💚 Tokomaru- Soulmate Will Always Find You

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This one was requested by LittleGalaxyFox if I remember correctly! I really want to write more stuff with Soulmate AU so I hope that's acceptable.

AU: Soulmate- you have a mark where your Soulmate will touch you for the first time- the mark disappears after your Soulmate touches you
Pairings: Komaru x Toko
Triggers: early mentions of Toko x Byakuya

Toko's POV
I allways hated where my mark was placed. I mean why do I have to have it right on my cheeks? It's quite embarrassing, but it's not like I'm anyhow pretty so it doesn't change my gross appearance. So I guess in the end it doesn't matter... The Soulmate thing isn't as fun as people might think it is.
People who you actually fall for end up having different Soulmates and what are you supposed to do? What if this crap isn't as accurate as people might think? This whole thing is just stupid and gives me a headache...
Right now I need something to do in order to forget. I was sure that Byakuya was my soulmate but I was wrong. Even though it's pathetic to dwell on something that just wasn't meant to be, I couldn't bring myself to leave my dorm. Expecially since I would have to face everyone if I did leave.
It wasn't that I was humiliated...

I decided to write. If I'm going to waste time here might as well-
"Toki are you there?" I hear a familiar voice along with knocking. It was definitely that idiot Komaru again with that nickname, just what does she want anyways? Why is she even here in the first place.
Ignoring her I go back to my writing and the banging got ever so louder, what a pain. I should just ignore it since she will insist to stay until she sees me smile.
I don't know what her deal is. Just like that she called myself her friend and no matter how many times I push her away she keeps trying. But at least she doesn't get touchy, that's one thing less that might annoy me.
"I know you're there! Stop ignoring me!"
"What do you want!?" I still refused to open the door.
"You can't lock yourself forever!"
"And who are you to say what I can and can't do?!" why can't she just leave alone already...
"Well, I'm not leaving" she didn't enter my room, she probably is waiting for me to open the door. As if, she can sit stand or whatever back there for all I care. She's the one who is going to waste her time not me.
I go towards the computer and begin planning the next novel. I hear some annoying sounds, this girl really wants to get on my nerves while I'm here heartbroken...
After few minutes the sounds stop, finally she's gone. I don't need anybody to cheer me up. I can do just fine on my own. It would be best if everyone just left me and forgot I ever existed.
I start tearing up, perfect I couldn't be more pitiful. Crying over a boy like it's the end of the world... I hear one more knock this one being a little more faint.
"Look I know you're hurt but... Just let me help you. I'm going to give you last chance. If you don't want my help then open the door and say that to my face" I need to do just that and I won't have to deal with her?
She must be plotting something but I don't have any other choice. I quickly wipe away my tears and go towards the door. After opening them I didn't even get to say a word and Komaru's hands were on my cheeks. I slap her hands away after a second and look at her... She had a wide smile across her face "Toko..." she grabbed my hands.
"W-what is it? And why are y-you getting so touchy all o-of the sudden?"
"We're Soulmates!"
I look at her shocked... No way she- I immediately go to the bathroom and look in the mirror... My marks... Are gone!?
Komaru followed me inside "Since when did you suspect it?" my voice was shaky. I was confused... I never thought about her that way and yet she decided to risk it and check if I was her Soulmate.
"I actually didn't. I loved you for a long time now and I couldn't just stand there when you were in such state!"
"You heard me! Don't make me repeat myself it's embarrassing"
"I am the one e-embarrassed here" I crossed my arms and looked away "To think that y-you were my soulmate all along"
I gave her a hug "And I never noticed... Chasing after someone who-" she hugged me back "Don't even mention him. What matters now is us".

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