-26- Trouble

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I wake up to loud noises coming from the kitchen. Remembering that we had a BBQ to prepare for today, I rush out of bed and pull on a jumper before going to investigate the noise. I peak my head around the door frame to the kitchen and find Daniel rummaging in the cupboards.

"Hey, why are you up so early?"

"Gheez, how tired were you? It's hardly early." He points towards the oven where the clock says it's 10:21.

"Ohh...I told you shopping really does take all the energy out of me. Carry on though...I like domesticated Daniel." I turn on my heel and walk out of the kitchen.

"I'm not domesticated!" I hear him shout after me.

"Yes you are!" I make my way up the stairs and find Taylor and Aidan sitting together watching a film in Daniel's room. Not wanting to disturb them, I make my way back downstairs and towards the kitchen.

"Come to admire me in all my glory again?" He says before I even step in the room.

"Yes. It's become my favourite pastime." I say bluntly. I notice a shade of red creep onto Daniel's cheeks.

"Anyway....Can I say something?" I made my way towards him.

"Go ahead, what's up?" He still has his back turned to me. I hesitantly reach my arms out and snake them around both sides of him before locking my hands together and resting my head on his back.

"Thank you for today."

"I don't know what you mean but sure, it's alright...and can you get off me a second?" I draw my arms away from him and start to walk away mumbling a 'sorry'.

"Where do you think you're going?" He grabs my hand and turns me around to face him. I avoid making eye contact before he lifts my chin up.

"I told you to let go because you have one hell of a koala grip and I wanted to hug you back." He pulls me closer to him and into his arms. I wrap my arms back around his waist and rest my head on his chest while he leans on the counter.

"Now then, why are you thanking me?" He asks, making no sign of letting go.

"For including my friends in today's plans, even Nate."

"That's alright. I have my reasons for wanting them here too." I pull my head back from his chest and look up to him quizzically.

"What are you on about?"

"Don't make me say it." He avoids my eyes.

"Say what? I'm just wondering why you want my friends here out of all people when I know they can be a bit too much."

"When you're around them you're always happy and smiling. I like to see you like that ok?" he almost whispers.

"I'm like that around 3 other people too you know?" He frowns at me with confusion. "You, Aidan and Taylor. You guys always make me happy and smile." There's a brief smile on his face before a flash of hurt appear in his eyes.

"What's wrong?" he shakes his head. He wraps his arms around me tighter than before, not wanting me to be able to look him in the eye.

"Not always. We've caused just as much trouble and pain for you as we've made you smile."

"Hey," I squeeze him tighter, "Please don't think that. You haven't caused me trouble or pain. Why would you think that?"


"Exactly. Cody is the one who causes me trouble and pain. Not you or the kids."

"Well being here has made it worse." He just won't accept this.

"How has it made it worse, Daniel? You've helped me. You and the kids have made me smile and laugh more times than I can count. You were there for me with no judgements. You protected me." He lets go of his grip on me and allows me to lean back enough to look him in the eyes. The pained expression on his faces starts to vanish when he sees me eyeing him cautiously.

"Being here has taken me out of the situation I was in. Yes, I'll have to go back to it once your mum's back but you have no idea how much I've needed this." He keeps looking me in the eye before looking down slightly before looking back into my eyes. Time seems to freeze as his gaze focuses on looking back and forth between my eyes and mouth. His arms lower from being wrapped around my shoulders to my hips. His fingers dig in lightly to bring me closer to him.

"DANNY!! When will food be ready?" I hear Taylor shout from what sounds like the top of the stairs and both Dan and I snap out of the trance we were in.

"Soon Taylor!" He shouts back before mumbling a load of curse words. He lets go of me and turns his attention back towards whatever is on the counter. I stay frozen to the spot, wishing that Taylor's timing could've been better. I jump back when Daniel moves and almost steps on my toes. I take that as my cue to leave. I walk into the living room and pick up my phone to distract myself by aimlessly scrolling through Instagram.

"Food's ready!" around 20 minutes later I hear Daniel shout from the kitchen. I hear Aidan and Taylor rush downstairs, still in their PJs. I walk into the kitchen after the kids to find Aidan and Taylor sat next to each other and a spare seat next to Dan – I would normally sit next to Taylor – did he plan this?


I take the open seat and shoot Daniel a questioning look. He waves me off and mouths 'don't worry'.


It was almost at the arranged time for the BBQ to start and I start to get ready. I take a bunch of clothes and my makeup bag into the bathroom with me. I put on a pair of high waisted blue skinny jeans and a black cami vest top. I put on some mascara, a little winged eyeliner and some lipbalm. I make my way downstairs and place my previous clothing in my duffel bag.

Daniel already has the BBQ going, ready to place food on it. I hear a couple of knocks on the door before I hear a squeal.

"Tay-Tay, how've you been missy?" Josh has Taylor in his arms swinging her around before setting her back down on the ground.

"I'm good." She smiles sweetly at him. Of course they'd be somewhat close with the kids, they're Dan's best friends after all. Seeing Taylor and Josh's interaction makes me truly understand what all of these people mean to each other, they're family in some way or another.

"And what about you Master Aidan?" Josh walks over to Aidan and offers him a fist-bump.

"Same old same old." He shrugs.

Tyler follows Josh into the house, hugs Taylor and offers Aidan a fist-bump too. They both make their way out to the garden to help Daniel with the food.

"You must be Taylor?" I hear a familiar voice say at the door. Taylor freezes not knowing what to do. I walk over to Taylor and see my best friends at the door smiling sweetly.

"Hey guys, come on in. Taylor, sorry about this, these are my friends; Lyla and Mel." I point at them introducing them. Aidan jumps out of his seat and straightens himself up. Trying to impress I see.

"HIIII!" Taylor hugs each of them enthusiastically. Lyla and Mel both look at me and laugh at how open Taylor is with people.

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