I am Loki, a prince to escort you

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I picked up my pace along down the stone steps and through the dungeons, I managed to teleport past the guards and surely father would not allow anyone to pass due to the newest arrival.

I noticed she was in the dangerous block of the left-wing prison cells. 

This part of the dungeon was for terrible beings who did crimes beyond imaginable so I could not understand how she could be in here, Perhaps father had not much room left.

 As I walked past various criminals who grinned with deranged eyes I looked straight ahead glancing as I passed each cell. Eventually, I found myself coming across the second to the last cell looking empty but upon closer inspection, I saw the maiden from the throne room.

Her wrists were shackled to the center of the floor both together bound by a single chain. She was looking at the floor her dirtied brunette hair falling over her features and her breathing was ragged her form rising and falling with small trembles. 

Her small brown pointed wolf ears twitched and swiveled upon her head which did wonders when it came to my fascination with them. Her brown-furred tail tucked neatly around her crossed legs as her golden eyes met my emerald ones when I stopped directly in front of her cell.

My hands were clasped behind my back but I could feel them becoming drenched with sweat and nerves as her eyes searched me in a glare.

She growled angrily crouching and pulling on her cuffs trying to pull to the furthest part of the back of the cell away from me rather than toward me as odd as it seemed. 

Her golden eyes were mesmerizing but she was still covered in various stains of dirt and blood her neck was red from the edges of the collar that had since been removed upon her being placed behind the golden wall sealing her in. 

"Please do not be afraid," I stated calmly but got a growl in reply as she yanked on her chains attempting to pull back again ut her features showed anger and aggression toward me more than anything causing another loud clashing sound of the chains bounding her hands. However, there was a dash of fear that caused her to rather want to avoid me than attack me which is what i concluded from her pulling back with such efforts.

"I do not wish to harm you" I informed her calmly but got no response only furrowed brows from both parties. 

"I am Loki, prince of Asgard" I place a hand to my chest trying to seem much calmer on the exterior, and at this, her eyes seemed to sparkle with a new feeling of confidence. oh?

I didn't know why this was, I had never met her before but she came charging at me full speed ears pinned back with a newfound venom it caused me to flinch and step back at the suddenness of her actions. 

The barrier still stood but as she ran close seemingly forgetting the chains she was pulled back by the suddenly shortened length of the chain. Causing her to fall backward with a thud and a wince as she gave a harsh glare at me as I took a step back, she did not like me one bit that much was clear, but for the love of Nornheim, I could not pinpoint why that was. 

Though the ordeal admittedly made me fight off a small grin, it was clear she did not calculate before lunging thus causing her fall. As easily avoidable as it was.

 So I quickly thought of something, my magic, yes, mind-reading.

you will fear me Asgardian! I will kill allcowardice! I will bathe in your blood and slit your precious throats, My father shall be proud of my accomplishment once I free myself from these prisons!

I heard her in her mind, my eyes widened and hers did too. 

She must have sensed my presence in her mind because she growled loudly baring her teeth and I felt a sudden wall come up around her mindscape. Impressive. She knew i was looking into her mind and built up a barrier to keep me out rather quickly.

"Why do you hate us so?" I queried my eyes narrowing in confusion, but she only seated herself cross-legged again in silence on the white hard floor of her cell. It both frustrated and made me more curious about how quickly her mood would alter in a matter of moments.

 "Very well, but we will get nowhere if you do not wish to speak" I exclaimed calmly but she only glared so I decided to sit cross-legged in front of her, only the barrier separating the two of us giving me mixed feelings.

"There is said to be execution for you" She looked away and to the floor as if expecting it her eyes narrowing in thought at nothing in particular. which made me almost feel guilty. However, i barely knew anything about her so it was difficult to sympathize. 

I sighed and stood up I was not getting anywhere with this one-way conversation. I'd decided to take my leave and I fled the dungeons leaving her to herself. 

However..... what Loki did not see was the single tear that fell from her eye imprinting a damp circle on the barren white floor of her cell.

Feral //  Loki Laufeyson x Wolf reader COMPLETED Editing!Where stories live. Discover now