Page 10.Heat {Updated}

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This was a story I made when  I first joined wattpad and I was knew to smut so i sucked at this part I finally decided to remake this part for y'all~

Flug's p.o.v

Months went by as me and black hat grew closer.Me being human I had heat once a few months.I slowly forgot about watching out for my heat.But of course forgetting had its perks....

I was in black hats office playing with the cats.As I played with them i felt a sudden burst of hot air.I didn't question it but I checked the thermostat.It was perfectly fine.I wasn't wearing much clothing but a t shirt and pants along with my bag.

I got nervous,black hat was gone on a business trip he was coming home soon.But that to me was a bad thing.I went to my room mystery followed me.When she got in I locked my door but I knew he would still be able to smell me.I thought about it,me and black hat have been together for a while.Maybe this isn't so bad...

I started looking my own sense almost wanting to unlock the door.But I kept my self from it...

No ones p.o.v

The demon walked through the dark halls as he looked at his folders.His eyes widened as his attention was quickly so where else.Somethine of honey and lavender filled the air causing him to let out a growl.Could dementia be in heat? Impossible...He tried to fight his instincts as he clawed the wall.This was one of the downsides of being an alpha...The smell of any omega in heat made him wild all he did was wanna find that smell and end it.He took a breath trying to calm down as he slowly walked to the smell.

He was confused when the smell past dementia's room.His eyes widened as his legs stopped in front of the doctors door.He had so many questions flood his mind but his mind kept making its way to the same one...He needed to get in that room...His nails clawed it slightly as he finally knocked, he smirked hearing a small yelp. Flug was debating weither to open the door.His mind told him no but his instincts told him 'Open the Damn door' he felt like he was boiling he wanted this heat gone NOW.

He slowly opened the door seeing his boss standing over him.He instantly felt regret 'Why the hell did he open the door!?' He growled slightly which surprised the demon.He smirked growling back but more rougher causing the small doctor to whimper.Blackhat felt pride in making the scientist submit to him.With this it was all about dominance. If Flug won blackhat would be unable to touch him without permission.But if he won he could pounce on him right here right now~

Just a note, a dominance battle is a battle between alpha and omega,usually happens when omegas are in heat or an alphas in rut.The 2 would try and make eachother submit to one another if one person does for instance the alpha submits the alpha would be unable to touch the omega.

And there was no way he was gonna lose, Flug backed up regretting opening the door.It was obvious blackhat had lost most control by now.And not to mention that he accidentally! Challenged his boss! But he couldn't lose...If he lost blackhat would probably break him. While the doctor was lost in thought blackhat decided to make a swift move stepping forward letting out a low growl catching Flug off guard as the small males instincts took over quickly stepping back with a small whimper.

Blackhat smirked making the doctor blush.Did he seriously just do that! If Flug did that again he would surely lose...Blackhat tried to move the male back once more but as he was about to step Flug let off a warning growl.Blackhat raised a brow as he retreated his move.Blackhat decided to have some fun for now before he went all in.But the scientist didn't have any time, his heat made him dizzy and fuzzy.He felt like passing out and bein near the devils offspring made it worse.

Blackhat noticed Flug trying to get his senses back as he quickly licked the doctors neck.Flugs eyes widened as he growled pushing blackhat away.Blackhat raised a brow it was obvious Flug was getting more determined.Blackhat growled quite annoyed, he let out a long growl as he stepped forward multiple step.Flug growled which didn't stop blackhat as he made the doctor back up until his body hit the bed. Blackhat leaned down about to bite at flugs neck as flug in one swift move grabbed the demons tie connecting their lips.

Flug wasn't gonna give in so easily and blackhat knew that..."Fine let's make a deal" Flug raised a brow confused."If I win I get to do whatever I want to you," Flug cut the demon off "And if I win you have to leave me alone, and you will not touch me" blackhat growled, he didn't agree to that but he had no choice but to agree.He nodded slowly as flug smirked, "Oh don't think so highly of yourself I can easily have you begg-" he was cut off as flug rubbed his leg against the demons clothed dick.Blackhat groaned out as he looked at a smirking Flug before letting out a growl.

