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".....Take that off." My heart was racing as his request, the anger evident in his voice.

"Why?" My voice croaked.

"I don't like how revealing it is. You are mine and I don't want anyone to see you, like THAT." He gestured at my chest with a look of disgust in his eyes.

"What's gotten into you? You're not usually like this." I could feel myself welling up. I can't understand why he wants me to change clothes. We were going on a date and I wanted to dress up nicely. I put on a floral summer dress that flowed to my knees and had a vest style top.

"Maybe everything Cody said was right. You need to be taught a lesson."

"What?" I could barely even whisper. My body was shaking at the sound of his name. What had Cody said to him?

"If you want to be mine, you have to listen to what I tell you to do." I looked up to find he had walked closer to me and was about a foot away from where I stood. Unable to speak, I froze to the spot looking at the ground.

"Look at me." He growled. I felt his hand form a tight grip on my hair by the back of my neck before a sharp yank forced me to look up. I winced at the pain. Tears started to fall down my cheeks.

"Open your damn eyes, Lexi." I composed myself, the familiar feeling of 'this will only get worse if I don't obey', before opening my eyes. I looked him dead in the eyes, mine holding nothing but disgust at his actions, his holding nothing but disgust at me. We stayed staring at each other for what seemed like a lifetime, neither wanting to be the first to back down. I was the first one to look away, my mistake.

"That's what I thought." The last thing I heard before my ears started ringing. My hair whipped around my face from the force of his hand. I stumbled back and ended up perched on the edge of my bed.


"Lexi, wake up!" I felt my body being shaken. I opened my eyes not wanting to see those steely eyes looking down on me. I was met with blue ones.

My body stilled as Daniel stopped shaking me to wake me up, worry etched on his face, but I was still shaky. My hands are trembling and my cheeks are wet.

"Hey, what happened? Where was your head at there?" He strokes my cheek, wiping away the tears. I move to wrap my arms around him as he leans over me. I feel his arms embrace me, knowing this is what I need. He really is something else.

"Do you really want to know?" I whisper in his ear. He pulls away from the hug, keeping one arm around me he lies back down, pulling me into his side. I rest my head on his chest and wrap my arm over his

"Of course, but only if you want to tell me." His arm moves up and down, rubbing my back.

"It was a flashback sort of dream, a memory. The first time Kyle hit me after he spoke to Cody." I felt his body tense underneath me. He lifts his head and I feel a warmth on my forehead from his lips.

"I'm here." He reassures me. Here in his arms is an unsettling feeling, one I'm not used to. I feel at home. I squeeze him tighter before looking up to his face. He was staring blankly towards the ceiling.

"Thank you and I'm sorry for waking you up."


"Don't worry about that. Just try to get some sleep, ok? I'm here." His words started to settle in me. He really was here, physically and emotionally. We laid there for a while, his breathing got steadier as he fell asleep. His arm stayed on my side, not wanting to let go of me.

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