-4- First Job

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I slouch down on the sofa in defeat. How do kids have so much energy? I mean seriously? 2 and a half hours of singing and dancing around the living room to Disney songs. Taylor and Aidan jump up from behind the sofa, making me jump and scream. They climb over and Taylor jumps onto my lap while Aidan leans into my side.

"Right you two," I jump up from the sofa with Taylor in my arms and my hand offered to Aidan to help him up, "what would you like for tea?" Their faces lit up with excitement as they led me into the kitchen. Aidan climbed into one of the four stools and I sat Taylor down in the one next to him. I start to rummage through the freezer after taking a few attempts to find it. I turn around to the kids with two bags in my hands.

"Who wants chicken nuggets and curly fries?"

"ME!" They both shout in response.

"How many?"

"5 for me and 3 for Tay please." I smile at Aidan's politeness and turn around to the oven. I make sure the settings are correct and set to 180°C. After waiting 10 minutes for the oven to be heated up I put in the tray with 12 chicken nuggets and the rest of the tray being curly fries. Aidan helps me set up the table with 3 plates and 3 sets of knives and forks. When the alarm on my phones starts ringing to say the 15 minutes were up I dished out the food and sat down at the table with the two of them practically drooling from the sight of the food.

"Aidan...please could you get the tomato sauce for me?" Taylor stares wide eyed at her brother, pulling off the cutest puppy-dog face in history. He sighs and walks over to the fridge and pulls out the tomato sauce. He walks back and places it next to Taylor. As soon as it reaches her, she gets hold of the bottle and squeezes some onto her plate before tucking into her food. I mouth a 'thank you' to Aidan and get a smile in response. We eat in a comfortable silence. After around 10-15 minutes we've all finished and I gather up the plates and go over to the sink to start washing up.

"Why don't you two go and watch TV, I'll be in after washing up okay?" Aidan grabs Taylor's hand and drags her out of the kitchen and into the living room. I hear the TV being turned on before I start running the tap. I smile to myself as I wash and wipe the dishes before putting them away.

I make my way into the living room and sit on one of the sofas. A few seconds later and Taylor climbs next to me and curls onto my lap, resting her head on my shoulder. I let her fall asleep in my arms as Aidan switches the channel over to Spongebob Squarepants before coming over to me and putting my arm around him as he leans into my side. I hear a sniffle come from Aidan which makes my heart drop to my stomach.

"Aidan...what's wrong?" He looks up with glossy eyes before looking back down.

"I wish Dan would do things like this with us, he's never around anymore." He wipes more tears from his eyes before burying his face into my side. I leave my arm where it is around him and squeeze him lightly to try to comfort him.

"Hey, I'm sure he would if he could. Today was my first day of looking after you two and I can't wait to find out when I will be here next."

"He used to be around all the time, he used to play with us, take us out to the park, make us food, and all the brotherly things. He just doesn't care anymore. I'm glad you're here though Lexi." I offer him a smile and another hug. I feel Aidan start to relax next to me before he drifts off to sleep. I reach over to my phone which is on the other side of Aidan. I notice two notifications off Mel and Lyla.

From: Lyla | 3:42 p.m.

Hey girl, how did the job thingy go? By the complete silence I'm guessing you started today? Come on, tell me how it went? Please...xo

To: Lyla | 6:47 p.m.

Ly, I'm not guna lie. It was great. Turned out to be a babysitting job, the kids are great but asleep right now. Reply soon, xo. I'll tell her more details tomorrow.

From: Mel | 4:07 p.m.

How was it? I need details now. Oh and if you were serious about us all singing together we've come up with a couple of songs to learn and practice. I'll tell you tomorrow xx

To: Mel | 6:49 p.m.

Hey Melly. It was great, I'll give you and Ly the details tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know, can't wait xx.

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