🖤 Amacha- When Did This Happen?

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Requested by The_Real_Monokuma I hope you like it! I really love writing for this ship since it needs so much more growth and thanks to that I don't have much problems making it longer!

Before you proceed this chapter contains spoilers (for secret event and game itself) so if you want to avoid those I recommend not going any further.

AU: None
Pairings: Rantaro x Tenko (platonic)
Triggers: Character death

3rd person POV
Tenko was walking around the 'school' wondering what she was going to do. The killing game began. She could feel safe around girls but many of the male students made her feel nervous. Thinking that even though she might probably win a fight with them if they try anything she can't deny possibility of surprise attack. The anxiety was slowly killing her from the inside, however she remained her energetic self. She had to, otherwise she could lose herself to despair and do something regrettable.
As she continued exploring on her own she felt someone tap her shoulder. She immediately grabbed that person's hand and threw them on the ground. After seeing her attacker's face- wich was Rantaro she yelled "YOU TRIED SOMETHING YOU FILTHY DEGENERATE!?"
Sitting up he rubbed his back in pain "No... I just was wondering what you were doing here all alone. After all it's quite dangerous, but I see that you are more than capable of self defense" he looked at her "I guess it's my bad for approaching you in such way though..."
"Ugh of course it is" she crossed her arms. Rantaro stood up "Well I guess I'll get going since you neither need help nor you want me around"
"What's with me needing any help? Do you think I need someone like you to guard me!?"
"I'm sorry that I didn't wanted anyone wandering off on their own" he said annoyed.
"You can't expect me to believe that! You can be plotting something and acting like you mean well"
"You have a point I might not seem trustworthy. I'll leave you to whatever you were going to do, goodbye" with that he left.
She felt uneasy around him but now she felt even worse alone, although her pride didn't let her admit to her mistake. She decided to finish exploring at that and tried to take her mind off everything. So she thought that exercise was in order.
Running around the building she thought about her encounter with Rantaro wich was exactly the opposite of what she wanted. It made her even more angry "Stupid degenerate... Thinking that I need help. If someone he needs it more! The audacity!" she started running faster "Who does he think he is!"
"Tenko?" she heard someone call her name out once she turned towards source of the voice it ended up being Kaede. Her angry expression quickly changed into a smile "Hello Kaede! What are you doing out here?"
"I was about to go to my room but I noticed you here all alone so I came by to check on you. After all it's dangerous to be all by yourself at times like these"
"Aww you are so considerate! Unlike that degenerate..." she crossed her hands. The pianist's curiosity took over as she decided to ask "Huh? Did something happen earlier?"
"That guy with green hair- what was his name again...?"
"Yeah him! He just came up to me and said that he was 'wondering what I was doing all alone' and I know better than that to believe him. He definitely was plotting something!"
"How can you know for sure?" Kaede tilted her head "I know what kind of situation we are in but if we're going to suspect everybody then we can't move forward"
Tenko fell silent and tried to think through her actions. Seeing her suddenly lost in thought Kaede quickly said "But if you want to suspect him it's okay! After all nobody can know who you can trust without doubts"
"You're right" Tenko looked at her "He just gives off this suspicious aura... I mean we don't even know his talent! He definitely does hide something but don't worry if anything happens I will protect all the girls!"
"Of course you will" Kaede smiled "Sorry but I'll have to leave you now I'm pretty exhausted" the pianist fake-yawned.
"Sleep well!!!" Tenko said energetically before she parted her ways with Kaede. She continued her small exercise and thought yet again of what Kaede said to her.
"I must keep an eye on him so he has no time to strike!" she thought loud "But how do I do it? Follow him?" she had no idea what to do next. However she decided to look for him right away.
"Earlier he just came out of nowhere and now I can't find him anywhere!" she continued her search. When she finally found him he decided to walk in the opposite direction.
"HEY!" Tenko shouted making him turn around "Are you talking to me?"
"Who else?" she said and quickly realized that she didn't know what to say.
"Alright then, what do you want?" he asked, although earlier he was annoyed now his voice was calm and collected.
She got an idea it was rather risky but she decided to swallow her pride "I wanted to apologize for snapping at you earlier" he didn't expect to hear that from her but he didn't wait to answer "I guess we're both to blame. I should have called for you like you just did instead of surprising you" he smiled at her and she smiled back "Well I'm glad we settled that out, I'll be on my way" he turned around but she quickly grabbed his hand "WAIT! Let me go with you"
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah! After all I think I proved last time that you are pretty defenseless... and I don't want to worry about someone more than I have to" the last part was quite hard for her to say. After all saying stuff like that when you don't mean it was never easy.
"Well I can't stop you if you want to go with me"

