🧡 Saimatsu- Things We Forgot To Say

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KylinJinn was the person who requested it and I must say it took so long only cuz I had no motivation so sorry to keep you waiting!

AU: Non-despair
Pairings: Kaede x Shuichi
Triggers: Self-hatred (dunno if this trigger should be here but-)

3rd person POV
After graduation everyone moved on with their lives. Most of the students went their separate ways and one of those was Shuichi. Even though he still was pretty close friends with Kaito he didn't spend much time with him as they used to. But the real thing that was constantly bothering Shuichi was the fact that he didn't say to Kaede how he felt back when he had an opportunity to... Now he just regrets it since even though it was months since everyone parted ways he still felt something for her. Nobody knew where she was or what she was up to.
On top of that Shuichi felt lonely and his only distraction was work. He knew that it was pathetic what he did but at this point he just couldn't care less about being a waste of space.
He was exhausted and felt empty but he never gave up. Once in a while he'd meet up with Kaito and that's only time when he can forget how things turned out even if it wasn't that bad.
Today another full month passed after graduation and to Shuichi it was a day when he remembered every failure like every other month. Currently he was with Kaito in a ramen shop "What's wrong? Is it the usual?" he said calmly they both knew that yes it was 'the usual' and Kaito just couldn't stand it "Look man if you will just look back at everything you won't be able to move forward" he said it once again it almost felt like they were repeating same conversation over and over again but this time Shuichi's response was different "We both know you are right... Maybe it won't hurt to try..." as soon as he finished Kaito smiled "That's the spirit!" the two continued discussion but every once in a while Kaito was looking at his phone nervously. Shuichi of course noticed it "Is there something wrong?" he asked.
It caught Kaito off guard "What- no! Everything is fine!" he looked a bit surprised to wich Shuichi sighed "If you need to be somewhere right now I'm not stopping you"
"It's nothing really!" he said putting his phone back in his pocket. The two continued hanging out like nothing ever happened. Soon they parted ways yet again.
Shuichi started heading home and he took same route as allways.
As he passed by the park he heard a nostalgic tune... "Clair de Lune" it made him think even more about Kaede and it drove him crazy. It almost felt just like he was back at Hope's peek sitting in the music room next to Kaede who played it for him. But it couldn't be the truth. It just couldn't.
To prove it to himself he decided to follow the music he finally had to get ov-... Wait a second... she was there.
He couldn't belive his eyes he moved towards a woman playing on a keyboard on a park bench. Not controlling what he said or his movements he said "Kaede?" wich made the girl sit up and look at him.
She was super happy to see him "Shuichi!?" she stood up and hugged him "Oh my God it's you! So Kaito wasn't lying when he said you'd be here!" he hesitantly hugged her back.
That's when he realized that when Kaito was texting someone it was probably Kaede...
She freed him from her embrace and smiled "So how where you all the time I was gone?"
"Where were you even? Why didn't you say anything?" he felt kinda wierd asking so many questions out of the sudden but he needed to know.
"You didn't read my letter?" she asked a bit surprised
"what letter?" now she got him curious.
"I left it in your locker a day before we graduated. I didn't wanted to forget about it and also I thought it whould be better than leaving you sms... Not that I even could since my phone was broken! I also had a lot of rehearsals planned and couldn't even find time to see you in person" she looked away for a moment and smiled again "But I'm so happy to see you again. You have no idea how much I missed you!"
"I missed you too" he smiled hearing her voice was something he wanted to hear for so long.
"Okay so since you didn't read my letter I'll just say what was in it okay?" he just nods to it "It's kinda long so let's sit down" the two sat down on the bench.
Before she started to explain he spoke up "Kaede sorry to interrupt you but can I say something"
"You didn't interrupt me since I haven't even started yet but sure!"
He felt his heart beat like crazy he didn't had his hat on so he couldn't even try to hide his embarrassment. Still there was no way he'd back off now "I-I wanted to say that for a very long time and since we are talking about things we didn't say to each other..."
"I think I love you"
There was a moment of silence and after few seconds Kaede let out a sigh of relief "Gosh and here I thought I was going to be looking like an idiot as I tell you about my huge crush on you I still have" she laughed slightly after the statement. Now Shuichi was just stunned after her statement... His eyes were wide and he looked like he was about to say something. But no word came out of his mouth.
She put her hand on his shoulder "Shuichi are you okay?" by the tone her voice it was clear that she was worried. It brought him back to reality "I'm sorry I am just shocked you feel the same!" he looked away blushing as she giggled "So... That makes us a pair then?"

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