-19- Stay Away From Me

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I got home at a reasonable time of around 8:30 p.m. with a huge smile on my face. After Daniel put me back down we carried on like normal. We practiced a few different songs and watched tv with Aidan and Taylor until Madison got home. With my headphones in my ears I make my way up to my room only to find Cody sat on my bed waiting for me. I take my headphones out and prepare myself.

"I guess you didn't bother taking anyone's advice then." The bitterness in his voice is evident.

"I don't need you controlling who I spend my time with. I have a job and I'm sorry if that involves me having to spend time with someone who you don't like."

"You just don't get it do you? He's bad news and so are his little friends. Just do what everyone wants you to do and get back with Kyle." I try to ignore what Cody is saying and put my phone on charge. I feel someone's hand grab my arm to make me stand up straight. From the mirror I can see Cody holding a knife from the kitchen with the sharp edge against my side.

"Now listen to me Lexi, if you don't listen to me then things will get messy. You don't want that now, do you?" With a shiver running down my spine I manage to shake my head. I feel the wind being taken out of me, a moment or so later I realise Cody has punched me in the side only for him to then leave my room. I head to my ensuite to have a shower to try to ease the pain in my side. With the warm water washing over me I start to relax.

Now feeling refreshed and calmer about Cody I lie down on my bed and try to focus on anything but Daniel, Josh, Tyler, Cody and Kyle. With it now being 9:27 p.m. I grab my laptop and open Netflix in the browser. Just as the theme for Sons of Anarchy starts to play my phone lights up on my desk. I reach for it and see the Caller ID being Daniel.

"Hey, everything okay? Has something happened with the kids?"

"Umm...yeah everything's fine, the kids are fine. Just wanted to check something with you if that's okay?"

"Course that's alright, what is it?"

"Has my mum told you when she's going away for a business trip yet?"

"Not yet, no."

"Okay well it starts on Wednesday, are you still okay to help out? My mum said to ask you if you'd be alright to stay over the weekend too?" Anything to get me away from this thing that is my family.

"Yeah, I'll be there. It'll help me more than you, trust me. Thank you for letting me know."

"Okay, but Lexi, is everything alright?" It would be if I could have a moment to see Charlie Hunnam and Ryan Hurst have a bromance.

"Yeah, see you tomorrow." With that being said I hang up on Daniel and turn my attention back to my laptop. Before I know it I'm drifting off to sleep with one thought on my mind. What if I have to stay away from the guys for good? Should I tell them to stay away from me or just Cody?

The next morning I feel numb about the night before. Cody has had his moments like from throwing an ironing board or a hoover at me but never a knife. I just can't get my head around it. Either way I get myself ready for school like usual and head out of the door, managing to avoid running into anyone. I pull up outside of the school after picking up Lyl and Mel and we make our way out of my car.

"Earth to Lex, hello? Anyone there?" I look up from my phone and see concern in Mel's eyes. I nod and offer a slight smile.

"You've been really quiet all morning, you didn't even sing along to the radio like you normally do. Did something happen after school yesterday?" My eyes widen in shock as Mel nods along with what Lyl had asked.

"Yeah but it doesn't matter, don't worry about it. It's nothing." I can tell by the looks on their faces that they don't believe me but they stop asking about it as we get closer to walking by Daniel, Josh and Tyler. Just like we did, the guys stopped talking as we walked past. I laugh to myself at how weird we're all being before we all make our way to the study room. We sit in the far corner from the door and log onto a computer each. Turns out that the guys followed us and sat in the same area as us. Me in the corner, Lyl next to me, Mel on the corner next to Lyl, Tyler next to Mel, Josh on the corner to the left of Tyler (opposite Lyl), and then Daniel (opposite me). I decide to try and distract myself by doing all of the Buzzfeed quizzes that I haven't done yet. Lyl joins in every now and then with me but halfway through the hour I open up my school email account to see if Miss Mills has emailed any work or to say she won't be in today. I notice an email off a user called 09McCordD. Of course, had to be Daniel.

From: 09McCordD | 8:42 a.m.

What happened last night? Did I do something wrong?

To: 09McCordD | 9:04 a.m.

Nah, you haven't done anything. I had fun with you monkeys yesterday, even if it did start off a little awkward.

I hear a little chuckle from the seat across from me so I smile to myself and pick the next quiz to do, 'What % Welsh Are You?' Turns out I'm 81% Welsh, and proud. I check my emails again and see Daniel's replied.

From: 09McCordD | 9:07 a.m.

I'm glad you had fun. We're a lot to handle J

To: 09McCordD | 9:16 a.m.

Ohhh you can say that again :')

The next quiz I take is 'Which Climate Perfectly Matches Your Zodiac?' After clicking on 'Cancer' the answer I get is 'Desert Climate'.

"Oh hell no. This quiz is one big lie. Everyone knows I definitely prefer the cold, why the hell would I want to live in desert climates?" I heard Lyla and Mel laughing at me as they shook their heads at my outburst.

"Everything okay?" Josh peeks through a gap in between his and Daniel's computers that is opposite the gap between mine and Lyl's. I smile sweetly at him and earn a laugh in response. The last quiz I do is 'This Game of MASH Will Determine What Your "Game of Thrones" Life Would Be Like'. If I were to marry a guy then it would be Jaime Lannister. If I were to marry a girl it would be Brienne of Tarth. I would belong to House Tyrell and I would live in Dragonstone; all based on picking numbers. Before logging off I check my emails one last time. There are 3 unread emails from Daniel.

From: 09McCordD | 9:18 a.m.

HEY! That was where you're supposed to deny it!

From: 09McCordD | 9:24 a.m.

Might need to wear less layers if you're going to be living in desert climates. Also, calm down.

From: 09McCordD | 9:25 a.m.

Please tell me you weren't just flirting with Josh, you've never smiled like that to me...

The last email caught me off guard. If anything I smiled sarcastically...plus I think Lyl has a thing for Josh so I would never go there.

To: 09McCordD | 9:28 a.m.

Danny boy. I didn't know you cared so much, such a cutie aren't you?

After clicking 'Send' I log off the computer and make my way to Psychology without a glance back.

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