Sweet' she thought as she noticed that her plan was working. She was just following him around as he felt quite uneasy feeling her staring at him in silence.
The two heard voices coming from the game room. Rantaro decided to enter it thinking that whoever was there could get rid of the akward silence between him and Tenko.
"Rantaro, Tenko! Look Tsumigi did my nails for me!" Kaede said showing off her nails "Whaaa!? Don't show them off like they are something flashy!"
Despite Tsumigi's request Tenko got closer to take the look "So cuuuute!"
"See Tsumigi! Tenko agrees they are adorable!"
"They are not that amazing..."
"Ooh painting your nails, huh? You know, I can do that too" Rantaro admitted and the girls turned towards him.
"You can!? But you're a boy" Kaede asked lowkey surprised.
"Could it be you've done it for your girlfriend? Or girlfriends? Y-"
"Wait! Pause!" Tenko said crossing her arms "Let him speak becouse I don't want to even think of those possibilities!"
"Are you jealous?" Kaede teased.
"Wha-? Why would I be??" Tenko looked at Kaede.
"Well either way that's not the case. No girlfriend or anything. What gave you the impression?" he stopped Kaede and her further teasing. Even though they just made up he still could feel that Tenko felt uneasy around him and he didn't wanted it to get worse.
"Yeah I guess you wouldn't have one. You seem like one of those types" Tsumigi spoke up "I was just messing around earlier"
"Wait what do you mean by those types?" Kaede was confused.
"A gradient is nice" Rantaro thought out loud "But with nails like yours Kaede, I recommend a French slant"
"French slant? Is that some kinda cooking technique?" both Kaede and Tenko said at the same time. Kaede giggled shortly afterwards.
"Haha no it's a kind of design" he explained "It will be faster to just show you. May I?"
"You'll do it for me? Then yes, please!"she seemed excited.
"Alright then" he got closer to Kaede and began working on her nails.
"Do you mind being still?" he asked and she immediately corrected herself.
Tenko looked quite annoyed "Hey Tsumigi" when Tsumigi faced her she continued "Can you do my nails too?"
"What?" she asked surprised "I really love the way you did it for Kaede and I want something like that too! Unless you don't want to..."
"No it's oka-"
"Wow! It looks amazing!" Kaede said excited "Maybe you are actually the ultimate Nail artist!"
"Tsumugi, Tenko look!" she showed it off yet again.
"I'm glad you like it, but I think you are overreacting a little bit" he smiled awkwardly.
"Stupid normies..." Tsumugi said under her breath and left.
"Wait don't leave!" Tenko tried to stop her but it wasn't enough "Damn I wanted cute nails too..."
"I can do yours too if you want" he suggested.
"I guess it will do" she sighs. She really wanted her nails done by Tsumigi.
"I'll leave you two be if that's the case" Kaede winked "NO" Tenko shouted but it was for nothing since Kaede just smiled and closed the door of the game room.
"Listen if you're not comfortable being with me alone I understand. You don't need to act Tenko" he said in rather serious tone.
"I don't know what you're talking about" she looked away.
"Yeah you definitely don't" he rolled his eyes.
"I want to get along with you. I just don't know what to do or say" she didn't knew anymore whether she was lying or not. After all her first goal was to keep an eye on him. She told herself that he's the enemy and acted rather hostile yet all he did was understand her? It might have been just a bunch of empty words but she didn't feel like that was the truth.
"Let's try this again okay?" she requested before reaching her hand out "I'm Tenko Chabashira! Ultimate Aikido master! What's your name?"
He looked at her hand, smiled, then shook it "Rantaro Amami, I can't remember my talent but I hope that's not a problem for you"
"You can't remember?" she pretended to be shocked "Then let's help you remember together!" the two laughed after that little act and carried on.
"Do you still want me to do your nails?"
"Absolutely!" she paused and realized something "Wait... Kaede took the nail polish" she looked disappointed.
"Well we can do something else"
"Like what?"
He thought for a while "Doesn't your hair get in your way while you train? I can show you few hairstyles that will both look cute on you and won't be an inconvenience. And if you want to keep them long I can do something more special"
"That sounds great!"


"A Body has been discovered!"
Tenko immediately looked at the nearby screen. Just looking at that bear made her want to punch it but now something more important is happening.
"Everyone, please gather in the library!"
"Oh no..." she looked at the corpse.
"W-why?" she murmured as her eyes started tearing up "Why does it hurt so much?" she thought.
"It's a joke, right?" There was no mistaking it. It was Rantaro. Someone who she talked to, laughed with... Is no longer alive.
She wanted to break down but considering everyone was there too she couldn't allow herself to be weak.
"Tenko?" Tsumigi said looking concerned. As a response she wiped away her tears and smiled at her like nothing ever happened "Do you need something Tsumigi?"

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