💚 Ryoma x F!Reader- You Are My Sunshine

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I love Ryoma he is my favorite but writing this wasn't the easiest and I feel super bad cuz this oneshot is SO SHORT :(

AU: Non-despair
Pairings: Ryoma x (Female)Reader
Triggers: depression mentions?
Reader is: a female, optimistic and chubby

3rd person POV
Ever since graduation you were the only one who gave him a reason to move forward. Your smile was the most precious and he needed to make you happy, after all you chose him over anyone even though sometimes he can't believe it he is happy about it. The two of you were now moving together to rather small but cozy flat.
Though both of you are doing great job moving on... Sometimes things are still difficult. Lack of motivation was often putting both of you down.
Usually Ryoma was on the move since early morning, however today when you woke up he was just sitting on the other side of the bed looking at the ground the despair in his eyes wich was a sign for you to take action. Even though you still were half awake you sat up and embraced him.
Your sudden warmth brought him out of this despairing memory "Hey Y/N" he said looking up "Are you okay Ryoma? Do you want to talk about it?" you said alredy knowing the ansver. He let out a sigh "Just something I remembered we were kinda through this conversation more than once by now so I don't think there is anything to talk about really"
"Good point, but I can't just sit here and watch as you suffer" he didn't answer and took some seconds to think. However his train of thought stopped quite quickly "Well but there isn't much to be done about it. I know it's kinda uncool to let my past drag me down for so long" he paused and looked at you "Expecially since my future is going somewhere thanks to you" he placed his hand on your cheek and you smiled "You know you are allowed to feel sad. Heck I don't even blame y-"
"You don't need to say more Y/N. I know where you are going with this"
To bright up the mood you decided to joke a little bit "I'm not going anywhere with anything! I'm going to stay here and hug your worries away" you said not letting him go of your embrace. The joke worked but he brought you back to reality "We will have to get out of bed at some point you know that right?" he laughed, wich was a sign to you to continue with joking around "Oh my did I hear a laugh from non other than Ryoma Hoshi? I never thought it was possible!" you gasped.
"Come on do I really laugh THAT rarely?"
"Chuckle quite often yes, but a real laugh is more of a challenge" you explained.

Whatever you say Y/N" he shook his head but he was happy and you could tell by the look of his face "Now let me go so I can make us some breakfast"
"Can't it wait?" and now your stomach had the best timing to growl.
"Looks like it can't, but don't worry after that you can get all the cuddles you want" he promised as you let him go.
You followed him after stretching yourself and so you prepared breakfast together. As you were done eating you sat down on the couch and you got your promised cuddles as you watched TV. It was just the best. You just love it when you have days off. The only "bad thing" was that nothing productive whould come from such day. Both of you often just want to take a break from everything from time to time and it's normal. After all you deserve a mental break. Ryoma couldn't possibly understand you more and thinking that you are together just puts a smile on your face almost automatically.
Your future looked more bright with each day, he allways made sure you took care of each other, you allways made sure you take care of your shared flat. The most important however was the fact that both of you were allways making each other happy no matter what obstacle stood on your way.

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