Chapter 2

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Chapter 2- Huh?

Emily's POV

I couldn't stop thinking about Grace. She had helped me and I can't stop thinking about her. Why would she help me? Bryan beat me for trying to break up with him. From what I remember, I passed out and I woke up In the middle of the alley. My parents almost went on a hunting spree to find out who hurt me when I came home. They were millionaires so I think they care more about their reputation than do to me.

Her gray eyes. They're so beautiful. She is so beautiful.Her auburn hair, her gray eyes, her thin hourglass figure, even in her rags called clothes she's beautiful. Her voice was raspy and cautious.

How long has she been there? Why was she there? Why did she help me? These questions keep running through my head. I didn't go to sleep. All my thoughts were on Grace. I got out of bed at eight. I quickly got ready and ran out the door and into my car. I was a student driver but since my mom and dad are millionaires they bought off the school I was being taught at to give me my license early. I drove to the alley where I saw Grace. I parked on the curb next to Walmart. I went to the alley and saw Grace sleeping peacefully in the corner. How was she comfortable? I moved her hair out of her face. She's just so beautiful. I moved away form her and sat a few feet away watching her. After another hour she woke up. When she saw me she literally screamed and jumped in fear. She pushed herself against the wall trying to get away.

"Grace! Calm down it's just me." I say. Then I add, "It's Emily." I saw her recognize me.

"Emily? From last night? Why would you come back?" she asked. That one question hurt me. "This is like the toughest place in the neighborhood."

"Then why are you here?" she opened her mouth to answer but she bit her lip.

"I was left here." she finally answered. I wanted to press for more information but the distant look in her eyes told me not to.

"Would you like to come get something to eat with me? We can go wherever you want."

"It's fine. I don't want to bother you or your family. And besides I'm not hungry." she says quickly. Her stomach growled loudly, betraying her words.

"Your hungry so your going to eat." I say to her in a firm voice. She sighs nodding her head. I take her to the McDonalds around the block. I order her a deluxe breakfast and myself an egg Mcmuffin meal. She ate fast as if she was starving. She stopped halfway through her meal. She ran to the restrooms and I chased after her. I slammed the door open after her and saw her puking in the toilet. I swallowed the bile building in my throat. She continued to throw up until her stomach was empty.

"It's okay. Your fine Grace." She trembles. "Come on I'm taking you to the doctor." I lead her to the car leaving our food on the table. I buckle her in as her breathing grows more heavily and faster. I sped all the way to my doctors.

"Hello I'm her to see Dr. Kyla." I say to the receptionist.

"Wait at the door over here." She points to the door a few down on the right. I lead a heavily breathing Grace over there. The door opens immediately after we sat. A boy with a broken leg walked out on crutches followed by his father. They walk away and Grace starts to hyperventilate. Kyla told us to come in immediately. She rummaged threw a few drawers and pulls out an inhaler.

Oh my god I'm so stupid. She's having a panic attack. Or is it an asthma attack. Or an anxiety attack. Anyways Grace was holding onto my arm so tightly that blood started seeping out of the small gashes her nails left there.

"Take a deep breath okay" Kyla tells her. She tries but almost ends up choking on the air. Kyla puts the inhaler in her mouth. "Breath in." Grace breathed in trying to do as instructed. "Out." They went over this process a few times. Finally Grace's breathing was back to normal.

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