-5- Surprise!

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Click. I jump in surprise of a door clicking shut. I grab my phone and check the time. 7:36 p.m. My mind is a bit groggy and spaced out but soon realization kicks in and I put two and two together that it must have been Daniel getting home from training. A couple of minutes later Madison walks through the front door. She looks over towards the sofa where the three of us are before smiling. I move Aidan over so he can lie down on a cushion and I carry Taylor over to her mum. We start to speak in hushed tones.

"Hi. They've had food and I think I have tired them out a little. Do you want me to put her to bed?"

"It's the first door to the right at the top of the stairs, if you don't mind. Thank you Lexi. Has Daniel come home yet?" I give her a nod and mouth 'I think so'. I start to walk up the stairs and Taylor begins to stir in her sleep. I pause just to make sure she's still sleeping. I carry on walking and make it into her room. It's a typical 4 year old girl's room. One wall painted a bright pink, the others painted white with a Disney princess mural on. I place her onto her bed in the far corner of her room and tuck her in. She relaxes into the sheets before opening one eye. I smile back at her instead of laughing due to my confusion of whether she's asleep or not, if not then this is a creepy way to sleep.

"Night Lexi." A sweet whisper from Taylor answers my question for me. I move her hair out of her face and let her fall asleep again. I take a look back at Taylor before closing her door, not fully though.

"What do you think you're doing?" A voice booming from behind me makes me yelp in surprise. I turn around to see who I presume to be Daniel. I recognise him from around school but I've never seen him this close. His light brown hair was flicked backwards in a messy, yet hot way. From his short-sleeved navy button up top I can tell he's in shape. He has an even amount of light stubble. His blue eyes caught my attention but it didn't take me long to notice them piercing through me with anger which makes me take a step back. Forgetting the stairs were right behind me, my foot slips off the corner of the first step.

"Shit. I'm sorry. Are you okay?" He grabs my sides and pulls me back up making sure that I'm steady.

"I...I...uh. Yeah. Thank you, I'm fine." I take a moment to take in the change in his eyes. They're no longer full of anger and confusion but they're laced with concern. I look down to my sides and realise his hands are still holding on as if I'm about to fall. My cheeks begin to heat up.

"Sorry...I didn't mean to startle you, let alone to the extent of you almost falling down the stairs. I'm guessing you're their new babysitter?" He hastily moves his hands away from me and stares at me with questioning eyes.

"Yep," I say popping the p, "I'm Lexi, so you're the Daniel." I giggle softly to myself.

"I know who you are, I've seen you around school actually. I hope you know that we don't actually need you around here, they have me." His expression turns cold and my eyes widen in shock at his complete change of behaviour. I decide against arguing with him after hearing Aidan's side of things earlier on. I turn around and walk downstairs. I head into the kitchen to talk to Madison.

"How was the first day? Were the kids alright? Are you wanting the money now?" She seems like the kind of person who rambles when they're nervous.

"Everything was great, they're amazing kids. I came to ask when you want me here next and if there were set days in the week that you'll need me. Oh and Daniel is upstairs. Turns out we know each other from school." I look down at my feet not wanting to bring up what he said upstairs.

"Did he do something?"

"No, not at all."

"Ok-ay. Well what are the days you're available?"

"Every day really."

"Okay, how about we start this week with tomorrow and Wednesday and I'll let you know after that?"

"That sounds great, same time as today for picking them up?" Madison nods in response and leans in for a hug, I reciprocate and hug her back. I gather up my things and make my way back to my car after saying bye to Aidan and Madison. 

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