in to her side "Hm?" She replied never stopping the movement of her hand. "I don't feel to great.... I feel like... like when I possessed Dipper!" I exclaimed. She gave me a confused look so I decided to explain to her about what happened. By the end of the story she had a huge smile on her face trying to hold in her laughter and giggles. "Love you need to rest, try to get some sleep you should feel better afterwards" she kissed the top of my head and continued to brush her fingers through my hair as I fell asleep.

No One's P.O.V

The (H/c) headed girl continued to pet her boyfriends head smiling thinking to herself "Maybe that was all just a dream... maybe it never did happen I mean Bill is in my arms" at that thought the boy snuggled closer tightening his grip on her torso. "Maybe it all was just a nightmare" her smile fell from her face as this thought came into her head. Her hand found its way to her right eye as it hovered over it wondering if the mark was there. She grabbed her phone and looked in the camera and sure enough the mark was still there. Something was wrong she couldn't remember anything that happened in extreme detail after Bill told her to run. She was wonder what could have happened but not even a thought of her beloved Tad entered her head.
Hey everyone I know this chapter is loooong overdue. I started public school again so it's harder to get updates done while trying to balance my cosplaying on the week ends. I hope you all understand! I love you all byeeee!!
    - N.C

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