Chapter 3

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So this chapter includes someone getting raped so when you reach that part just skip it if you don't want to read it.


Chapter 3-

Grace's POV

I woke up in an empty bed. At first I started to panic but the events from yesterday hit me. Emily. She's so beautiful. I wonder where she went. I began to wonder why she wanted me to come over. Nobody likes a homeless person. I did nothing to deserve her kindness. Maybe she just wants a friend. No, she's rich she should have plenty of friends. Why me?

I get out of the bed and peek outside the room. I could hear Emily singing downstairs. She has a beautiful voice. I tried to walk as quietly as I could down the stairs. I slipped out the door and started running. I ran until I saw familiar places. I slowed down when I was a few blocks away from the alley. I started to pick up my pace as I saw police cars there. A group if people were arguing about something. A guy looked at me and sighed. He walked to me, held my shoulders, and looked into my eyes as if trying to make sure I was real.

"You guys!" he yells gaining everyone's attention. "She's right here." I get crowded by the swarm of people. A police officer pushed through the crowd.

"Hi sweetie. Do you think you could come with us?"

"Yeah." He leads me to the cop car and puts me in the back. His partner climbs into the front as he gets into the drivers seat. "Sir what's this about?"

"Well we had a call reporting a missing girl from an alley. When we got there a family of four were there. They said there was a girl that was living there since she was little. They saw her like twice every week and they gave her some food and money every time. They didn't see you there for two days so they called us," the other officer said.

"How long have you lived in that neighborhood?"

"Eleven? No, Twelve years now."

"In that street?" I nod my head. "Damn! That's like the toughest and scariest part of the neighborhood."

"But people still risk going there because it's the cheaper prices for food and things like that."

"Yeah. So, where were you yesterday?" I didn't answer. "You don't have to answer now. Do you have anyone you can call?" I nod my head. The officer passes me a phone. I stare at it.

" do I used it?" I think his eyes would have popped out of their sockets if they could've.

"Press the buttons of the numbers." I looked back at the phone and pulled out the crumpled piece of paper in my pocket. I dialed the numbers that matched it. It rang.

"Hello" a sleepy voice said.

"Hi. Is this a bad time?"

"Is this Grace?"


"No it's not a bad time. What do you need?"

"Can you pick me up at the police station?" There was a silence and a crash.

"I'll be there in ten minutes." she was about to hang up.

"Don't tell Em." She pauses.

"I won't tell her Grace." I hung up. I hand the phone back to the officer. It took two minutes to get there. We walked in and I was told to sit on a bench outside an office door. A woman sat next to me in a police uniform. I stared at the clock wondering how long it would take for her to get here.

The door slammed open and Kyla came into the station. I stood up and walked to her. She hugged me. I stood shocked.

"Hello officer. What has she done to be here?" Kyla spoke to the officer behind me.

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