🧡 Saimatsu- Right In Front Of Me

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I really loved this idea! It was kinda hard to find some non-obvious AU but instead of doing that I thought of something different~ still I couldn't think of how to make it a bit longer so sorry

AU: Soulmate- one of your eyes is the color of your soulmate's it goes back to normal after you see each other for the first time
Pairings: Kaede x Shuichi
Triggers: None

3rd person POV
Kaede was really happy with her life. However there was one thing she was missing... A person to share her life with.
Soulmates are something many people seek for. Many don't manage to find them but Kaede wasn't going to give up. She was very determined and tried many methods to find the one that was meant for her. But one unexpected thing happened... Her eyes were normal. That means she saw her soulmate and did look them in the eyes... When did she miss that?
She couldn't belive she missed meeting with her soulmate and felt like an idiot.
There wasn't many people she looked in the eyes... What if her soulmate just died and that's what triggered her eye color to change?
Or maybe she saw their eyes for split second. That's what she wanted to believe.
To be honest she missed having one different eye after all even though that color wasn't very lively to he it meant that she might meet the love of her life and know it's them.

Recently there was an information that a detective who managed to help people find their soulmates moved nearby. It gave her hope so she wanted to meet him as fast as possible.
The detective was none other than Shuichi Saihara. He was very skilled detective in many areas but the fact that he was able to find someone their other half without that much information was something that made him so popular.

Since he agreed to meet with her she was super excited. But there was one thing she didn't expect... His eyes were the same color as hers before she accidentally saw her soulmate.
Still she didn't question it after all there are a lot of people with grey eyes.
Little did she know he was surprised by the same reasons. Still he also didn't question it for the same reasons.
"Before we begin I need to make one thing clear" she paused "My soulmate has grey eyes"
He looked at her with a questioning and so she continued "I don't know if I had seen them or if something happened to them my eyes just turned like this one day and I don't know what to think of it" she sighed.
Even though it was too similar to what happened to him to be a coincidence Shuichi didn't wanted to assume things just yet.
"When did your eye color change?" he started to get a little nervous since depending on her answer this case might be easier than he thought.
"About three days ago. Don't know when exactly" she tried to remember but considering she doesn't look in the mirror too often she couldn't tell much.
"Where were you that day where you suspect your eyes had changed"
As he asked this question Kaede realized something... She had seen him before.

<= Three days ago

When Kaede woke up she felt like going for a walk. After all she can't waste aby time she could spend on finding her love! Few minutes of getting ready and she was outside. She also took sunglasses with her since it was rather sunny that day.
She looked around and saw so many couples and while being slightly jealous she was happy for those complete strangers. It got he to wander off again thinking of the magical moment of meeting her soulmate.
But her train of thought was stopped when she saw someone approaching her asking for a direction. By the tone of his voice it was safe to say that he was exhausted. His eyes were covered by sunglasses too but it also looked like the man tried to possibly hide his identity. Still she didn't question any of this and helped him out.
She didn't get to have a closer look but it didn't seem like he was up to no good...
She wasn't wrong but it was also the moment she missed that she waited so long to experience. When she came back home she noticed her eyes and that's the story.

=> Present

After hearing her story Shuichi was more than certain that he was the one who she saw and made eye contact with. He couldn't belive that he didn't recognize her even though it didn't took long since they had seen each other.
"Sorry if it will sound wierd but..." he spoke up clearly flustered. He didn't knew that he whould meet his Soulmate not like this at least. On top of that Kaede was such a beauty now that he got to look at her again...
"Go on" she smiled knowing what he alredy had to say. Though she wasn't sure she thought that he was the person she was looking for.
He was silent for a bit gathering his thoughts he tried to think of a way to tell her the truth.
"Are you okay?" she asked a bit confused by his silence.
"Ah sorry I just got lost in thought. What I meant to say is that I think I might be your soulmate" he could feel his heart beat faster after his statement. Kaede just smiled "That makes sense. I mean I do recall seeing you. I can't believe I didn't recognize you even though you were right in front of me" laughing it off she hoped to make things a bit less akward. His slight smile was enough to let her know that her plan worked.

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