Chapter 1

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Chapter 1- Change

Graces POV

Sometimes I wonder about what would have happened to me if I wasn't left here. Things here are harsh but that's the reality. I live in the alley nearby a Walmart. You would think oh people would just skip over me. Well that doesn't happen to me. I have been here since I was five. People noticed me but never told anybody. Instead they gave me money for food. Everyday I got about $10 to buy food, but not enough to buy clothes. It's not even enough for two meals. So I have the same clothes I've had for years. Even at this age people still give me enough money to buy food. Right now it's a little past ten and I'm eating a burger from McDonald's. It's only like a block away. I like my life no matter how I live. This is what I'm used to.

Some footsteps echoed through the alley. I stopped eating and hid behind a trashcan. I heard a short yell of pain. I peaked a little and saw someone hitting a person. One of them was on the floor while the other was kicking them repeatedly in the stomach. The one on the floor passed out as the other kept kicking. I got out of my hiding spot. Hidden by the shadows, I slowly made my way to them. I was in front of the person when I punched him. At least I think it was a him. His hair felt short and had muscular arms but had the scream of a little girl. He backed away and looked for me. I pushed him down and he fell on his butt. He scrambled out of the alley. I checked the person on the floor. It was a girl. She had long hair by the feeling. I waited for her to wake up. She started stirring a few minutes later, groaning.

I thought about hiding. And that's exactly what I did. She sat up but yelped in pain. She held her stomach trying to catch her breath. I took a small step forward, accidentally hitting the trash can and it tumbled down. I pushed myself against the wall trying not to be seen.

"Who's there?" the girl asked. She sounded scared. I didn't answer. "Who's there?" She repeats, her voice sounding close to crying. I decided to speak.

"I'm not going to hurt you."

"Then why are you hiding?"

"I didn't know how you would react." I stayed in the shadow .

"Can I see you?" She asked curiously. I take a step to her. I take small steps until I'm about to step into the light. "I won't do anything, I promise." I took a step into the light and she gasped. "Who are you?" she asks. "Sorry uh... Thank you for helping me."

"Your welcome. My name is Grace."

"Nice to meet you Grace." Pht yeah right. "My names Emily." There was a small silence. "Would you like to come home with me?" I shake my head.

"I'm fine here." She looked confused but said nothing.

"See you soon." she says before she leaves.

See you soon? As in she was coming here again. No one ever comes back to a place where they got beat up. It's the toughest place to be in. It makes you a rock. She probably said it to be nice I thought.

I finished eating and curled up into a ball in the corner of the alley. I got comfy and leaned my head against the wall. I closed my eyes thinking about Emily.


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