Chapter 6

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Chapter 6- Sex and finding out

Graces POV

So it's been four months. I have been eating better for the baby. The morning sickness stopped after two months so, Hurray! I occasionally get sick but not very often. I have a small bump showing but I cover it with the baggy clothes I normally wear. Whenever we go to an appointment I tell the doctor to tell Kyla because I want it to be a surprise. At first Kyla was uncertain and looked like she wanted to tell me something but she never did.

I still haven't told Emily about my pregnancy. Our relationship has been blooming from innocent kisses and touches to heated make out sessions and touches to each other's privacy areas. We never go all the way though. Most of the time I flashback to the day I got raped and beat up, but Em always helps me. Even if we did have it she would probably think that the bump would be a result of me eating more. I plan on telling her today.

"Come on babe." She calls out across the park. I laugh at her annoyed face.

"Take your time. I did have a rough life." I saw something flash in her eyes.

"I know. Now lets go." She grabs my hand and leads me to her car. I stop moving my feet and she falls back. I start to laugh again. She glares at me.

"Okay not funny." I pick her up bridal style and she shrieks with delight. I kiss her cheek. She tilts her head a little making me kiss her neck. She giggles. She's just so ticklish. A woman with a child pass us. She looks at us with disgust.

"Can you guys be more private? This is a public place." She hisses at us. I could see Em about to say okay and be in a bad mood for the rest of the day but I spoke before her.

"No! She's my girlfriend and we have rights to do what we want. Especially if it's kissing." The woman looks at me shocked. I carry Em to the car and place her in the drivers seat. I get into my seat as we drive away. It was quiet as we went back to Kyla's. As we get in the house Em slams me against the wall and kisses me hard.

"I love you" she says to me and my breath hitches. "I love you Grace."

"I love you to Em." I kiss her again. As I pull back she runs to my room. I chased after her. She catches me as I almost fall to the floor. She leads me over to the bed and sits us down with me on top of her. I kiss her, my hands running up and down the bare skin beneath her shirt. She moans. We take off our shirts. She pulls back looking at me.

"Are you sure?" As I looked into her eyes I forgot everything. My name, my pregnancy, my entire life didn't matter. This was right now.

"Yeah" I breath out. I would have no problem pleasing her. I have learned some tricks from when I got raped back then. It felt good and bad back then.

I grind into her center. She gasps and moves her hands to my hips. She moves my body faster. I kick off my flip flops and she does the same to her shoes. I push her down on the bed. I gently unclip her bra in the front. She shrugged it off and I licked her nipple. Her breathing stops for a moment. I lick over it again looking at her reaction. She moaned. I gently swirled my tongue around her erected nipple. When I finally put it in my mouth she groaned. I sucked on it gently and it soon turned to sucking hungrily. She writhed in pleasure. I felt her hands go underneath my bra and grab my breasts. She slowly rubbed them.I moaned with her nipple still in my mouth breathing on it. Her grip tightened.

"Please." I grin as she begged me. I unbutton her skinny jeans. I placed my hand on her underwear and moaned.

"Your so wet." I rubbed her through her underwear. I traced the outline. I moved it aside and slipped a finger inside her. She moaned loudly. Her legs opened wider for me. I put another finger inside her. I continued to do this and suck her nipples. She came quickly. She laid there exhausted but I didn't stop. I sped up my fingers. She moaned out loud biting her lip trying to hold it in.

"Baby.. Ohhhhh right there, babe." I bent my head down and licked her softly. She moaned louder turning her head into my pillow to control it. After a while I stopped. She flipped us over.

"My turn" she says. Excitement builds up inside me as she kisses me. She deepens the kiss by slipping her tongue into my mouth. We kissed and molded our bodies together, as if they were meant for each other.

Afterwards, we laid exhausted. Suddenly I remembered that is still needed to tell her. I was about to speak.

"That was amazing baby. You are amazing." I smiled.

"So are you." She rolls onto me and kisses me passionately. I think we were about to have another round of sex, but the baby kicked. She leaned back, frowning.

Please think it's nothing I beg to myself. I saw her think it was nothing but it kicked again, but harder this time making me groan. I roll over, causing her fall off me. I clutch my stomach as the baby starts a soccer game in my stomach. It seems that the baby enjoyed me having sex with Emily. Emily's arms wrapped around me.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"Nothing" I say through my gritted teeth. She frowned and laid me right side up. She crawled on me and placed her hand on my stomach. I partly moan and groan as the baby kicked underneath her hand. I saw it click in her head.

"Your pregnant." she says, her voice hoarse.

"Em, I swear I was going to tell you today it's just we went to the park. I planned to tell you there but then the lady was all like get out of here and then we had sex and I..I..." I start to cry. "I don't want to lose you Em." I cried as she looked at me shocked.

"Baby your not going to lose me." she says to me. "I promise your not going to lose me."

"But I'm pregnant."

"So? Your still you Grace. Yeah I wish you had told me before but that's the past. Don't worry about it." She wipes away my tears. "Your still you." she repeats. "I love you and nothing's ever going to change that." She hugs me and I lean into her warmth. We laid there until Kyla came home.

We dressed quickly and went outside the room.

"So what'd you guys do in there?" she asked.

"Nothing." we answered

"So those on her neck are nothing?" she says pointing to my neck. I run to the bathroom and see a humongous hickey there.

"Em!" I heard them both laughing their asses off. "Fine laugh it off. I'll get you back." Kyla stops laughing because she knows what I can do. After all I have been living with her for a few months. But Em keeps laughing. I grin evilly as she stops and leaves.

"What are you going to do?"

"Something" I answer. I was already thinking of ways to torture her. Not literally, but sexually. "She found out today."


"She's cool."

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