🧡 Chihimondo- First Steps

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Ok believe me when I say that I absolutely ADORE them... They are so cute! I wish I could make more content of this ship. You know since it's my OTP 💕💕💕... But I don't know how to write either of them so haHA- don't really remember who requested it though-

AU: Non-despair
Pairings: Chihiro x Mondo
Triggers: He/him Chihiro

3rd person POV

They just finished their little training session. It wasn't too intense, although they train for quite a while Mondo doesn't want Chihiro to overdo it.
This time he was more distracted than ever.
"Chihiro?" passing him a bottle of water Mondo wasn't sure what was going on but he could see that something was wrong.
"Y-yes?" he drifted away from his thoughts. Worried Mondo continued going with the most general question "Is somethin' wrong? You seem a bit distracted"
The question caught him off Guard "Ah... Uhm.. I just realized something" he said blushing "But you don't need to worry about it really haha... Can we change the topic?"
Well if this wasn't suspicious Mondo wouldn't know what is, however he doesn't want to force his friend to say something he isn't comfortable with "Alright... But just so you know, you can tell me anythin' I won't judge you" he smiled at him wich caused Chihiro's heart to skip a bit. He smiled back and nodded.
The atmosphere was akward, but in a wholesome way. There was a bit of silence before they decided to go back to the dorms. But before they entered the building Chihiro got suddenly enough courage to say it. He stopped at his tracks making Mondo look at him and he said "I think I'm ready to tell you another secret"
"Yeah?" he could feel how nervous Chihiro was and he could feel himself getting a bit nervous as well.
"I... Like you" he held Mondo's hand and looked in his eyes. Chihiro was ready for rejection, Mondo didn't know how to react. Programmer's determined look for answer wasn't making it easier for him to respond. He smiled unconsciously however no words could come out of his mouth for first few seconds.
"Mondo?" he tilted his head.
"Wait... You mean-"
"Don't make me repeat it!"
"Please, I want to hear it again"
Chihiro sighs but still repeats "I like you... In a romantic way" he was rather proud that he didn't stutter this time. Still didn't change the fact that he was indeed nervous. After few seconds Mondo chuckled "I guess we feel the same way huh? And here I was worried over nothin'"

Chihiro sat in the cafeteria along with his other classmates thinking about everything that happened recently. He was lost in thought thinking about his confession.
So far people don't know just yet about his secret... Well everyone besides his boyfriend- Mondo. Their relationship however wasn't something nobody knew about.
"Do you mind if I ask who confessed? How did it went?" Sayaka asked and Aoi followed up with "When did you even get to spend time together? I never saw you two talk much" Chihiro was getting slowly uncomfortable with all those questions and so Mondo had to step in "Can't you see that she doesn't wanna talk about it?" he glared at the girls "We're sorry. It's just that we're a bit curious that's all" Sayaka said with rather calm voice.
"Whatever just leave her alone"
"Wow if you aren't protective" Aoi teased
"Is it bad that I care about my girlfriend?" Mondo's voice was suddenly calm when he said it, he doesn't want to reveal Chihiro's secret on accident expecially because he was angry. He wasn't ready just yet and didn't tell Mondo that he's planning to do so soon. Until that Mondo won't say a word so he tries to keep his temper in check.
"Alright noted, but sooner or later you gotta tell us! But we're gonna leave you two alone" Sayaka added last comment before her and Aoi decided leave the table.
"Sheesh I didn't realize it would make such a fuss" as he sighed Mondo put his hand on Chihiro's shoulder "Are you okay?"
"Nothing really bad happened so I guess I'm okay" if there was something brighter than sunlight itself it was Chihiro's smile. It was also hard to not smile yourself when you see how happy he is so it definitely affected Mondo and mood of their conversation.
"By the way... Are we going to train today?"
"Well I thought about doin' something different today... If you don't mind"
"Huh? Do you mean a date?"
"O-oh" Chihiro let out a small laugh "F-for a couple we're still quite akward aren't we? But yeah! I'd love to"
"Alright so let's meet at our usual spot and go from there!"
"You mean you already planned everything!?"
"I have something in mind"
Chihiro was impressed, he thought that now was the time for them to discuss their soon date but turns out that Mondo was prepared. Now he was excited to see what's going to happen.

Waiting in front of the school gates Chihiro was still as excited as he was few hours ago when Mondo invited him out. He tried to guess what his boyfriend could think of but there were just so much possibilities...
It's definitely something casual, if it wasn't Mondo would give him directions to wear something specific. But still the list of possibilities is endless! He didn't have to wait long for his boyfriend to arrive so at least the suspense wasn't killing him.
The two were walking around and Chihiro couldn't believe how impatient he was, but that could be expected... After all it's his first date! Upon realizing it his confidence dropped a bit and Mondo wasn't indifferent to it.
"Are ya feelin' alright?"
"Um- Yeah I just... am a little bit nervous that's all" he avoids eye contact at all costs, he wasn't lying but it would just feel akward to face him... But this doesn't make things any better.
"We're almost there"
"Oh- that's nice" the awkward tension stays but only for a short while.
The date spot Mondo picked turned out to be an icerink, thus awkwardness was replaced with anxiety.
"I... Um... I can't exactly... Uh-"
"It's not as hard as it looks, you'll get it" he believed in his partner and his wide smile gave Chihiro enough confidence to try. Is it weird to fall in love with your partner every time you see each other smile? If it is call them both weird since that's how they felt.
After renting and putting on the ice skates Chihiro slowly makes his way towards the rink with Mondo supporting him all the way. Being this close made their hears beat the same beat... That was few times faster than their regular one. It was a sign that that date will surely be exciting one.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2021 ⏰

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