Chapter 7

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Writer's POV

Betty went over to Veronica's to talk to Gia and see if she too was feeling homesick. Betty knocked on the door and was greeted by her best friend.

"Hey B what brings you here?" Veronica asks.

"I came to talk to Gia." Betty says.

Veronica let her in and they went to Gia's room.

"Hey Veronica. Hi Betty whats up?" Gia asks.

"I gotta know are you homesick? Do you miss your life back in space?" Betty asks.

"Well I do miss them alittle, but Im having alot of fun here. So I guess its not that bad. Why do you ask?" Gia questions.

"Well because Galaxy is really homesick. She said she misses the stars and her parents and others. She just seemed really homesick." Betty says.

"Oh poor Lex. The longest she has ever  been away from her family was like three days. So it must be very hard for her to be away longer." Gia says.

"Maybe we can do something for her? Something to help her feel less homesick." Veronica says.

"Oh I know. Ronnie call up our friends and have them come over I have an idea." Betty says.

Galaxy's POV

Gia came over to hang out and it was nice to be around her because I didnt have to hide the green.

"I see you have one of those Earth communicators. You must be fitting in nicely after this week." I say.

"Its called a Phone and I am fitting in because Im talking to everyone and your hiding in the shadows. Just like at school on Xandar." Gia says.

"Well thats because I just dont fit in." I say.

She was about to say something when someone knocked on the door. I moved out of the way as Gia opened the door and walked out. I got dressed and covered all the green before leaving. I then opened the door and Gia was with Betty talking.

"Good your dressed. Would you please come with me." Betty says.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"Just cause." She says.

"Come on Lex lets go with Betty." Gia says.

"I guess." I say.

"Great. Lets go." Betty says.

Betty and Gia walked down the stairs and I followed after them. We got to Veronica's and we just kept going up.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"To the roof." Betty says.

She and Gia went quickly up the stairs and I was considering turning around, but Gia came back.

"Come on Lex." Gia says.

She went back and I went up and when I opened the door everyone yelled at me.

"SURPRISED!" Everyone yells.

I didnt know what to do so I slowly started to backup cause I wanted to leave.

"Lex, no." Gia says stopping me.

"Dont go Lexi stay." Betty says.

"Why so everyone can yell at me again?" I question.

"What? No. Its a surprise party for you. A nice rooftop party where its not to bright and we can see the stars." She says.

"What? Why?" I ask.

"Well Betty told us you were feeling homesick, missing your family, and missing the stars. Since we cant have your family here we thought it would be nice that you could see the stars. Look at the stars with your new friends." Veronica says.

"Then why did you all yell at me?" I ask.

"Have you never had or been to a surprise party before?" Jughead asks.

"No." I say.

"Wait really? I didnt know that. On Xandar we even had surprise parties or parties for birthdays, for fun, and for other things." Gia says.

"Gia you said I was on my own and you were wondering why. Well thats because I didnt know how to blend in. I've heard about parties, but I've never been to one. Not even to a birthday party. So I stay to myself and when anyone asks me to go to a party I make up and excuse." I say.

"Hold on you have never had a birthday party? Then what did your family do every year you aged?" Archie asks.

"Nothing. Like clock work every year they were working. Its no big deal. Look thank you for doing this, but maybe I should do." I say.

"Lex dont run. Everyone here wants to be your friend. Just stay and look up at the sky." Betty says.

I decided to stay like they wanted and I just stared up at the sky. I miss being up there. This party was to help me not be so homesick, but it kinds made it worse.

A/N: Hey guys do you like it? Let me know. Thanks.

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