-25- Plans

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Psychology is nearing the end of the lesson when I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. Subtly checking my phone I noticed a notification from Daniel. Knowing it was Friday and that tomorrow would be my last day staying at Madison's, I was nervous to read his text.

From: Daniel | 12:56 p.m.

Missed you yesterday, were the kids alright?

I didn't realise until I felt a nudge on my arm that I was smiling at the text. Glad I wasn't the only one. Thinking back on yesterday and how I hadn't seen Daniel all day, he had left the house before I had gotten up and had returned after I had gone to sleep, I feel relieved that he had the same feeling as me, that it was weird not seeing each other for a day. I put my phone back in my pocket knowing I'll reply when we get let out for lunch.

The rest of the lesson passed by quickly and the bell was already ringing signifying it was lunch time. As I walk out of the class I notice Lyla, Mel and Nate in the corridor outside the classroom waiting for me. I grab my phone to reply to Daniel before joining the others only to find another notification from Daniel.

From: Daniel | 13:07 p.m.

Oh god, was that weird to say?

To: Daniel | 13:10 p.m.

Hey stranger! The kids were fine yesterday and this morning, no need to worry :)

I put my phone back in my pocket and feel it vibrate almost instantly. I walk over to the others and they all exchange smiles. While having general chat about everyday things with them, we make our way to our usual table in the school's canteen. Once I settle I grab my phone out of my pocket and read the text from Daniel.

From: Daniel | 13:11 p.m.

It's only been one day! You can't have forgotten about me already right....you do know I live at the house you're currently staying at?? Glad they weren't devils for you.

To: Daniel | 13:14 p.m.

Of course I haven't forgotten you Danny Boy :) Kinda missed you too so no, it's not weird to say.

I try my best to pull off my best poker face to hide the fact that I was nervous after sending the text.

"Will you be joining us at karaoke night this weekend then Nate? You've missed the last few." Mel starts to grill Nate on where he was spending his downtime when he isn't with us. I feel myself zoning out of the conversation and paying more attention to my phone. Dan normally replies quicker than this, I shouldn't have said I missed him too, I should've just left it as was but I didn't want him to think I just blanked what he said. My thoughts were overpowering me and I was struggling to join in with a normal conversation with my friends.

"Glad you missed me too." I hear a whisper in my ear before a hands reach for my sides to jab them. I jump out of my seat and don't manage to plant my feet back on the ground. Instead, I start to slip and squeal as I feel myself falling. I brace myself for impact on the wooden floor but I feel a different kind of hard surface. Dan has placed his arm around my back, holding me up from the ground. He looks at me with those piercing eyes, laced with concern, but also amused at my clumsiness.

"You shouldn't fall for a guy this easily you know." He teases.

I sit back up in my seat and try to calm my beating heart. I roll my eyes and look away from him and back to the table. All I see are eyes in mine and Dan's direction – and not just the people sitting at our table.

I hear a chair scrape across the floor before I see Kyle storming away from his table and out of the canteen. Everyone goes back to their lunches as usual and the noise levels picks back up.

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