🧡 Oumeno+Amacha- Unexpected Date

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Idea was given by user yawnmeno on Tumblr!
AU: Non-despair
Pairings: Himiko x Kokichi, Rantaro x Tenko
Triggers: none

Himiko POV
I was quite excited! Why? Becouse Kokichi planned our first official date! We were going out right after school (Okay maybe not RIGHT after since we have to change our uniforms). But I got quite cute outfit ready so it whouldn't take long and we could go for it right away! Now it's time for school though... What a pain... I really wish I could just go with Kokichi but Tenko and Angie whould worry if I skipped day. Even if we are attending hope's peek and attending class is optional I kinda like to spend time with my classmates even though they are often a pain to deal with. I hate the fact that we have to wake up so early too...
Walking towards the classroom Tenko suddenly approached me and her loud voice almost scared me "Hey Himiko!" she was smiling as always. I was still a bit tired but I managed to respond "Hello Tenko" I yawned.
There was a small silence as we moved towards the classroom until she spoke up "Are you free today? I thought about meeting up with Angie and doing something together" she pulled out her phone in attempt to find something to do.
But I decided to stop it before she got excited "I do have plans today sorry". She seems a bit surprised "What are you doing?" she asked. Before I could say anything she started guessing "Do you have magic show prepared for today? Or did you overuse your mana again and need to regenerate or-"
"I'm going on a date with Kokichi" she was even more surprised than she was earlier but it's better that I didn't lie.
However I regret that I didn't say that it's something she shouldn't care about... "Really you are going to be alone with Kokichi!?" I noded she still wasn't used to us dating... It's annoying. Then Tenko proceeded to lecture me on why it's a bad idea and why I shouldn't trust Kokichi. As soon as I got inside the classroom I sat down and tried not to fall asleep while Tenko kept rambling.
When she was (finally) finished I looked at her with annoyed expression "Don't get me wrong Tenko but Kokichi is my boyfriend so I don't see why I shouldn't go"
"Still I don't trust him. I don't want anything bad happening to you! How about I tag along but just to be there in case something happens?" she kept insisting... This is bad... I need to tell Kokichi about it "I need to go back to my dorm I think I forgot something" I looked at Tenko and she believed me "Do you need my help?" she asked and I shook my head.
I decided to not waste more time and find him.

=> Time skip
I looked around the halls for him and there is no sign of Kokichi anywhere...
Just when I was about to give up someone hugged me from behind "I heard that someone was looking for me" I immediately looked towards source of the voice and it was Kokichi smiling. I was surprised that I didn't notice him sooner.
He saw my expression and his smile disappeared "Did something happen?" he asked while still hugging me. I sighed "It's just Tenko... She whouldn't stop talking on how she doesn't trust you" he quickly catched up "She wants to tag along on our date?" I nodded.
He thought for a moment his face lit up so he probably has an idea "Let her join us". I looked at him "What?" he then pat my head "Don't worry your pretty head about it. Just tell her to come I have an idea. Trust me she won't be bothering us" I have a bad feeling about this... But I agreed. Now I need to get back and tell Tenko about it.
Kokichi POV
I followed Himiko and we both entered the classroom. She went towards Tenko while I went to Rantaro.
"Heeey Rantaro can you do a favor for me?" I asked catching his attention "What do you need?" Rantaro a bit hesitantly asked. Since both Tenko and Himiko were in the room I couldn't risk them overhearing my plan. Even though it's nothing big I want it to be a surprise. So I signaled that I rather talk about it outside.
Not thinking twice he followed "So are you going to tell me what you need from me?"
"Can you join me and Himiko today" I said casually. Rantaro however seems to be a bit surprised "Wasn't that supposed to be a date?" he raised his eyebrow.
"Yup! But there is a third wheel that tries to prevent the date from happening soooo I'll need you to distract her" I ansvered like it was obvious.
"It's about Tenko isn't it?" I gave him a look of affirmation "I know that you like her" I said with teasing tone. Rantaro sighed "Whether I do or not it's none of your concern Kokichi"
"But you are my best friend how can I not care about your feelings?"
"Alright I'll do it" he put his hands up in defeat. I knew he'd agree to it sooner or later.

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