-23- Easy

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Not long before the end of the Moana I notice Taylor has started to drift of next to me, gradually leaning on my arm more and more. I look over to Daniel and Aidan and see then completely engrossed in the film. Smiling to myself I reach my arm over to the other sofa to grab a hold of Dan's arm. He looks at me briefly before looking back at the TV.

"Hey, Daniel, over here," I smile, "Tay's fallen asleep, I'm going to take her upstairs to bed." He nods acknowledging what I said.

I move to my side slowly, not wanting to disturb Taylor. I stand up from the sofa and turn around as smoothly as possible and pick her up. I carry her to her room and lay her down on her bed, tucking her in as I do. She stirs slightly before opening her eyes a little, just enough to see me and smile sweetly. I go to leave the room but Taylor starts to speak.

"Can you sing for me, please?" The question takes me by surprise and for a second I hesitate and wonder whether I should ask Daniel to sing for her again. She reaches her hand out to me and beckons me towards her.

"Are you sure you don't want Daniel to sing for you?" She shakes her head. I nod back and brace myself. Only one song can come to my head right now that should be sang slowly.

"Standing on the platform, watching you go. It's like no other pain that I've ever known. To love someone so much to have no control. You said "I want to see the world" and I said "go"."

"But I think I'm lost without you. I just feel crushed without you. I've been strong for so long that I never thought how much I needed you. I think I'm lost without you."

"Strangers rushing past just trying to get home. But you were the only safe-haven that I've known. Hits me a full speed. Feel like I can't breathe and nobody knows. This pain inside me, my world is crumbling. I should have never let you go."

"I think I'm lost without you. I think I'm lost, lost, lost. Oh. I think I'm lost without you, you. I just feel crushed without you. I've been strong for so long that I never thought how much I love you."

"Standing on the platform, watching you go. You said "I want to see the world", and I said "go".

As I finish the song Taylor settled back into her bed. I leave the room and close the door behind me quietly. As I turn around I notice Daniel leaning against the wall to the left of Taylor's bedroom with his eyes closed.

"Sorry if I over-stepped. She asked me to sing to her." I say sheepishly trying to look him in the eyes.

"I know, it's alright. That was amazing though. I normally only hear you singing upbeat songs so to hear you sing a slow one for once is so different. I knew you were great but just wow." I start to blush at his words. I means a lot coming from him.

"Uh, thank you." I start to walk downstairs but I hear him following me.

"Have you decided where you're going to sleep tonight? I've just put Aidan to bed too."

"I'll probably just stay on the sofa-bed, would you be able to help me set it up?"

"Yeah, course I can."

We both make our way to the living room where Dan helps me set up the sofa bed.

"I'm going to try and get some shut eye, night Lexi." He walks towards me and wraps his arms around me and rests his head on top of mine. I return the hug and squeeze him a little more than I mean to.

"If you're going to do that I'll want to stay." He sighs.

"Can you?" I ask hesitantly.

"Can I what?" He seems confused.

"Stay, for a little while at least."

"You don't have to ask me twice." He winks and jumps onto the sofa-bed and perches himself up with the pillows so he's sat up. He looks at me before patting the area next to him. I shake my head trying not to laugh. I make my way onto the bed next to him and prop myself up on the rest of the pillows.

"Unbelievable." I mutter to myself. Daniel reaches for the TV remote and puts Netflix on. He decides to put on the Great British Bake Off. I look at him in confusion.

"Are you serious? Bake Off? Let me guess, this is how you learnt how to bake for the kids?" I tease.

"Kind of yeah. Don't pretend like you don't watch it too." I roll my eyes in response.

"I do love it, I will admit. But can I say something first?" he nods.

"Thank you, for everything you did earlier. I'm not used to anyone but the girls and Nate having my back so it's a lot for me to take in."

"Well you better get used to it. You do know that they're not the only people who would help you right? Josh and Tyler care a lot about you. So do I for that matter." He reaches an arm around me and pulls me into his side. I put one arm over his torso and relax against his shoulder. His hand traces where my bruise is, very lightly.

"In all honesty Dan, I'm scared. There's a lot of history with me and Cody and I just know he isn't going to give up easily."

"I'm here. If he comes here again, he won't be leaving as easily as he did earlier."

"I was wondering what happened to the bad boy from school." I chuckle.

"One more thing, and then were going to watch Bake Off. We've got this. We'll be alright."

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