Phase 2- The Escape -w-

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Ace's POV

Alright.. BloodMoon and Troy are going to provide a distraction, while I pry open my shackles and cell door. The patrol was annoyed with Troy and BloodMoon's 'feud' as I slide in the key to my shackles. It unlocks and I rushed towards the door. I sighed as soon I opened this door.. I pulled out a 10 of spades.. Lets relay on my speed now.

Gavin's POV

I waited restlessly for Ace's signal. Also, Troy and BloodMoon are getting on my nerves. Sirens rang all around the facility. Ace is out. I slide through the unseen crack on my cell wall through to escape easily. I ran towards the meet up spot.

Atlas' POV

Finally, Ace rushes to my cell and opens it. We both then ran towards 'Impy's' cell, as she is next to be free. 'Impy' hugged me and I lifted her on my back.
"You ok, up there?"
"Yes, lets just save the others."
I nodded towards Ace, who runs off down the hall, while we raced towards the meet up spot. Gavin is probably there already..

Ocean's POV

I waited and waited. The thoughts of fire burned through my mind. I started to hyperventilate..
"Ocean.. there is no fire.."
I looked over to see Ace. I slowly calmed down as he kept saying 'there is no fire' or something like that..
I walked towards him as he opens the door. I hugged him and we quickly paced towards SilkThunder's cell.

Lightning's POV

There is not much to say when someone can't see. I heard sirens, footsteps... and hoof-steps..
"Lightning, you ready?"
"Yes.. Solar Bloom."
I reared my head to her voice and walked towards her.  The door swung open and I walked through the once closed door. I felt a fluffy hoof hold on to me, I think it was Solar Bloom, and followed her down the hall. I wondered how is my sister how is doing.

Experiment-000 POV

The ringing of the alarms are burning my ears. But I stood up as I saw a shard of light, when I see a bear hybrid opened my hellhole.
"Come on we have no time to waste!"
She grabbed my hand and we ran into another room where there was a water tank with a sea-pony inside it? The bear hybrid somehow lifted the probably over a hundred pound tank without any strain or any signs of pain or discomfort. We both rushed out the room again towards the entrance. There was what seemed to be a griffin, a hippogriff, a chimera, a very fluffy pony, an elf, an imp... and a oh..! A human comes charging down the halls as a cockatrice and a bumbling pixie/fairy following right behind them. Yep.. no doubt about it.. 'Them's' forces are not too far behind.

Ace's POV

I slammed against the huge door as I forced a key in there. NOTHING IS WORKING! Shoot! We don't have any plans for this!
"I got this."
I turned my head to 0 as she held the door tightly in her hands. I blinked my eyes and there was NO DOOR?! What happened to the door?! The others were dumbfounded, but we all took the chance and all of us ran into the outside. A blinding light filled my sight... I blacked out.

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