The demon attacked the poor scientist's neck earning a soft moan.As the demon roamed around the small males neck he found a that made the scientist moan.Blackhat smirked as he pinned Flug to the bed.Flug struggled trying to get out of the demons grip.The demon smiled watching the poor doctor struggle to get up.The demon slid his hand under The doctors pants only making the doctor struggle more."L-Let go!" Flug growled out at blackhat but blackhat wasn't listening.Flug clenched his fist as the demon got a hold of the scientist's cock.

{I will never get used to saying that...}

Flug whimpered as blackhat slowly began moving his Hand up and down.Flug bit his lip trying to hold in moans, The demon stroked faster sending the poor male over the edge.His body was so small and fragile making his limit less then average.Blackhat smirked as he let go of the doctors member. Flug whimpered unhappy he stopped, "If you want me to continue you need to beg~" Flug paused before biting his lip.Was he seriously gonna give in already? He couldn't help it! He felt like he was boiling, and having blackhat above him only made it worse.

"P-Please, it hurts..." Tom shrugged, good enough. Blackhat leaned down licking the small males dick.Flug bit his lip as his eyes sealed shut.Blackhat took the scientist's dick in one who making Flug moan in pleasure.Blackhat couldn't help but smile at his mates cute noises.The demon took his mouth off flugs cock as he trailed kisses up to flugs neck before giving slight niggles on flugs neck.Blackhat couldn't help but have the urge to mark the omega.The demon let his urges get the best of him as he bit down hard on the doctors neck making Flug yelp and whimper in pain.

Black hate released flugs neck as he released what he did."Shit...I'm so sorry!" He said pushing himself off of Flug.Flug quickly grabbed blackhats arm pulling him back "N-No, P-Please continue just forget about it" the demon hesitated before nodding he wasn't sure if it was Flug talking or the heat but he didn't care he was horny as well.Blackhat pressed his lips against Flugs as he unbuckled his own pants.Flug yelped feeling something prod his entrance."You ready?" Flug quickly nodded making blackhat chuckle.Seeing Flug so needy amused him, Flug clenched the bedsheets feeling blackhat enter him.Tears pricked his eyes as he bit his lip holding in any signs of pain.

But the demon knew Flug was in pain, blackhat paused giving blackhat time to adjust.It was flugs first and blackhat didn't want it to hurt but blackhat couldn't help but wanna go his own pace.Flug nodded as the demon went a painfully slow pace.Flug hated the slow pace as he whimpered, "G-Go faster! P-Please" blackhat did as he was told Flug was his mate after all it was his job to make his mate happy.Flug let out moans of pleasure only making blackhat wanna go faster.He wanted his mate to moan his name and he soon enough got it. "B-Blackhat~ T-To fast~!" Flug moaned out.It was a little to much for flugs first,

"J-Just bare with me..." Flug nodded knowing blackhat was close and so was Flug.Blackhat nuzzled into flugs neck letting out soft grunts into flugs ear.Flug clawed at blackhats back before he yelped feeling something warm enter him.He clawed blackhats back leaving cut like scratch marks. Flug huffed trying to catch his breath and so was blackhat."Ready for round 2?" Blackhat smirked as flug sighed "G-Give me a sec" blackhat chuckled "Did I drain you that much?" Flug nodded "My ass is sore..." Blackhat couldn't help but laugh.

"At least your heats gone, Maybe because I'm so good at sex~" Flug glared at blackhat."You don't deserve a 2 round" blackhat whined "Awe please!" Flug sighe sitting up pushing blackhat down "Fine...But I'm in control" blackhat nodded as flug leaned down kissing blackhat on the lips.

This took forever to remake!
Mostly cause i gave up for a week ('•~•)

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