-30- Safe

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"Hey Trouble, was just thinking about you." I hear the most comforting voice through the phone. Lost in my thoughts I realise I haven't actually said anything. "Lexi? Are you ok?"

"Hey Danny Boy," I sniff and wipe the tears from my eyes, putting on the most brave voice I can, "can i---"

"I'm on my way." Before I can respond the phone is cut off. I hurriedly text Daniel.

To: Daniel | 22:19 p.m.

Please don't go to my house. I'm not there. I'm hiding outside number 24. I'll flash the flashlight on my phone or something when you get near.

After hitting send I realise my legs are shaking.

*A few minutes later*

I hear the sound of a car driving quickly down my street before it starts to slow down close to my house. It's Daniel. I recognise the car to be Madison's. Probably best not to drive with the window smashed. I turn on the flashlight on my phone and wave it to get his attention. The car makes its way towards me and the windows are rolled down as I stand up out of the bushes so he can see me.

"Lexi?" He eyes me up weirdly, not fully being able to see me in the dark street. When he faintly recognises me he leans over in the car and opens the passenger door. "Come on, get in."

As I get into the car I notice his eyes focused on my cheek, freshly bruised from Kyle.

"What happened?"

"Can you please just get me out of here? I'll explain after. I just really can't stay here in case they come back out." His hands grip the steering wheel at the slight mention of 'they'. He knows who that means. He silently drives out of the street and towards his house. Instead of turning into their residential area, he turns in the opposite direction towards the complex – a leisure centre on the coast with a café/bar. He parks the car before turning the engine off and facing me.

"Lexi, are you ok?" At those words I feel myself crumble. The tears appear in my eyes again and Daniel grabs a hold of my hand. "Come with me."

He leads me out of the car and towards the coastal pathway, keeping a hold of my hand as we walk together. He stops near a couple of boulders and offers me a hand to help me get on top of one to sit on it.

"They were both waiting for me when I got home. I didn't know Kyle was there until Cody called him over to look at how 'weak' I looked." I smile sarcastically thinking back to the previous event.

"He hit you didn't he?" I nod silently. Daniel wraps his arm around my back pulling me closer. I rest my head on his shoulder as his hand rubs up and down my arm.

The silence is broken by Daniel's phone ringing.

"Hey. Yeah she's ok, I'm with her now." There's a pause. "Yeah, I'll let her know." Another pause. "Yes mum, alright. See you in a bit." He hangs up the phone and turns to me.

"Your mum?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah, she wanted to know if you were ok. She was there when you rang me." I nod trying not to be embarrassed that I interrupted his time with Madison. "She's said that you're staying tonight and has told me to make that clear to you." He shrugs as if he was the emoji. I giggle at his actions.

"Alright. I'm sorry for making her worry." I sigh in defeat.

"She worries a lot anyway it's alright." He was trying to make me feel better, it was working. "Come one then, let's get back so that vein in her forehead doesn't pop."

He jumps off the boulder as if it were nothing before he turns around to help me get down from it. His hands hold my sides carefully as he lowers me off the boulder. We walk back to the car together in a comfortable silence. As I settle into the car Daniel connects his phone to the aux lead before a calm guitar intro starts playing. I lean back into the seat and listen to the lyrics intently as Daniel pulls out of the parking space.

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