🧡 Shinaga- Welcome On the Island

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AU: Non-despair
Pairings: Korekiyo x Angie
Triggers: none

Korekiyo's POV
The graduation was closer with each day and I admit I was starting to overthink future. After all I know that Angie will come back to where she came from and it probably ment that we were going to be separated just like that... I'm not sure if she whould be able to stand long distance relationship... Or even if I whould...
The thought of losing her was in my head for a while and I just couldn't help but feel sadness overcoming me wich she wasn't indifferent to "Kiyooo! Did you forget to stab a sickle into your window?" Ah that interesting custom on her more interesting island... The one she will be gone to...
"Kiyoooooo didya fall asleep? Don't ignore me or Atua will be sure to punish you" waving her hand in front of my face she tried to bring me back to reality wich worked.
"My apologies I just was thinking of something that's all" her expression didn't show much worry as she replied to my statement with "You look like you need to talk about it. I know that something was bothering you and don't even try to hide it becouse Atua told me that you need comfort"
I sighed as I looked at her "I'm unsure how things will go after we graduate Angie..."
I was surprised as I heard her laugh "Nyahaha why it's obvious! We will live on the island together after all Atua chose you to be my husband so I can't afford to lose you!"
"Are you sure about that?" I asked her with rather serious tone.
"Why whouldn't we? After all you always said that you wanted to come there someday so why not live there?" After she said so it doesn't sound like a bad idea. This was perfect opportunity to lern everything possible about their traditions and culture. On top of that I whould be able to live with someone who I feel like it's my Soulmate...

=> After Graduation and arriving to the island

Angie looked so happy to be finally here and I couldn't help but smile at how excited she was at that moment. Myself I was also excited to experience her culture and meet people here who seemed very interesting.
While Angie was showing me the way where we will be living from now I was paying a lot of attention to the surroundings and I didn't even notice when we got there "Isn't this island perfect? Aren't you happy to live here?" she asked as she turned towards me her back now facing front of the door of slightly bigger cottage compared to others around.
I smiled at her "Of course I am. After all you are here with me" she gave me a hug as she said "Aww I never knew you were so sweet!" before I could even hug her back she released me from her embrace.
"Well then let's go inside!" the two of us entered the cabin. It was very well decorated and it was safe to assume that most of decorations if not all were made by Angie. I looked around as Angie followed me around.
The cottage had perfect view on the beach as well as other beautiful aspects of the island.
"Tomorrow I will show you around the island! Isn't this exciting? We will also have a celebration becouse of our arrival! So better rest since there is so much to be done!" now that I think about it I didn't notice anyone around and it was quite surprising that people of this island didn't greet Angie. But I probably shouldn't overthink it.
The travel had me exhausted so I decided to go to sleep just as Angie suggested.

After getting ready when I was taking some blankets and moving towards the couch Angie stopped me "Where are you going the bedroom is that way" she said as she grabbed one of the blankets and continued speaking "We are living here now together it whould be unfair if I let you sleep on the couch. After all there is more than enough room for us to sleep in the bed together!" she looked like she had plenty of other ways to convince me and I pretty much knew what it was at this point so I decided not to argue back. After all it wasn't too big of a deal and I had nothing against it so the two of us ended sleeping in one bed.

=> Morning

"Kiyo wake up!" Angie said as she was hugging me. I opened my eyes and looked at her she was smiling but it was pretty clear that she was exhausted.
"Angie did you even sleep last night" I asked as she almost immediately replied "I couldn't sleep at all. I was too excited to show you around!"
"But how will you do so if you will be struggling to stay awake?"
"Atua will give me strength I need" she yawned while sitting up "I want you to see how beautiful it is in the morning so better get ready we are going" she said with enthusiasm and I really can't believe how she can have this much energy while speaking.
"I don't think it's a good idea Angie you need rest. You can always just show me how it looks in the mornings tomorrow" I placed my hand on her shoulder.
"That's sweet that you worry Kiyo but I'm going to be fine!" she stood up and she suddenly seemed less tired. Still it didn't remove my doubts and she could see that "I promise that once we get back I will rest"
After few seconds of thinking I decided to agree. The island isn't that big so it whouldn't take long for her to show me around.
So the two of us got ready and as we went outside the sunrise was first thing I saw. It was beautiful...
"Ah I'm so glad that we didn't miss it!" she said clinging to my arm as we walked towards the beach.
We took about 5 minute walk around it and she led me towards village afterwards explaining what is where. We met few people on our way but I didn't have any deeper conversation with them since Angie just introduced us and we exchanged few words.
Just like Angie said it was beautiful island but this sight could wait as I could say how exhausted she was. So I decided to carry her back to our cottage. She was okay with it and before I even got back she fell asleep in my arms.
I managed to get the doors open (with a small help of our neighbor who just happened to go outside) and placed her gently on the bed and covered her with a blanket.
I looked at her peaceful state and decided to leave the room.

=> few hours later
I was reading one of the books I took with me and heard Angie enter the living room "Did you sleep well?" I asked her "Yes" she said as she sat next to me "What did you think of the island?"
"Just like you said it's beautiful" I smiled at her and she seemed very happy about my statement.
"I'm so glad that you are happy here" she clapped her hands together "What do you want to do now?" she asked me. There wasn't a lot I could think of since when she was asleep I took a look around yet again so I don't think I needed more tours around "For now I think I rather stay here with you for a while. After all this evening our arrival celebration will begin" she gave me a hug and the two of us spent the afternoon in our cottage doing our thing as she told me a lot more about the island.

=> Evening
The beach was well decorated by everyone and so the two of us went outside. I got to know others better and everyone seemed to have fun. Angie was talking to others about her adventures in hope's peek while everyone carefully listened "Everyone was interesting in their own way and Atua even brought me to my Soulmate Korekiyo!" she said happily thanking Atua for letting it happen. We had almost everyone's attention on us. After the reunion and learning what was happening here and there the party itself just began. People were dancing as wonderful music played around Angie was with me entire time and the two of us had wonderful time.

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