🧡 Saimeno + Amamatsu- Park Date

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I was holding onto this request for quite long... It was on Tumblr though so no @!

AU: Non-despair
Pairings: Himiko x Shuichi, Rantaro x Kaede
Triggers: none

3rd person POV
Shuichi and Himiko were spending time in the ultimate magician's dorm. She was practicing her magic but a sudden thought drove her focus away "Why do I feel like we forgot about something?"
Shuichi looked at her and thought for a while not recalling anything. That is untill a someone knocked on the door.
It was obvious that Himiko wouldn't stand up and check it herself so it was up to her boyfriend to open the door.
As soon as he did he saw Rantaro and Kaede "Hi Shuichi! You and Himiko didn't forget about our double date didn't you?" said the girl while holding a basket filled with snacks. Seeing the detective's expression it was easy to say that the answer to her question was 'yes'. Rantaro let out a chuckle "Listen if you and Himiko have better plans we can go some other time"
"We'll go" Himiko suddenly appears by Shuichi's side hugging his arm "but this park better not be far away... I'm not down with long walks" she yawned "unless you don't want to go at all" she looked at her boyfriend with that adorable and sleepy look on her face. He shook his head "It's okay"
"Then it's settled" she went back to her room and came back with many blankets, seeing that large fluffy tower Shuichi immediately took some off her hands. Kaede looked a bit confused "Why do you need so many? I think just two will do"
"I know but more will be more comfortable"
"You can of course bring more but do you really want to carry so many or risk multiple getting dirty?" Rantaro asked Himiko which caused her to drop more than half of the blankets she picked up "Nyeh... You're right" she said lowkey disappointed. After picking 3 blankets she felt ready to go.
They started walking towards the park and on their way they bought some drinks. It didn't take long to get there but Himiko felt quite exhausted shortly after setting everything up. Her head was on Shuichi's lap and she thought it was perfect.
"This spot is amazing... But I gotta admit I didn't realize it whould be so hot outside today..." Kaede sighed as she took one of the water bottles.
"I guess it could be worse. I think I hate it more when it's too cold than when it's too hot" Himiko spoke up.
"Woah I didn't realize you were awake" Rantaro said in surprised tone.
"It's not like I allways sleep..." she pouted wich caused him to chuckle "You're right, my bad" he paused "But I wouldn't blame you. This is just perfect time for a nap" he laid down but before he closed his eyes he decided to look at the clouds instead "Kaede look" he pointed at the sky while his girlfriend laid down next to him to see from his point of view. It was a cloud that was almost shaped like a note wich gave her an idea "Let's see who can find the most shapes! Of course in teams"
"Okay" Himiko and Shuichi said at the same time causing the mage to giggle.

he two pairs began their little competition. However Shuichi was the one who was doing the best job "Top hat, Dragon, knife, heart" he was fast but he did miss quite a bit
"Not fair..." Kaede sighed
"You challenged the ultimate detective to game that requires noticing stuff" Rantaro teased
"It doesn't- oh now that I think about it it actually makes sense" she said as she sat up
"I don't think that my talent has anything to do with it though... I guess imagination is more important here"
"If you are now going to argue let's just stop this topic" Himiko said annoyed "You're right it would be stupid- sorry!" Kaede laughed.
The couples continued joking around however due to them being so focused on their discussion they didn't notice that it started raining "Shit" Rantaro said under his breath "Guess we gotta wrap things up quickly" everyone started packing leftovers back to the basket. After that Himiko took one of the blankets in order to cover herself from the rain, of course she gave one for Rantaro and Kaede too while she shared hers with Shuichi. They tried to get to the dormitory as fast as possible once they made it back Shuichi asked "Did you forget to check the weather?" to wich Rantaro replied "I did... Maybe I checked the wrong day?" he tried to remember but he was cut off by Himiko "Whatever is the case I'm tired... I'll go my dorm..." she said with exhausted tone and shortly after she let out a weak smile "but I had fun... We should do it again sometime"
"I'll walk you back" Shuichi said worrying that she might collapse.
"Alright then! We'll take care of the blankets see you tomorrow!" with that they said their goodbyes and went separate ways.

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