Chapter 5

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Galaxy's POV

I couldnt sleep at all at night and before I knew it Betty Cooper was knocking on the door saying it was almost time for school. I got dressed and covered all the green as I was told to. Even though I didnt like it I still didnt like it.

"Hey how'd you sleep?" Betty asks.

"Fine." I say.

"Well since we dont know what you guys eat theres alittle of everything. Good luck today Space Girl." Alice says before leaving.

I eat alittle bit of the food and kind of felt weird. Then the door opened and I heard a guy's voice.

"Betty, hows your space... Oh Hi." The guy says.

"Jug this is Galaxy Quill. Umm Lexi this is my boyfriend Jughead Jones." Betty says.

"Hi." I say.

"Not what I was expecting from a space person do look like, but hi." Jughead says.

"Well its time for school." Betty says.

We all left her house and walked to the school and I just felt so out of place. People were looking at me and I knew why. Outside the school I saw Gia and felt much better to see my best friend.

"Hey Lex." Gia says.

"Hey G." I say.

"Okay we have to go to practice, but we'll see you guys after the principal talks to you guys." Veronica says.

"Okay. Wait Practice for what?" Gia asks.

"Cheer. Anyway Jug would you please take them to Weatherbee's office?" Betty asks.

"Anything for you Betty Cooper." Jughead says.

"Betty stop with the love eyes Cheryl is gonna kill us." Veronica says.

The girls left and Jughead took Gia and I into the school. As we walked down the hall I saw that guy from last night and again he just stared at me.

"Well here we are. Bye." Jughead says leaving us.

"This place is so different, but a good different. Oh and the redheaded boy was totally checking you out." Gia says.

"Im pretty sure he was just looking at the alien freak." I say.

"Gia Rael? Galaxy Quill? Come on in. Im Principal Weatherbee." Weatherbee says.

We walked into his office and he talked about all the rules and how we should try to act as "human" as possible.

"Thank you sir. We will be good and respectful." Gia says and shakes his hand.

"Well you should do fine here. You look normal or Human. So maybe people will be fine with Aliens." Weatherbee says.

I was about say something when Gia pulled me up and out of the office.

"Im sorry I pulled you, but you were about to snap. Lex its gonna be fine here and before we know it we are back in space with our families." Gia says.

I knew she was right and decided to just go with it. I got a locker assignment and it was far away from my friend and I had no idea how to open it. It was like the locker thing hated me.

"Need help?" Someone asks.

"No I think I got it." I say.

"Start at zero and spin clock wise three times. Then go to you first number, then go counterclockwise passing the second number and then then go around to it, then clockwise again and stop at the last number. Then just lift up." The person says.

"What? What I dont..." I say and come face to face with the redheaded boy.

"Do you not have lockers or combinations in space? Do you not even know clockwise or counterclockwise?" He asks.

"No. So what you said made no sense." I say.

"Okay past zero three times, then go right to the first number and stop, then go left passing the second number, continue going left and stop on the second number, then go right to your third number and stop. Then lift up and it should open." He says.

I did as he said and the locker door opened up just as he said it would.

"Now that I understood. Thank you... Umm..." I say.

"Archie Andrews." He says.

"Galaxy Quill, but everyone calls me Lexi." I say.

"Well its nice to meet you Galaxy Quill. See you around." He says and walked away.

Wow he was... Lex dont. He is human and your not. Besides you dont even really look like this. What am I thinking the green would just scare him or anyone who isnt from space. So I just need to be nice and not make friends or even talk to a handsome redheaded human male.

A/N: Hey guys do you like it? Let me know. Thanks.

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