🧡 Rantaro x F!Reader- Missed Schoolwork

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Another Tumblr request since I lately started accepting those

AU: Highschool
Pairings: Rantaro x (Female)Reader
Triggers: none
Reader is: a female, talkative and popular

3rd person POV
Ever since you have started high school you were making more and more friends and had pretty high reputation thanks to that. But there was this one boy you couldn't get to meet even though you were in the same class. His name was Rantaro. He was gone traveling for a month and a half. You were unsure where to since nobody provided you with that info.
It was pretty wierd to see him back again and his desk wasn't now allways empty. So it was your time to get to know him.
You approached him calmly "Hi" you had a smile on your face and his voice seemed a bit tired as he said "Hey there... Y/N was it?" nodding you smiled "And you are Rantaro?"
He chuckled "That's me... Do you need anything?" crap you didn't think this through. But you had quick idea on what to say "I noticed that you were gone for a while and I was wondering if you needed any help with missed schoolwork. I can send you all the notes" you offered and he chuckled "That whould be nice" you took out a pen and piece of paper and wrote your contact info and gave him it.
He jokingly announced "Wow first day here and I alredy got someone's number"
"Wow I didn't expect you to be a flirt but well I guess I shouldn't have judged you" you joked back but he didn't seem to get the joke
"Oh it's nothing like that. I just thought I could keep the conversation going with the comment. Guess I didn't think it through and it came out as it did huh?" he rubbed the back of his neck nervously laughing "It was fun talking to you no wonder everyone likes you"
You raised your eyebrow at the statement "How do you know that?" crossing your arms you became curious since how he possibly could know it. He pointed at one of the students in the classroom her name was Kaede "Me and her went to the same middle school and she just gave me some info about the school and kept me updated on what's up" Rantaro looked back at you and you realized something "Whouldn't that mean that you already have the notes?" you weren't mad but you wanted to know why he'd agree to you giving him notes if he already had them "Well you see I don't have the most recent ones and since you asked if I needed it I said yes" he shrugged "I hope I can use this number not just for school related stuff" he said while waving the little piece of paper you gave him earlier. You smiled at him "I also hope we can become friends if that's what you are suggesting" he nods "That's exactly it you got me" he slightly raised his both hands in joking manner.
"By the way do you need to see around the school? I mean I don't know this place too well either but it's better than nothing"
"Nah I'm good. I'll probably figure it out myself. But if you just want to spend more time with me I'll pretend I haven't said that" he chuckled. He sure does laugh often. Not that you mind since it's quite pleasant sound and it also lightens the mood...
"Well we can spend time in some other ways. For example you can te-" you were cut off by a bell. Funny even though your conversation topic was school you forgot that you were actually in school.
"I guess we'll have to finish this conversation later" he went towards his seat.

=> After class

As soon as bell rang yet again he approached me "So what you wanted to say earlier?" you tried to remember what it was "Oh right! You could tell me something about your travels. If you'd like to of course!"
"It wasn't anything big really nothing much to talk about" he was a bit nervous that you wanted to get to know him better but hey that's what getting to know each other is right? "Okay I won't push you but if you have any good stories from your trip I'd be glad to listen" you announced.
"I'll keep that in mind" he smiled at you. And then there was a bit of silence between you two normally you'd keep the conversation going but you didn't knew what to say at this point.
So you just agreed to leave the conversation. The rest of the day you didn't talk much and now that you think about it you didn't see him during any breaks either.
Untill it was time to go home you had plans with few of your classmates after school so you were in a hurry (since you got held back by one of the teachers) and you didn't notice when your phone fell out of your pocket.
The one who noticed that was Rantaro so he picked it up and yelled "Y/N you dropped your phone!" you turned around and saw him with your phone. He catched up to you and gave you your belonging back "Thank you" you took it from him and checked if it had any damage. Luckily it didn't but since you were in a rush you couldn't stay with him longer... Until you got an idea "Hey Rantaro do you mind joining me and few of our classmates today? We are going to the cinema but think fast cuz otherwise I don't think we'd get there in time" he just nods and the two of you managed to meet up with the rest on time (Kaede, Miu, Kaito and Shuichi)
"Took you long enough" Miu crossed her arms and noticed Rantaro "Oh nevermind I know what held you back for so long" she laughed and before she got to say anything Kaede cut her off "You could call us you know" she pouted. You were a bit confused "When I was about to head out-" you were cut off by Kaito "It doesn't matter now. I mean we all will be late if we don't get going now right?" all of you agreed and managed to get to the cinema on time. After watching the movie you just talked for a while while walking aimlessly and then getting some food. It was clear that everyone had fun and you got a bit closer to Rantaro.
Some time after you got back home you remembered that you had to send him the notes. You were a bit tired but it was just a few pictures. Beforehand though you needed him to text you since you couldn't do it yourself because you didn't had his number. So after some time you got a text from him.

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