-17- Looking In from the Outside

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Bzzz. I wake up from the loud buzzing of my phone vibrating on my desk. I reach over to grab it and notice a few different notifications from different people. The first being Daniel, the second being Madison and then an unknown number.

From: Daniel | 10:39 p.m.

Hey Lex, thank you for tonight but also sorry for being overly emotional about things. We should practice again next time though.

I decide it's best if I reply another time because he'll probably already be asleep.

From: Madison | 11:27 pm.

Thank you for being there for Danny, he told me that you know who I've been meeting a lot of the time. I just wanted to let you know that one day soon I will be going on a business trip for 3-5 days. Would you be able to look after the kids and the house when Danny is busy with training? Let me know when you can.

To: Madison | 11:42 p.m.

Yeah, no problem. That should all be okay just let me know when.

From: Unknown Number | 11:38 p.m.

Why are you avoiding me and spending so much time with Daniel? He's not good enough for you so come back to me x

Feeling a little uneasy about the last message, I turn my phone off and get back to sleep.

I wake up on the Monday morning with the text still on my mind. The only person it could be is Kyle but what would he want from me? Also, how does he know I've been spending time with Daniel?

"Lexi, can you come down here please?" My thoughts are interrupted by my mum calling me. I rush out of my room and head down the stairs to see what she wants.


"Oh Lexi. I wanted to speak to you about how the job at Madison's is going. Is it okay?"

"Yeah it's a great job, why?"

"Well I'm beginning to wonder whether you're spending too much time there for reasons other than the job itself."

"Mum, it's a babysitting job. I pick the kids up after school and look after them until they're in bed unless Madison gets back before then. What are you trying to get at?"

"Well I'm pretty sure that Madison has a son that's your age and Cody has told me that you've been hanging around with him outside of the job. You can't blame me for worrying after all the stories I've heard about him."

"He goes to school with me so I can't just avoid anywhere he happens to be. Tell Cody he can stop spying on me especially if it's for Kyle."

"Aww, Kyle. Such a lovely boy. Why can't you be with someone like him?" I look away from my mum's face trying to hide the tears forming in my eyes. She knows damn well why I can't be with him anymore. I walk away from the situation and head back to my room. I guess Cody got through to her about who he wants, or doesn't want, me to spend time with. I get changed into the usual clothes for school and head straight out to my car. I pick Lyla and Mel up on the way and tell them everything that my mum said this morning.

"She said what?!" Mel shouts a loud as she can.

"Yep. I know. I heard her and Cody arguing the other morning about who I spend time with and now this. Cody definitely got through to her alright."

"Unbelievable. He can't control you and he's practically ruining your job." I nod in response to Lyla.

"Wait...so you're not just going to stop speaking to the guys now are you? You need to speak to Danny Boy about work anyway so it can't be changed. Nope, nothing will change. That sounds about right." Hearing Mel argue about things partly in her head, partly out loud makes me laugh, especially at her using my nickname for Daniel.

"Do not let Danny Boy hear you call him that okay? He will kill me, then you, and then possibly Lyl too for being around us too much." Both of their eyes widen before all three of us laugh.

"So, have either of you two heard from Nate? He's been kind of M.I.A with me lately." Lyla looks at Mel and then back to me and shrugs.

"Not really, nope." A sick feeling starts to set in my stomach before we reach school. We pull into a parking space and get out of the car. I check to see if I locked it before Lyl stands in front of me blocking my view from something.

"Lyl, move. What are you doing?"

"Trust me on this, I'm protecting you more than anything. You do NOT want to have this image stuck in your head."

"I'm serious Lyl, move out of the way." She reluctantly moves aside and in my view is the wonderful Danny Boy talking to the ever so lovely Skylar West. The sick feeling begins to return, only worse. Both the girls link arms with me and lead me to the main building, straight past Miss Slutty and Daniel.

"She really does get around then. First she had to go after Kyle WHILE I was still with him, then went after Cody and now Daniel too? Are you kidding me?" I feel my blood start to boil before the girls stop walking and turn toward me.

"Lex, calm down before lesson. I know you have IT first so just put your headphones in and focus on anything but Skylar. Okay?" I nod and make my way towards the IT room trying to shake away the sick feeling in my stomach knowing I'll have to see him in lesson.

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