-27-...and Party

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I walk out to the back garden after grabbing a drink and get hit in the face with the smell of the BBQ. I make my way over to the table that the girls are sat at and connect my phone to a speaker and put on a playlist I made earlier. I hit shuffle and Smash Mouth – All Star starts to play.

"Really Lexi?" Lyla eyes me up and down with a judgemental look on her face knowing full well that I know it's one of her secret pleasures. I grin happily at here before mouthing the words to her. I hear a few chuckles from the guys' table.

The food goes down quickly, a little too quickly for my liking, and before I knew it we were all enjoying the random music I have on my phone. A familiar tune starts to play through the speakers before I hear Taylor cheer, the girls laughing and the guys groaning.

"Oh come on! I never get the moves right, can we just skip this please?" Josh pleads with me.

"Nope, come on. We'll teach you."

Lyla and Mel get out of their seats and Taylor grabs me out of mine. We all start to do the moves and the boys try to keep up. Daniel stands next to me before trying to join in halfway through the song.

"How does it go again?" he whispers in my ear. I face him before grabbing his left arm, then right arm, then I turn his left hand over, then his right hand. I let go and stand so that I'm facing the same way as him before continuing to show him the rest of the moves.

"There we go, you're getting there now. Can finally do the Macarena ayy? Only taken 18 years." I say rolling my eyes before laughing a little.

"Alright alright, no need for that now is there Lex? You know the last move before you jump to face another way....what was it again?"

"Oh you just put your hands on your hips like this and then sway them from side to side." I demonstrate the move for him before he flashes a cheeky grin.


"Carry on, by all means." He raises his eyebrows as I roll my eyes. I move towards the girls in the garden and carry on dancing with them before the song comes to an end.


It was starting to get late and was time to put the kids to bed. I excused myself from the table and took Taylor up to bed. She was smiling sweetly and I realise how used to this I had become. Am I too attached? The thought went away as quickly as it came.

"Lexi..." she drags out my name as I wonder what she's going to say next, "thank you for today." She yawns as she speaks. "Can you sing for me again? Pleaaaaase?" I nod and tuck her into bed before sitting down next to her.

"Pray silence, I'm begging. Too tired to tell you I ain't coming home. Stop for a second. Guess I got caught in leading you on, and I ain't responsible for the lump in your throat."

"Haven't you had enough of all of this? Haven't you had enough of loneliness?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'd love to stay too long. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to tell you whatever you want. But haven't you had enough of loneliness, haven't we had enough of second best? So don't get me wrong."

"Innocent then, way back before we knew how to pretend. Picking up where we left, it ain't meant to be easy, shouldn't be hard as this, and I ain't responsible for letting this go."

"Haven't you had enough of all of this? Haven't you had enough of loneliness?"

"Don't get me wrong, I'd love to stay too long. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to tell you whatever yo want. But haven't you had enough of loneliness, haven't we had enough of second best? So don't get me wrong. Don't get me wrong"

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